Bibliografia lui Michael Moorcock

Aceasta este bibliografia scriitorului american de fantasy și science fiction Michael Moorcock.

Seria Eternal Champion

  • The Eternal Champion (1970) – revizuit 1977
  • The Sundered Worlds (1965) – aka The Blood Red Game (1970)
  • Phoenix in Obsidian (1970) – aka The Silver Warriors (1973, SUA)

von Beck

  • The War Hound and the World's Pain (1981)
  • The City in the Autumn Stars (1986)
  • The Dragon in the Sword (1986)
Romane asociate
  • The Brothel in Rosenstrasse (1982)

History of the Runestaff / Hawkmoon

  • The Jewel in the Skull (1967) – revizuit 1977
  • The Mad God's Amulet (1969) – revizuit 1977, aka The Sorcerer's Amulet (1968, SUA)
  • The Sword of the Dawn (1969) – revizuit 1977, aka Sword of the Dawn (1968, SUA)
  • The Runestaff (1969) – revizuit 1977, aka The Secret of the Runestaff (1969, SUA)
  • The Warlord of the Air (1971, SUA) – aka The War Lord of the Air (1971, ediție cenzurată în Marea Britanie și restaurată pentru seria „Nomadul timpului”)
ro. Amiralul văzduhului - editura Aldo Press 1995, traducere Mihnea Columbeanu
  • The Land Leviathan (1974)
ro. Leviatanul terestru - editura Aldo Press 1995
  • The Steel Tsar (1981) – revizuită succesiv pentru seria „Nomadul timpului”

Saga originală

  • Elric of Melniboné (1972) – aka The Dreaming City (1972, SUA, ediție neautorizată)
  • The Sailor on the Seas of Fate (1976)
  • The Weird of the White Wolf (1977) – culegere de povestiri
  • The Sleeping Sorceress (1971) – aka The Vanishing Tower (1977)
  • The Bane of the Black Sword (1977) – culegere de povestiri
  • Stormbringer (1965) – revizuit 1978

Romane recente

  • The Fortress of the Pearl (1989)
  • The Revenge of the Rose (1991)

Dreamquest / Oona von Bek

  • The Dreamthief's Daughter (2001)
  • The Skrayling Tree (2003)
  • The White Wolf's Son (2005)

Culegeri de povestiri

  • Elric at the End of Time (1984)
  • Michael Moorcock’s Elric: Tales of the White Wolf (1994)
  • Pawns of Chaos: Tales of the Eternal Champion (1996)

Nuvele grafice


The Roads Between the Worlds

  • The Wrecks of Time (1967) (SUA, ediție cenzurată) – aka The Rituals of Infinity (1971) (Marea Britanie, ediție necenzurată)
  • The Fireclown (1965) – aka The Winds of Limbo (1969)
  • The Twilight Man (1965) – aka The Shores of Death (1970)

Swords / The Coming of Chaos

  • The Knight of the Swords (1971)
  • The Queen of the Swords (1971)
  • The King of the Swords (1971)

Prince with the Silver Hand

  • The Bull and the Spear (1973)
  • The Oak and the Ram (1973)
  • The Sword and the Stallion (1974)

Sailing to Utopia

  • The Ice Schooner (1969) – revizuit 1977, 1986
ro. Schoonerul gheții - editura Multistar 1994

Warrior of Mars / Kane of Old Mars – sub pseudonimul Edward P. Bradbury

  • Wariors of Mars (1965) – aka City of the Beast (1970)
  • Blades of Mars (1965) – aka Lord of the Spiders (1971)
  • Barbarians of Mars (1965) – aka Masters of the Pit (1971)

Dancers at the End of Time

  • An Alien Heat (1972)
  • The Hollow Lands (1975)
  • The End of All Songs (1976)

The Chronicles of Castle Brass

  • Count Brass (1973)
  • The Champion of Garathorm (1973)
  • The Quest for Tanelorn (1975)

Jerry Cornelius


The Cornelius Quartet

  • The Final Programme (1968) – cenzurat în SUA, revizuit 1979
  • A Cure for Cancer (1971) – revizuit 1979
  • The English Assassin (1972) – revizuit 1979
  • The Condition of Muzak (1977)

A Cornelius Calendar

  • The Entropy Tango (1981)
  • The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle (1980)
  • The Alchemist Question (1984)
  • Firing the Cathedral (2002)

Romane asociate

  • The Adventures of Una Persson and Catherine Cornelius in the Twentieth Century (1976)
  • Doctor Who: The Coming of the Terraphiles (2010)

Second Ether

  • Blood: A Southern Fantasy (1995)
  • Fabulous Harbours (1995) – culegere de povestiri, aka Fabulous Harbors (1995, SUA)
  • The War Amongst the Angels (1996)

Seria Between the Wars / Cvartetul Pyat

  • Byzantium Endures (1981) – cenzurat în SUA
  • The Laughter of Carthage (1984)
  • Jerusalem Commands (1992)
  • The Vengeance of Rome (2006)

Alte romane

  • The LSD Dossier (1966) – sub pseudonimul Roger Harris
  • Somewhere in the Night (1966) – aka The Chinese Agent (1970), sub pseudonimul Bill Barclay
  • Printer's Devil (1966) – aka The Russian Intelligence (1980), sub pseudonimul Bill Barclay
  • Behold the Man (1969)
  • Breakfast in the Ruins (1971)
  • The Transformation of Miss Mavis Ming (1977) – aka A Messiah at the End of Time (1977, SUA) și Constant Fire (1993, ediție revizuită)
  • Gloriana or The Unfulfill’d Queen (1978) – revizuit 1993
  • The Golden Barge (1979)
  • Mother London (1988)
  • King of the City (2000)
  • Silverheart (2000) – cu Storm Constantine

Alte culegeri de povestiri și antologii

  • The Stealer of Souls (1963)
  • The Deep Fix (1966) - sub pseudonimul James Colvin
  • The Time Dweller (1969)
  • The Singing Citadel (1970)
  • The Nature of the Catastrophe (1971) - antologie, povestiri de Moorcock și alți autori
  • Legends from the End of Time (1976)
  • Moorcock's Book of Martyrs (1976) - aka Dying For Tomorrow (1976, SUA)
  • The Lives and Times of Jerry Cornelius (1976) - revizuită 1987, 2003
  • Sojan (1977)
  • My Experiences in the Third World War (1980)
  • The Opium General and Other Stories (1984)
  • Casablanca (1989)
  • The New Nature of the Catastrophe (1993) - antologie, povestiri de Moorcock și alți autori (revizuită după ediția din 1971)
  • Lunching with the Antichrist (1995)
  • Tales from the Texas Woods (1997)
  • London Bone (2001)
  • The Metatemporal Detective (2007)
  • Elric: The Stealer of Souls (2008)
  • Elric: To Rescue Tanelorn (2008)
  • Elric: The Sleeping Sorceress (2008)
  • Elric: Duke Elric (2009)
  • The Best of Michael Moorcock (2009)
  • Elric: In the Dream Realms (2009)
  • Elric: Swords and Roses (2010)
  • Modem Times 2.0 (2011) *Due January 2011*

Antologii editate

  • The Best of New Worlds (1965)
  • Best s.f. stories from new worlds (1967)
  • Best stories from new worlds II (1968)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 3 (1968)
  • The Traps of Time (1968)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 4 (1969)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 5 (1969)
  • The Inner Landscape (1969)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 6 (1970)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 7 (1971)
  • Best SF Stories from New Worlds 8 (1974)
  • Before Armageddon (1975)
  • England Invaded (1977)
  • New Worlds: An Anthology (1983, revizuită 2004)


  • Letters from Hollywood (1986)
  • Wizardry and Wild Romance (1987)
    • Wizardry and Wild Romance: A Study of Epic Fantasy (2004) - "adusă la zi și revizuită pentru publicarea în MonkeyBrain Books"
  • Fantasy: The 100 Best Books - în colaborare cu James Cawthorn (Carroll & Graf 1988)
  • Death Is No Obstacle - în colaborare cu Colin Greenland (1992)
  • Epic Pooh (1978)




  1. ^ Stormbringer - profil și previzualizare
  2. ^ „DC's Elric: The Making of a Sorcerer - profil”. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . 

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