Premiile Attila József sunt premii literare acordate anual scriitorilor maghiari începând din 1950. Ele poartă numele poetului maghiar Attila József. În afară de premiul Attila József, alte premii literare prestigioase acordate scriitorilor maghiari sunt Premiul Kossuth și Premiul Baumgarten.


Printre laureații notabili se numără:
  1. ^ Albert Tezla Hungarian Authors; a Bibliographical Handbook - - 1970 Page 316 Képes Géza "Awarded Attila Jozsef Prize in 1952."
  2. ^" Magda Szabo Obituary
  3. ^ International Who's Who in Poetry Europa Publications 2005 2004 - Page 368 "Sándor Csoóri... korom alatt (A Thorn under the Fingernail), Hoszakadas (Snow-Storm), Nincs ido (No Time Left). Honours: Attila Jozsef Prize 1954, Cannes Film Festival Prize 1964, 1968, Herder Prize 1981, Kossuth Prize 1990, Eeva Joenpelto Prize 1995."
  4. ^ Adam Makkai In Quest of the 'miracle Stag': The Poetry of Hungary - 1996 "In 1960 she was awarded the Attila Jozsef Prize. Toward the end of her life she consciously chose to return to her Gypsy past and to folksongs expressive of love for nature.
  5. ^ McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Drama Stanley Hochman - 1984 "... Attila Jozsef Prize. Illes's career as playwright can be divided into two distinct periods, separated by a decade of silence (1946-1957)
  6. ^ New Directions in Prose and Poetry 35 James Laughlin - 1977 - Page 158 "Was awarded the Attila Jozsef prize for poetry in 1963. "
  7. ^ Suleiman, Susan Rubin; Forgács, Éva (). Contemporary Jewish Writing in Hungary: An Anthology. p. 195. ISBN 0803242751. 
  8. ^ International Who's Who in Poetry 2005. . p. 579. ISBN 185743269X. 
  9. ^ Contemporary East European Poetry: An Anthology Emery Edward George - 1993 -- Page 473 "For her first two poetry collections: Jdslatok es hatdridok (Prophecies and Deadlines, 1981) and Tovdbb egy hdzzal (One House Up, 1987), she won the Attila Jozsef Prize in 1987.
  10. ^ Gabor Gyukics. „Zsófia Balla”. Jewish Women's Archive. Accesat în . 
  11. ^ Kristály Lehel (). „György Attila József Attila-díjas”. Székelyhon. Accesat în . [nefuncțională]