de Fussballdaten la
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Aceasta este pagina de documentație pentru Format:Fussballdaten. Pagina descrie modul de folosire al formatului și conține categoriile de care acesta aparține, precum și orice altceva ce nu face parte din formatul propriu-zis. |
This is a template to generate links to
- Go to and search for the person you want under "Spielersuche"
- Click on the correct link to go to the person's page. Be sure you're getting the right person
- The page URL should look like, where "#####" indicates a player's name in <lastnamefirstname> format
- Copy that name
- Add to the external links section the text:
- {{fussballdaten|id=#####|name=Name}}
- where "#####" is the name you've copied from the URL, and "Name" is the person's given name.
- Please note that since this will almost certainly go on the external link section, you should add an asterisk * before the template text to include it as a list item.
- Searching for "Franz Beckenbauer", you will reach this page:
- Copy "beckenbauerfranz" and then write: {{fussballdaten|id=beckenbauerfranz|name=Franz Beckenbauer}}
The result is: de Franz Beckenbauer la
- Searching for "Christian Müller" will result in several hits
- For the footballer born in 1983, the player's id is muellerchristian83
- The template would appear then as: {{fussballdaten|id=muellerchristian83|name=Christian Müller}}
The result is: de Christian Müller la
- Note here that if the name section is not specified, then the template will display the Wikipedia page name.