Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?

colecție de povestiri științifico-fantastice de Robert Sheckley
Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?
Informații generale
AutorRobert Sheckley
Ediția originală
Titlu original
Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?
Limbalimba engleză Modificați la Wikidata
EditurăEditura Doubleday Modificați la Wikidata
Țara primei apariții Statele Unite ale Americii Modificați la Wikidata
Data primei apariții

Can You Feel Anything When I Do This? este o colecție de povestiri științifico-fantastice de Robert Sheckley din decembrie 1971. A fost publicată de editura Doubleday. A fost republicată de Pan Books sub denumirea The Same To You Doubled.

Conține povestirile:

  • "The Same to You Doubled" (Playboy 1970/3)
  • "Cordle to Onion to Carrot" (Playboy 1969/12)
  • "The Petrified World" (If 1968/2)
  • "Game: First Schematic"
  • "Doctor Zombie and His Little Furry Friends"
  • "The Cruel Equations"
  • "Can You Feel Anything When I Do This?" (Playboy 1969/8)
  • "Starting from Scratch" (The Magazine of Fantasy & Science Fiction 1970/11)
  • "The Mnemone"
  • "Tripout"
  • "Notes on the Perception of Imaginary Differences"
  • "Down the Digestive Tract and into the Cosmos with Mantra, Tantra and Specklebang" (Galaxy 1971/2)
  • "Pas de Trois of the Chef and the Waiter and the Customer" (Playboy 1971/8)
  • "Aspects of Langranak"
  • "Plague Circuit"

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