Joe Louis
Joe Louis | |
![]() | |
Date personale | |
Poreclă | The Brown Bomber ![]() |
Născut | [1][2][3][4][5] ![]() LaFayette(d), Alabama, SUA ![]() |
Decedat | (66 de ani)[6][2][5][3][4] ![]() Las Vegas, Nevada, SUA ![]() |
Înmormântat | Cimitirul național Arlington[*] ![]() |
Cauza decesului | cauze naturale (infarct miocardic) ![]() |
Cetățenie | ![]() ![]() |
Ocupație | boxer[*] actor wrestler profesionist[*] arbitru ![]() |
Limbi vorbite | limba engleză[7] ![]() |
Activitate | |
Domiciliu | Michigan Boulevard Garden Apartments[*] ![]() |
Porecle | The Brown Bomber ![]() |
Înălțime | 188 cm ![]() |
Premii | legionar al Legiunii de Merit a Statelor Unite ale Americii[*] Medalia de Aur a Congresului[*] Associated Press Athlete of the Year[*] () ![]() |
Prezență online | |
Modifică date / text ![]() |
Joseph Louis Barrow (n. , LaFayette(d), Alabama, SUA – d. , Las Vegas, Nevada, SUA), cunoscut profesional ca Joe Louis, a fost un boxer profesionist american care a concurat din 1934 până în 1951.[8]
A fost campion mondial la greutatea grea între 1937 și 1949 și este considerat a fi unul dintre cei mai mari boxeri la greutate grea din toate timpurile. Poreclit The Brown Bomber (Bombardierul Negru), a detinut campionatul la categoria grea timp de 140 luni consecutive, timp în care a participat la 26 de lupte de campionat. Cea de-a 27-a luptă, împotriva lui Ezzard Charles în 1950, a fost o provocare pentru titlul la categoria grea detinut de Ezzard Charles. El a fost victorios în 25 de apărari consecutive la titlu.
În 2005, Louis a fost clasat drept cel mai bun boxer la categoria grea din toate timpurile de către Organizația Internațională de Cercetare a Boxului, și a fost clasat pe locul 1 în lista revistei The Ring din „cei mai mari 100 punctători din toate timpurile”. Louis a avut cea mai lungă domnie din istorie drept campion mondial la categoria grea, aproximativ 12 ani fara intrerupere.
Impactul cultural al lui Louis a fost simțit în afara ringului. El este privit pe scară largă ca fiind prima persoană de origine afro-americană care a obținut statutul de erou la nivel național în Statele Unite și a fost, de asemenea, un punct focal al sentimentului anti-nazist care a dus până și în timpul celui de-al doilea război mondial. El a contribuit la integrarea jocului de golf, si la ruperea barierei de culoare a sportului din America.
Viața timpurie
modificareNăscut în Chambers County, Alabama (într-o locuință dărăpănată pe Bell Chapel Road, situat la aproximativ un kilometru de pe șoseaua 50 și aproximativ șase mile (10 km) la nord de Lafayette), Louis a fost fiul lui Munroe Barrow și Lillie (Reese) Barrow, al șaptelea din opt copii.[9][10] El a cântărit 11 pounzi (5 kg) la naștere,[9] și ambii părinții ai lui Louis au fost copii de foști sclavi.[11] Mama sa, Lillie, a fost pe jumătate Cherokee.[11]
Rezultate în boxul profesionist
modificareNo. | Rez. | La general | Adversar | Tip | Runda, timp | Data | Locație | Note |
69 | Înfrângere | 66–3 | Rocky Marciano | TKO | 8 (10) | 26/10/1951 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
68 | Victorie | 66–2 | Jimmy Bivins | UD | 10 | 15/08/1951 | Memorial Stadium, Baltimore, Maryland, U.S. | |
67 | Victorie | 65–2 | Cesar Brion | UD | 10 | 01/08/1951 | Cow Palace, Daly City, California, U.S. | |
66 | Victorie | 64–2 | Lee Savold | KO | 6 (15), 2:29 | 15/06/1951 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
65 | Victorie | 63–2 | Omelio Agramonte | UD | 10 | 02/05/1951 | Olympia, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | |
64 | Victorie | 62–2 | Andy Walker | TKO | 10 (10), 1:49 | 23/02/1951 | Cow Palace, Daly City, California, U.S. | |
63 | Victorie | 61–2 | Omelio Agramonte | UD | 10 | 07/02/1951 | Miami Stadium, Miami, Florida, U.S. | |
62 | Victorie | 60–2 | Freddie Beshore | TKO | 4 (10), 2:48 | 03/01/1951 | Olympia, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | |
61 | Victorie | 59–2 | Cesar Brion | UD | 10 | 29/11/1950 | Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
60 | Înfrângere | 58–2 | Ezzard Charles | UD | 15 | 27/09/1950 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | For NBA, vacant The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
59 | Victorie | 58–1 | Jersey Joe Walcott | KO | 11 (15) | 25/06/1948 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
58 | Victorie | 57–1 | Jersey Joe Walcott | SD | 15 | 05/12/1947 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
57 | Victorie | 56–1 | Tami Mauriello | KO | 1 (15), 2:09 | 18/09/1946 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
56 | Victorie | 55–1 | Billy Conn | KO | 8 (15), 2:19 | 19/06/1946 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
55 | Victorie | 54–1 | Johnny Davis | TKO | 1 (4), 0:53 | 14/11/1944 | Memorial Auditorium, Buffalo, New York, U.S. | Retained NYSAC heavyweight title |
54 | Victorie | 53–1 | Abe Simon | TKO | 6 (15), 0:16 | 27/03/1942 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
53 | Victorie | 52–1 | Buddy Baer | KO | 1 (15), 2:56 | 09/01/1942 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
52 | Victorie | 51–1 | Lou Nova | TKO | 6 (15), 2:59 | 29/09/1941 | Polo Grounds, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
51 | Victorie | 50–1 | Billy Conn | KO | 13 (15), 2:58 | 18/06/1941 | Polo Grounds, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
50 | Victorie | 49–1 | Buddy Baer | DQ | 7 (15), 3:00 | 23/05/1941 | Griffith Stadium, Washington, D.C., U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles; Baer disqualified after his manager refused to leave the ring |
49 | Victorie | 48–1 | Tony Musto | TKO | 9 (15), 1:36 | Aug 4, 1941 | St. Louis Arena, St. Louis, Missouri, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
48 | Victorie | 47–1 | Abe Simon | TKO | 13 (20), 1:20 | Mar 21, 1941 | Olympia, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
47 | Victorie | 46–1 | Gus Dorazio | KO | 2 (15), 1:30 | Feb 17, 1941 | Convention Hall, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
46 | Victorie | 45–1 | Red Burman | KO | 5 (15), 2:49 | Jan 31, 1941 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
45 | Victorie | 44–1 | Al McCoy | RTD | 5 (15), 3:00 | Dec 16, 1940 | Boston Garden, Boston, Massachusetts, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
44 | Victorie | 43–1 | Arturo Godoy | TKO | 8 (15), 1:24 | Jun 20, 1940 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
43 | Victorie | 42–1 | Johnny Paychek | TKO | 2 (15), 0:41 | Mar 29, 1940 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
42 | Victorie | 41–1 | Arturo Godoy | SD | 15 | Feb 9, 1940 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
41 | Victorie | 40–1 | Bob Pastor | KO | 11 (20), 0:38 | Sep 20, 1939 | Briggs Stadium, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
40 | Victorie | 39–1 | Tony Galento | TKO | 4 (15), 2:29 | Jun 28, 1939 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
39 | Victorie | 38–1 | Jack Roper | KO | 1 (10), 2:20 | Apr 17, 1939 | Wrigley Field, Los Angeles, California, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
38 | Victorie | 37–1 | John Henry Lewis | KO | 1 (15), 2:29 | Jan 25, 1939 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
37 | Victorie | 36–1 | Max Schmeling | KO | 1 (15), 2:04 | Jun 22, 1938 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained NBA, NYSAC, The Ring, and world heavyweight titles |
36 | Victorie | 35–1 | Harry Thomas | KO | 5 (15), 2:50 | 4 aprilie 1938 | Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
35 | Victorie | 34–1 | Nathan Mann | KO | 3 (15), 1:36 | Feb 23, 1938 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
34 | Victorie | 33–1 | Tommy Farr | UD | 15 | Aug 30, 1937 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | Retained The Ring and world heavyweight titles |
33 | Victorie | 32–1 | James J. Braddock | KO | 8 (15) | Jun 22, 1937 | Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | Won NBA, NYSAC, The Ring, and world heavyweight titles |
32 | Victorie | 31–1 | Natie Brown | KO | 4 (10), 0:52 | Feb 17, 1937 | Municipal Auditorium, Kansas City, Missouri, U.S. | |
31 | Victorie | 30–1 | Bob Pastor | UD | 10 | Jan 29, 1937 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
30 | Victorie | 29–1 | Steve Ketchel | KO | 2 (4), 0:31 | Nov 1, 1937 | Broadway Auditorium, Buffalo, New York, U.S. | |
29 | Victorie | 28–1 | Eddie Simms | TKO | 1 (10), 0:26 | Dec 14, 1936 | Public Hall, Cleveland, Ohio, U.S. | |
28 | Victorie | 27–1 | Jorge Brescia | KO | 3 (10), 2:12 | Sep 10, 1936 | Hippodrome Theatre, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
27 | Victorie | 26–1 | Al Ettore | KO | 5 (15), 1:28 | Sep 22, 1936 | Municipal Stadium, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, U.S. | |
26 | Victorie | 25–1 | Jack Sharkey | KO | 3 (10), 1:02 | Aug 18, 1936 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
25 | Înfrângere | 24–1 | Max Schmeling | KO | 12 (15), 2:29 | Jun 19, 1936 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
24 | Victorie | 24–0 | Charley Retzlaff | KO | 1 (15), 1:25 | Jan 17, 1936 | Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
23 | Victorie | 23–0 | Paulino Uzcudun | TKO | 4 (15), 2:32 | Dec 13, 1935 | Madison Square Garden, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
22 | Victorie | 22–0 | Max Baer | KO | 4 (15), 3:09 | Sep 24, 1935 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
21 | Victorie | 21–0 | King Levinsky | TKO | 1 (10), 2:21 | Jul 8, 1935 | Comiskey Park, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
20 | Victorie | 20–0 | Primo Carnera | TKO | 6 (15), 2:32 | Jun 25, 1935 | Yankee Stadium, New York City, New York, U.S. | |
19 | Victorie | 19–0 | Biff Bennett | KO | 1 (6), 1:15 | Apr 22, 1935 | Memorial Hall, Dayton, Ohio, U.S. | |
18 | Victorie | 18–0 | Roy Lazer | KO | 3 (10), 2:28 | Dec 4, 1935 | Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
17 | Victorie | 17–0 | Natie Brown | UD | 10 | Mar 29, 1935 | Olympia, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | |
16 | Victorie | 16–0 | Don "Red" Barry | TKO | 3 (10), 1:30 | Aug 3, 1935 | New Dreamland Auditorium, San Francisco, California, U.S. | |
15 | Victorie | 15–0 | Lee Ramage | TKO | 2 (10), 2:11 | Feb 21, 1935 | Wrigley Field, Los Angeles, California, U.S. | |
14 | Victorie | 14–0 | Hans Birkie | TKO | 10 (10), 1:47 | Nov 1, 1935 | Duquesne Gardens, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S. | |
13 | Victorie | 13–0 | Patsy Perroni | PTS | 10 | Apr 1, 1935 | Olympia, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | |
12 | Victorie | 12–0 | Lee Ramage | TKO | 8 (10), 2:51 | Dec 14, 1934 | Chicago Stadium, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
11 | Victorie | 11–0 | Charley Massera | KO | 3 (10), 2:41 | Nov 30, 1934 | Coliseum, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
10 | Victorie | 10–0 | Stanley Poreda | KO | 1 (10), 2:40 | Nov 14, 1934 | Arcadia Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
9 | Victorie | 9–0 | Jack O'Dowd | KO | 2 (10) | Oct 31, 1934 | Arcadia Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
8 | Victorie | 8–0 | Art Sykes | KO | 8 (10) | Oct 24, 1934 | Arcadia Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
7 | Victorie | 7–0 | Adolph Wiater | PTS | 10 | Sep 26, 1934 | Arcadia Gardens, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
6 | Victorie | 6–0 | Al Delaney | TKO | 4 (10) | Sep 11, 1934 | Naval Armory, Detroit, Michigan, U.S. | |
5 | Victorie | 5–0 | Buck Everett | KO | 2 (8) | Aug 27, 1934 | Marigold Gardens Outdoor Arena, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
4 | Victorie | 4–0 | Jack Kranz | UD | 8 | Aug 13, 1934 | Marigold Gardens Outdoor Arena, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
3 | Victorie | 3–0 | Larry Udell | TKO | 2 (8) | Jul 30, 1934 | Marigold Gardens Outdoor Arena, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
2 | Victorie | 2–0 | Willie Davies | ТKO | 3 (6) | Jul 12, 1934 | Bacon's Arena, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | |
1 | Victorie | 1–0 | Jack Kracken | KO | 1 (6) | Jul 7, 1934 | Bacon's Arena, Chicago, Illinois, U.S. | Professional debut |
modificare- ^ Joe Louis, Gran Enciclopèdia Catalana
- ^ a b Joe Louis, Encyclopædia Britannica Online, accesat în
- ^ a b Joe Louis, Munzinger Personen, accesat în
- ^ a b Joe Louis, Find a Grave, accesat în
- ^ a b Joe Louis, GeneaStar
- ^ Joe Louis, SNAC, accesat în
- ^ IdRef, accesat în
- ^ „Joe Louis (1914–1981)”. The American Experience The Fight. Public Broadcasting System. . Accesat în .
- ^ a b Bak, p. 6.
- ^ Bell Chapel Rd (). „bell chapel road lafayette alaBAMA – Google Maps”. Accesat în .
- ^ a b Bak, p. 5
modificare- Bak, Richard (). Joe Louis: The Great Black Hope. New York: Perseus Publishing. ISBN 978-0-306-80879-1.
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