Harry Partch (1901 - 1974) a fost un compozitor și solist constructor de instrumente muzicale american. Este considerat de critici ca fiind unul dintre cei mai importanți compozitori ai secolului XX.

Quadrangularus Reversum (Harry Partch).

În 1948 a publicat cartea Genesis of a Music. Pentru compozitiile sale el a construit noi instrumente muzicale.

Harry Partch: Partch Diamant 2


  • The World of Harry Partch (Columbia Masterworks MS 7207 & MQ 7207, 1969)
  • Delusion of the Fury (LP Columbia Masterworks M2 30576, 1971; CD Innova 406, 2001)
  • Enclosure II (early speech-music works) (Innova 401)
  • Enclosure V ("On a Greek Theme") (Innova 405)
  • Enclosure VI ("Delusion of the Fury") (Innova 406)
  • The Seventeen Lyrics of Li Po (Tzadik, 1995). ASIN B000003YSU.
  • Revelation In The Courthouse Park (Tomato Records TOM-3004, 2003)


  • Enclosure I (Innova 400, VHS)
  • Enclosure IV (Innova 404, VHS) "Delusion", "Music of HP"
  • Enclosure VII (Innova 407, DVD) "Delusion", "Dreamer", Bonus Album, "Revelation"
  • Enclosure VIII (Innova 399, DVD)
  • Musical Outsiders: An American Legacy - Harry Partch, Lou Harrison & Terry Riley


  • Blackburn, Philip (1998). Harry Partch: Enclosure III. Saint Paul: Innova. ISBN 096565690X.
  • Gilmore, Bob (1998). Harry Partch, A Biography, New Haven: Yale University Press.
  • Partch, Harry (1974). Genesis of a Music. New York: Da Capo Press. ISBN 030680106X.
  • Partch, Harry (1991). Bitter Music: Collected Journals, Essays, Introductions and Librettos, Champaign: University of Illinois Press.



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