Boekel[*][[Boekel (village in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]]
Boekel[*][[Boekel (village in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]][3] Venhorst[*][[Venhorst (village in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]][3] Huize Padua[*][[Huize Padua (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Arendnest[*][[Arendnest (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Burgt[*][[Burgt (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Peelsehuis[*][[Peelsehuis (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Peelstraat[*][[Peelstraat (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Molenwijk[*][[Molenwijk (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Bovenstehuis[*][[Bovenstehuis (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Leurke[*][[Leurke (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] De Aa[*][[De Aa (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Rietven[*][[Rietven (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Zijp[*][[Zijp (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Zandhoek[*][[Zandhoek (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Berghoek[*][[Berghoek (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Neerbroek[*][[Neerbroek (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]] Elzen[*][[Elzen (hamlet in Boekel, the Netherlands)|]]