Discuție:Gripă spaniolă

Ultimul comentariu: acum 3 ani de Ticka nistor

Otto Wagner este trecut la lista celebrităților. Dar conform https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Otto_Wagner: „Er starb am 11. April 1918 im Alter von 76 Jahren[4] in seiner Wohnung in Wien 7., Döblergasse 4, an Rotlauf.” sau http://www.visitingvienna.com/footsteps/wagner-grave/ „The 76-year-old Wagner died on April 11th at his home in an apartment building he designed himself: Döblergasse 4 in Vienna’s seventh district. The cause was Erysipelas, a skin infection treated readily with antibiotics today, but not in pre-penicillin 1918” a murit de erizipel (https://dexonline.ro/definitie/erizipel). Ar trebui verificată sursa care îl dă pe Wagner ca victimă a gripei spaniole. Acest comentariu nesemnat a fost adăugat de Ticka nistor (discuție • contribuții).--Ticka nistor (discuție) 2 august 2020 15:20 (EEST)Răspunde

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