Ecologie profundă
Ecologia profundă este o ramură oarecum recentă a filosofiei ecologice (a ecosofiei), care consideră omul ca parte integrantă a mediului său înconjurător. Este un sistem de gândire care acordă mai multă valoare speciilor non-umane și ecosistemelor decât alte mișcări ecologiste clasice.
Ecologia profundă încearcă să evite ecologismul antropocentric, care e preocupat de protejarea mediului înconjurător strict pentru a putea fi exploatat în continuare de către oameni.
Surse bibliografice
modificare- en Abram, David 1996. The Spell of the Sensuous: Perception and Language in a More-than-Human World. Pantheon Books.
- en Conesa-Sevilla, J. 2006. The Intrinsic Value of the Whole: Cognitive and utilitarian evaluative processes as they pertain to ecocentric, deep ecological, and ecopsychological "valuing." The Trumpeter, 22(2): 26-42.
- en Curry, Patrick. 2011. Ecological Ethics: An Introduction. Polity. ISBN: 978-0-7456-5125-5.
- en Glasser, Harold (ed.) 2005. The Selected Works of Arne Næss, Volumes 1-10. Springer, ISBN: 1-4020-3727-9. (review)
- en Griffin, Susan. Woman and Nature. Harper Collins 1978.
- en Keulartz, Jozef 1998. Struggle for nature : a critique of radical ecology, London [etc.] : Routledge.
- en Huesemann, Michael H., and Joyce A. Huesemann (2011). Technofix: Why Technology Won’t Save Us or the Environment, Chapter 12, “The Need for a Different World View”, New Society Publishers, Gabriola Island, British Columbia, Canada, ISBN: 0865717044.
- en Kull, Kalevi 2011. Foundations for ecosemiotic deep ecology. In: Peil, Tiina (ed.), The Space of Culture – the Place of Nature in Estonia and Beyond. (Approaches to Culture Theory 1.) Tartu: Tartu University Press, 69–75.
- en Linkola, Pentti 2011. Can Life Prevail? UK: Arktos Media, 2nd Revised ed. ISBN: 1907166637
- en Merchant, Carolyn 1990. The Death of Nature, HarperOne. ISBN: 0-06-250595-5, ISBN: 978-0-06-250595-8.
- en de Steiguer, J.E. 2006. The Origins of Modern Environmental Thought. University of Arizona Press 246 pp.
- en Sylvan, Richard 1985a. "A Critique of Deep Ecology, Part I." Radical Philosophy 40: 2–12.
- en Sylvan, Richard 1985b. "A Critique of Deep Ecology, Part II." Radical Philosophy 41: 1–22.
- en Tobias, Michael (ed.) 1988 (1984). Deep Ecology. Avant Books. ISBN: 0-932238-13-0.
- en Turner, Jack 1996. The Abstract Wild. Tucson, Univ of Arizona Press.
Format:Environmental humanities
Format:Environmental social science
Format:Simple living
Format:Veganism and vegetarianism
Format:Anarhism oriz