Anopheles braziliensis

specie de insecte

Anopheles braziliensis[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16][17][18][19][20] este o specie de țânțari din genul Anopheles, descrisă de Carlos Chagas în anul 1907.[21][22] Conform Catalogue of Life specia Anopheles braziliensis nu are subspecii cunoscute.[21]

Anopheles braziliensis
Clasificare științifică
Regn: Animalia
Încrengătură: Arthropoda
Subîncrengătură: Hexapoda
Clasă: Insecta
Ordin: Diptera
Familie: Culicidae
Gen: Anopheles
Specie: Anopheles braziliensis
Nume binomial
Anopheles braziliensis
Chagas, 1907

Anopheles pessoai Galvao & Lane, 1937


  1. ^ Arkell, W. J., Kummel, B. & Wright, C.W. (1957) , Mesozoic Ammonoidea. Pp. 80-437. In Moore, R. C. (ed.),Treatise of Invertebrate Paleontology, Part. L. (Mollusca) 4, xxii+ 490 pp. Geological Society of America & University of KansasPress, Lawrence [1957.??.??]
  2. ^ Stuckenberg, B. R. (1956) , New species of Atherimorpha White from South Africa (Diptera: Errinidae). Proc. R. Ent. Soc. London (B) 25: 142-148.[1956.08.17]
  3. ^ Handlirsch, A. (1884) , Zwei neue Dipteren. Abh. Zool-Bot. Ges. Wien 34: 135-142, pl. 5.[1884.??.??]
  4. ^ Hendel, F. (1902) , Strongylophthalmus, eine neue Gattung der Psiliden (Dipt.). Wien. Ent. Ztg. 21: 179-181. [1902.09.05]
  5. ^ Lepechin, I. I. (1783) , Tagebuch der Reise durch verschiedene Provinzen des Russichen Reiches im Jahr 1771. Aus dem Russichen ubersetzt von M. Christian Heinrich Hase. [ii] + 234 pp., 17 pls. Richter, Altenburg.
  6. ^ Macquart, P. J. M. (1844) , Notice sur les differences sexuelles des Dipteres du genre Dolichopus, tirees des nervures des ailes. Ann. Soc. ent. France (2) 2: 17-186, 2 pls. [1844.??.??].
  7. ^ Hull, F. M. (1958) , Tertiary flies from Colorado and the Baltic amber. Psyche 64 (1957): 37-45. [1958.??.??]
  8. ^ Lehr, P. A. (1991) , Revision of robber flies of the genus Choerades Walker, 1851 and notes on the structure of the subfamily Laphriinae (Diptera, Asilidae). Ent. Obozr. 70: 694-715. [1991.??.??]
  9. ^ Scarbrough, A.G. & Rutkauska, P.R. (1983) , A new species of Ommatius (Diptera: Asilidae) from San Salvador, the Bahamas. Proc. Ent. Soc. Wash. 85: 144-151. [1983.??.??]
  10. ^ Joseph, A. N. T. & Parui, P. (1991) , On some Asilidae (Diptera) present in the B.P. Bishop Museum, Honolulu 3. Rec. Zool. Survey India. 88: 241-253. [1991.??.??]
  11. ^ Joseph, A. N. T. & Parui, P. (1993) , Asilidae (Diptera) from Goa, Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Rec. Zool. Survey India. 92: 99-106. [1993.??.??]
  12. ^ Cockerell, T. D. A. (1915) , A fossil fungus-gnat. Can. Ent. 47: 159. [1915.05.08]
  13. ^ Lyneborg, L. (1968) , Diptera Brachycera et Cyclorrphapha. Zool. Faroes. 42a, 79 pp. [1968.??.??]
  14. ^ Lyneborg, L. (1973) , On some Chyromyidae from southern Spain, with description of three new species (Insecta, Diptera). Steenstrupia. 3: 51-56. [1973.??.??]
  15. ^ Czerny, L. (1900) , Neue osterreichische Dipteren. Wien. Ent. Zeitg 19: 180-182. [1900.??.??]
  16. ^ Mik, J. (1900) , Ein neuer Thinophilus (Dipt.) von Sardinien. Wien. Ent. Zeitg. 19: 79-82. [1900.??.??]
  17. ^ Marshall, S. A. (2009) , A monotypic new genus of micropezid fly from Brazil (Diptera, Micropezidae, Taeniapterinae. Stud. Dipt. 15 [2008]: 189-192. [2009.09.14]
  18. ^ Statz, G. (1941) , Plagegifter aus dem rheinischen Braunkohlenwalde. Rhein. Naturfreund 5: 1-16. [1941.??.??]
  19. ^ Lane, R. S., Poinar, G. O., Jr. & Fairchild, G. B. (1988) , A fossil horsefly (Diptera: Tabanidae) in Dominican amber. Florida Ent. 71: 593-596. [1988.12.??]
  20. ^ Brunetti, E. (1924) , Nouvelles especes de Stratiomyidae de l'Indo-Chine recueillies per M. R. Vitalis de Salvaza. Encycl. Ent. Ser. B (II) Dipt. 1: 67-71. [1924.09.30]
  21. ^ a b Bisby F.A., Roskov Y.R., Orrell T.M., Nicolson D., Paglinawan L.E., Bailly N., Kirk P.M., Bourgoin T., Baillargeon G., Ouvrard D. (red.) (). „Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life: 2011 Annual Checklist”. Species 2000: Reading, UK. Accesat în . 
  22. ^ Systema Dipterorum. Pape T. & Thompson F.C. (eds), 2011-01-06

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