Pentru alte sensuri, vedeți Mohawk River (dezambiguizare).
Râul Mohawk
Date geografice
EmisarRâul Hudson  Modificați la Wikidata
Date hidrologice
Lungimea cursului de apă240 km  Modificați la Wikidata
Date generale
Țări traversateStatele Unite ale Americii  Modificați la Wikidata
AfluențiSchoharie Creek[*][[Schoharie Creek (river in New York, USA)|​]], Oriskany Creek[*][[Oriskany Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], West Canada Creek[*][[West Canada Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], East Canada Creek[*][[East Canada Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Sauquoit Creek[*][[Sauquoit Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Bunn Creek[*][[Bunn Creek (watercourse in the Northwest Territories, Canada)|​]], Budlong Creek[*][[Budlong Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Knauderack Creek[*][[Knauderack Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Briggs Run[*][[Briggs Run (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Mother Creek[*][[Mother Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Caroga Creek[*][[Caroga Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Kayaderasseras Creek[*][[Kayaderasseras Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Cayadutta Creek[*][[Cayadutta Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Evas Kill[*][[Evas Kill (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Compaanen Creek[*][[Compaanen Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Chuctanunda Creek[*][[Chuctanunda Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Degraff Creek[*][[Degraff Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Chaughtanoonda Creek[*][[Chaughtanoonda Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Verf Kill[*][[Verf Kill (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Flat Creek[*][[Flat Creek (stream in New York)|​]], Steele Creek[*][[Steele Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Lisha Kill[*][[Lisha Kill (river in the United States of America)|​]], Wells Creek[*][[Wells Creek (river Tributary)|​]], Sixmile Creek[*][[Sixmile Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Ninemile Creek[*][[Ninemile Creek (river in New York, United States)|​]], Crane Creek[*][[Crane Creek (river in New York, United States)|​]], Wood Creek[*][[Wood Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Dove Creek[*][[Dove Creek (river in New York, United States)|​]], Beaver Brook[*][[Beaver Brook (river in New York, United States)|​]], Crum Creek[*][[Crum Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Lasher Creek[*][[Lasher Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Nowadaga Creek[*][[Nowadaga Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Otsquago Creek[*][[Otsquago Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Canajoharie Creek[*][[Canajoharie Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Yatesville Creek[*][[Yatesville Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Van Wie Creek[*][[Van Wie Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Fulmer Creek[*][[Fulmer Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Deans Gulf[*][[Deans Gulf (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Terwilleger Creek[*][[Terwilleger Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Sandsea Kill[*][[Sandsea Kill (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Auries Creek[*][[Auries Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], South Chuctanunda Creek[*][[South Chuctanunda Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Hurlbut Glen Brook[*][[Hurlbut Glen Brook (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Decks Creek[*][[Decks Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Shakers Creek[*][[Shakers Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Delphus Kill[*][[Delphus Kill (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Burch Creek[*][[Burch Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Timmerman Creek[*][[Timmerman Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Reall Creek[*][[Reall Creek (watercourse in the United States of America)|​]], Alplaus Kill[*][[Alplaus Kill (stream in Schenectady County, United States of America)|​]], Blue Brook[*][[Blue Brook (river in New York, United States of America)|​]], Bonny Brook[*][[Bonny Brook (river in the United States of America)|​]], Bridenbecker Creek[*][[Bridenbecker Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Danascara Creek[*][[Danascara Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Haynes Brook[*][[Haynes Brook (river in the United States of America)|​]], McMullen Brook[*][[McMullen Brook (river in the United States of America)|​]], Stringer Brook[*][[Stringer Brook (river in the United States of America)|​]], Wheelers Creek[*][[Wheelers Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Washout Creek[*][[Washout Creek (river in the United States of America)|​]], Pratt Creek[*][[Pratt Creek (River in New York, United States)|​]], Starch Factory Creek[*][[Starch Factory Creek (River in New York, United States)|​]], Sterling Creek[*][[Sterling Creek (River in New York, United States)|​]]  Modificați la Wikidata

Râul Mohawk sau Mohawk River este unul dintre principalele căi de transport pe apă în regiunea centrală a statului New York. Râul parcurge ca. 230 km de la Oneida County spre sud-est până la Albany unde Mohawk se varsă în Hudson River, după ce a traversat localitățile Schenectady, Amsterdam, Utica și Rome. Râul are pe traseul său o serie de canale de legătură ca de exemplu „New York State Barge Canal” prin care leagă Hudson River de Canalul Erie, portul New York și Marile Lacuri. Râul a fost timp îndelungat un mijloc important de transport în timpul colonizării Americii de Nord spre vestul SUA. Râul traversând munții Appalachian Mountains. Pe cursul lui au avut loc bătălii importante între trupele franceze și amerindieni, sau în timpul Războiului de independență al Statelor Unite ale Americii.