Lista episoadelor din Pokémon
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Această listă conține o enumerare a episoadelor Pokémon. Episoadele care nu au număr au fost difuzate doar în Japonia și nu au fost traduse în engleză, însă se pot găsi cu subtitrări.
Pokémon: The Original (Seria 1)
modificareSezon 1: Indigo League
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
1 | Pokémon I Choose You! | Pokémon Te Aleg Pe Tine! |
2 | Pokémon Emergency! | Urgență Pokémon! |
3 | Ash Catches A Pokémon | Ash Prinde un Pokémon |
4 | Challenge of the Samurai | Provocarea Samuraiului |
5 | Showdown In Pewter City | Confruntare În Orașul Pewter |
6 | Clefairy And The Moon Stone | Clefairy Și Piatra Lunii |
7 | The Water Flowers Of Cerulean City | Florile Apei Din Orașul Cerulean |
8 | The Path to the Pokémon League | Drumul Către Liga Pokémon |
9 | The School of Hard Knocks | Școala Pokémon |
10 | Bulbasaur and the Hidden Village | Bulbasaur Și Satul Ascuns |
11 | Charmander - The Stray Pokémon | Charmander - Pokémon-ul Rătăcit |
12 | Here Comes The Squirtle Squad | Feriți-vă De Echipa Squirtle |
13 | Mystery At The Lighthouse | Mister La Far |
14 | Electric Shock Showdown | Confruntare Șocantă |
15 | Battle Aboard The St. Anne | Bătălie La Bordul St. Anne |
16 | Pokémon Shipwreck | Epava Pokémon |
17 | Island of the Giant Pokémon | Insula Pokémon-ilor Giganți |
- | Beauty and the Beach | Frumoasa Și ... Plaja |
18 | Tentacool & Tentacruel | Tentacool Și Tentacruel |
19 | The Ghost of Maiden's Peak | Fantoma Fecioarei De Pe Stâncă |
20 | Bye Bye Butterfree | La Revedere Butterfree! |
21 | Genie Boulevard and the Psychic Showdown | Bulevardul Geniului Și Confruntarea Psihică |
22 | The Tower of Terror | Turnul Terorii |
23 | Haunter Versus Kadabra | Haunter Versus Kadabra |
24 | Primeape Goes Bananas | Primeape Vrea Banane |
25 | Pokémon Scent-sation! | Senzația Aromelor Pokémon |
26 | Hypno's Naptime | Ora De Somn A Lui Hypno |
27 | Pokémon Fashion Flash | Moda Pokémon |
28 | The Punchy Pokémon | Pokémon-ul Luptător |
29 | Sparks Fly For Magnemite | Scânteile Zboară Pentru Magnemite |
30 | Dig Those Diglett | Scăpați De Diglett |
31 | The Ninja Poké-Showdown | Confruntarea Poké-ninja |
32 | The Flame Pokémon-athon! | Flacăra Maratonului Pokémon |
33 | The Kangaskhan Kid | Copilul-Kangaskhan |
- | The Legend of Dratini | Legenda Lui Dratini |
34 | The Bridge Bike Gang | Gașca Bicicliștilor De Pe Pod |
35 | Ditto's Mysterious Mansion | Casa Misterioasă A Lui Ditto |
- | Electric Soldier Porygon | Soldatul Electric Porygon |
36 | Pikachu's Goodbye | Pikachu Își Ia Rămas Bun |
37 | The Battling Eevee Brothers | Frații Luptători Eevee |
38 | Wake Up Snorlax! | Trezește-te Snorlax! |
39 | Showdown At Dark City | Confruntare În Orașul Întunecat |
40 | The March Of The Exeggutor Squad | Marșul Echipei Exeggutor |
41 | The Problem with Paras | Problema Cu Paras |
42 | The Song Of Jigglypuff | Cântecul Lui Jigglypuff |
43 | Attack of the Prehistoric Pokémon | Atacul Pokémon-ului Preistoric |
44 | A Chansey Operation | O Operațiune Chansey |
45 | Holy Matrimony! | Sfinte Matrimoniale |
46 | So Near, Yet So Farfetch'd | Atât De Aproape, Atât De Farfetch'd |
47 | Who Gets to Keep Togepi? | Cine Îl Păstrează Pe Togepi |
48 | Bulbasaur's Mysterious Garden | Grădina Misterioasă A Lui Bulbasaur |
49 | The Case of the K-9 Caper! | Cazul K-9 |
50 | Pokémon Paparazzi | Paparazzi Pokémon |
51 | The Ultimate Test | Testul Suprem |
52 | The Breeding Center Secret | Secretul Centrului De Creștere |
Sezon 2: The Adventures in the Orange Islands
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
53 | Princess Versus Princess | Prințesă Versus Prințesă |
54 | The Purr-fect Hero | Eroul Perfect |
55 | Riddle Me This | Ghicește Asta |
56 | Volcanic Panic | Panică Vulcanică |
57 | Beach Blank-Out Blastoise | Blastoise-ul De Pe Plajă |
58 | The Misty Mermaid | Fecioara Misty |
59 | Clefairy Tales | Povești Cu Clefairy |
60 | The Battle Of The Badge | Bătălia Pentru Insignă |
61 | It's Mr. Mime Time | E Timpul Lui Mr.Mime |
62 | Holiday Hi-Jynx | Sărbătoarea Cu Jynx |
63 | Snow Way Out | Calea Înzăpezită Către Afară |
64 | Showdown at the Po-Ké Corral | Confruntare La Coralii Poké |
65 | The Evolution Solution | Soluție La Evoluție |
66 | The Pi-Kahuna | Pi-Kahuna |
67 | Make Room for Gloom | Faceți Loc Pentru Gloom |
68 | Lights, Camera, Quack-tion! | Lumină, Cameră, Acțiune |
69 | Go West Young Meowth | Către Vest Tinere Meowth |
70 | To Master The Onix-pected | Stăpânirea Onix-ului |
71 | The Ancient Puzzle Of Pokémopolis | Puzzle-ul Antic Al Pokémopolisului |
72 | Bad To The Bone | Rău Până La Os |
73 | All Fired Up! | Toți Sunt Aprinși |
74 | Round One - Begin! | Runda Întâi - Începeți! |
75 | Fire And Ice | Foc Și Gheață |
76 | The Fourth Round Rumble | A Patra Rundă |
77 | A Friend In Deed | Un Prieten Adevărat |
78 | Friend And Foe Alike | Prieten Și Dușman |
79 | Friends To The End | Prieteni Până La Sfârșit |
80 | Pallet Party Panic | Panică La Petrecerea Din Pallet |
81 | A Scare in the Air | O Sperietură În Aer |
82 | Pokéball Peril | Pierirea Poké-mingilor |
83 | The Lost Lapras | Lapras-ul Pierdut |
84 | Fit To Be Tide | La Fix Pentru Ce Trebuie |
85 | Pikachu Re-Volts | Pikachu Se Reîncarcă |
86 | The Crystal Onix | Onix-ul De Cristal |
87 | In The Pink | În Roz |
88 | Shell Shock | Șocul |
89 | Stage Fight | Luptă De Scenă |
90 | Bye Bye Psyduck | La Revedere Psyduck |
91 | The Joy Of Pokémon | Bucuria Pokémon-ilor |
92 | Navel Maneuvers | Manevre Nautice |
93 | Snack Attack | Atac Pe Furiș |
94 | A Shipful Of Shivers | Țăndări |
95 | Meowth Rules! | Meowth Conduce |
96 | Tracey Gets Bugged | Tracey E Bug-uit |
97 | A Way Off Day Off | La O Zi Distanță |
98 | The Mandarin Island Miss-match | Meciul De Pe Insula Mandarin |
99 | Wherefore Art Thou, Pokémon? | Unde sunteți, Pokémon? |
100 | Get Along, Little Pokémon | Vino Cu Noi, Micule Pokémon |
101 | The Mystery Menace | Amenințarea Misterioasă |
102 | Misty Meets Her Match | Misty Își Întâlnește Provocarea |
103 | Bound For Trouble | Întotdeauna Pericol |
104 | Charizard Chills | Charizard Se Liniștește |
Sezon 3: The Johto Journeys
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
105 | The Pokémon Water War | Războiul Pokémon-ilor De Apă |
106 | Pokémon Food Fight | Lupta Pentru Mâncare Pokémon |
107 | Pokémon Double Trouble | Pericol Dublu Pokémon |
108 | The Wacky Watcher | Observatorul Măcăit |
109 | The Stun Spore Detour | Deturul Prafului Paralizant |
110 | Hello Pummelo | Bună Pummelo |
111 | Enter The Dragonite | Intră În Scena Dragonite |
112 | Viva Las Lapras | Trăiască Lapras |
113 | The Underground Round Up | O Rundă Sub Pământ |
114 | A Tents Situation | O Situație Despre Corturi |
115 | The Rivalry Revival | Învierea Rivalității |
116 | Don't Touch That 'Dile | Nu Atinge Acel 'Dile |
117 | The Double Trouble Header | Pericol Dublu |
118 | A Sappy Ending | Un Final Fericit |
119 | Roll On, Pokémon! | Înainte, Pokémon |
120 | Illusion Confusion | Confuzia Iluziilor |
121 | Flower Power | Puterea Florilor |
122 | Spinarak Attack | Spinarak Atacă |
123 | Snubbull Snobbery | Snubbull... |
124 | The Little Big Horn | Micul Mare Corn |
125 | The Chikorita Rescue | Salvarea Lui Chikorita |
126 | Once In A Blue Moon | Odată În Luna Albastră |
127 | The Whistle Stop | Oprirea La Fluier |
128 | Ignorance Is Blissey | Ignoranța E Blissey |
129 | A Bout With Sprout | Despre Sprout |
130 | Fighting Flyer with Fire | Lupta Contra Zburătorului Cu Foc |
131 | For Cryin' Out Loud! | Pentru Plânsul Tare |
132 | Tanks A Lot | Mersi Mult! |
133 | Charizard's Burning Ambitions | Ambițiile Arzânde Ale Lui Charizard |
134 | Grin to Win! | Făcut Pentru A Câștiga |
135 | Chikorita's Big Upset | Marea Supărare A Lui Chikorita |
136 | Foul Weather Friends | Prieteni Indiferent De Vreme |
137 | The Superhero Secret | Secretul Supereroului |
138 | Mild 'N Wooly | Moale Și Lânos |
139 | Wired For Battle | Firul Pentru Bătălie |
140 | Good 'Quil Hunting | Vânătoarea De 'Quil |
141 | A Shadow of a Drought | Umbra Unui Drought |
142 | Goin' Apricorn | Du-te Apricorn! |
143 | Gettin' The Bugs Out | Scoțând Gândacii |
144 | A Farfetch'd Tale | O Poveste Farfetch'd |
145 | Tricks of the Trade | Trucurile Schimburilor |
146 | The Fire-ring Squad | Brigada Focului-Inel |
147 | No Big Woop | Nici Un Woop Mare |
148 | Tunnel Vision | Viziunea Tunelului |
149 | Hour of the Houndour | Ora Lui Houndour |
150 | The Totodile Duel | Duelul Totodile |
151 | Hot Matches! | Meciuri Fierbinți |
152 | Love, Totodile Style | Iubirea...Stilul Totodile |
153 | Fowl Play | Joacă de copii |
154 | Forest Grumps | Așchii de pădure |
155 | The Psychic Sidekicks! | Lovituri Psihice |
156 | The Fortune Hunters | Vânătorii De Noroc |
Sezon 4: Johto League Champions
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) |
157 | A Goldenrod Opportunity |
158 | A Dairy Tale Ending |
159 | Air Time |
160 | The Bug Stops Here |
161 | Type Casting |
162 | Fossil Fools |
163 | Carrying On |
164 | Hassle in the Castle |
165 | Two Hits and a Miss |
166 | A Hot Water Battle |
167 | Hook, Line, and Stinker |
168 | Beauty and the Breeder |
169 | A Better Pill to Swallow |
170 | Power Play |
171 | Mountain Time |
172 | Wobbu-Palooza |
173 | Imitation Confrontation |
174 | The Trouble With Snubbull |
175 | Ariados Amigos |
176 | Wings 'N' Things |
177 | The Grass Route |
178 | The Apple Corp |
179 | Houndoom's Special Delivery |
180 | A Ghost of a Chance |
181 | From Ghost To Ghost |
182 | Trouble's Brewing |
183 | All That Glitters! |
184 | The Light Fantastic |
185 | UnBEARable |
186 | Moving Pictures |
187 | Spring Fever |
188 | Freeze Frame |
189 | The Stolen Stones! |
190 | The Dunsparce Deception |
191 | The Wayward Wobbuffet |
192 | Sick Daze |
193 | Ring Masters |
194 | The Poké-Spokes Person |
195 | Control Freak! |
196 | The Art Of Pokémon |
197 | The Heartbreak of Brock |
198 | Current Events |
199 | Turning Over A New Bayleef |
200 | Doin' What Comes Natu-rally |
201 | The Big Balloon Blow-Up |
202 | The Screen Actor's Guilt |
203 | Right On, Rhydon! |
204 | The Kecleon Caper |
205 | The Joy of Water Pokémon |
206 | Got Miltank? |
207 | Fight For The Light |
208 | Machoke, Machoke Man! |
Sezon 5: Master Quest
modificareNr. | Titlu |
209 | Around The Whirlpool |
210 | Fly Me To The Moon |
211 | [Takin' It On the Chinchou |
212 | A Corsola Caper! |
213 | Mantine Overboard! |
214 | Octillery The Outcast |
215 | Dueling Heroes |
216 | The Perfect Match! |
217 | Plant it Now... Diglett Later |
218 | Hi Ho Silver... Away! |
219 | The Mystery is History |
220 | A Parent Trapped! |
221 | A Promise is a Promise |
222 | Throwing in the Noctowl |
223 | Nerves of Steelix! |
224 | Bulbasaur... the Ambassador! |
225 | Espeon, Not Included |
226 | For Ho-Oh The Bells Toll! |
227 | Extreme Pokémon! |
228 | An EGG-sighting Adventure! |
229 | Hatching A Plan |
230 | Dues and Don'ts |
231 | Just Waiting On a Friend |
232 | A Tyrogue Full of Trouble |
233 | Xatu the Future |
234 | Talkin' 'Bout an Evolution |
235 | Rage of Innocence |
236 | As Cold as Pryce |
237 | Nice Pryce, Baby!] |
238 | Whichever Way the Wind Blows |
239 | Some Like It Hot! |
240 | Hocus Pokémon |
241 | As Clear as Crystal |
242 | Same Old Song and Dance |
243 | Enlighten Up! |
244 | Will the Real Oak Please Stand Up? |
245 | Wish Upon a Star Shape |
246 | Outrageous Fortunes |
247 | One Trick Phoney! |
248 | I Politoed Ya So! |
- | The Ice Cave! |
249 | Beauty is Skin Deep |
250 | Fangs for Nothin' |
251 | Great Bowls of Fire! |
252 | Better Eight Than Never |
253 | Why? Wynaut! |
254 | Just Add Water |
255 | Lapras of Luxury |
256 | Hatch Me if You Can |
257 | Entei at Your Own Risk |
258 | A Crowning Achievement |
259 | Here's Lookin' At You Elekid! |
260 | You're a Star, Larvitar! |
Sezon 6: Advanced
modificareNr. | Titlu | |
261 | Address Unown! | |
262 | Mother of All Battles | |
263 | Pop Goes the Sneasel | |
264 | A Claim to Flame! | |
265 | Love, Pokémon Style | |
266 | Tie One On! | |
267 | The Ties that Bind | |
268 | Can't Beat the Heat! | |
269 | Playing With Fire | |
270 | Johto Photo Finish | |
271 | Gotta Catch Ya Later! | |
272 | Hoenn Alone! | |
273 | Get the Show on the Road | |
274 | A Ruin with a View | |
275 | There's No Place Like Hoenn | Nicaieri nu-i ca in Hoenn |
276 | You Never Can Taillow | |
277 | In the Knicker of Time! | |
278 | A Poached Ego! | |
279 | Tree's a Crowd | |
280 | A Tail with a Twist | |
281 | Taming of the Shroomish | |
282 | You Said a Mouthful | |
283 | A Bite to Remember | |
284 | The Lotad Lowdown | |
285 | All Things Bright and Beautifly | |
286 | All in a Day's Wurmple | |
287 | Gonna Rule the School! | |
288 | Winner By a Nosepass | |
289 | Stairway to Devon | |
290 | On a Wingull and a Prayer | |
291 | Sharpedo Attack! | |
292 | Brave The Wave | |
293 | Which Wurmple's Which? | |
294 | A Hole Lotta Trouble | |
295 | Gone Corphishin' | |
296 | A Corphish Out of Water | |
297 | A Mudkip Mission | |
298 | Turning Over A Nuzleaf | |
299 | A Three Team Scheme | |
300 | Seeing is Believing | |
301 | Ready, Willing and Sableye | |
302 | A Meditite Fight | |
303 | Just One of The Geysers | |
304 | Abandon Ship! | |
305 | Now That's Flower Power | |
306 | Having A Wailord Of A Time | |
307 | Win, Lose or Drew! | |
308 | The Spheal of Approval | |
309 | Jump for Joy! | |
310 | A Different Kind of Misty! | |
311 | A Poké-BLOCK Party | |
312 | Watt's With Wattson? |
Pokémon: Advanced Generation (Seria 2)
modificareSezon 7: Advanced Challenge
modificareNr. | Titlu |
313 | What You Seed is What You Get |
314 | Love at First Flight |
315 | Let Bagons Be Bagons |
316 | The Princess and the Togepi |
317 | A Togepi Mirage! |
318 | Candid Camerupt! |
319 | I Feel Skitty! |
320 | Zigzag Zangoose |
321 | Maxxed Out! |
322 | Pros and Con Artists |
323 | Come What May! |
324 | Cheer Pressure |
325 | Game Winning Assist |
326 | Fight for the Meteorit |
327 | Poetry Commotion! |
328 | Going, Going, Yawn |
329 | Going for a Spinda |
330 | All Torkoal, No Play |
331 | Manectric Charge |
332 | Delcatty Got Your Tongue |
333 | Disaster of Disguise |
334 | Disguise Da Limit |
335 | Take The Lombre Home |
336 | True Blue Swablu |
337 | Gulpin it Down |
338 | Exploud and Clear |
339 | Go Go Ludicolo! |
340 | A Double Dilemma |
341 | Love, Petalburg Style! |
342 | Balance of Power |
343 | A Six-Pack Attack! |
344 | The Bicker The Better |
345 | Grass Hysteria! |
346 | Hokey Pokéballs |
347 | Whiscash and Ash |
348 | Me, Myself And Time |
349 | A Fan with a Plan |
350 | Cruisin' for a Losin' |
351 | Pearls are a Spoink's Best Friend |
352 | That's Just Swellow |
353 | Take This House and Shuppet |
354 | A Shroomish Skirmish |
355 | Unfair-Weather Friends |
356 | Who's Flying Now |
357 | Sky High Gym Battle! |
358 | Lights, Camerupt, Action! |
359 | Crazy as a Lunatone |
360 | The Garden of Eatin' |
361 | A Scare to Remember |
362 | Pokéblock, Stock and Berry |
363 | Lessons in Lilycove |
364 | Judgment Day! |
Sezon 8: Advanced Battle
modificareNr. | Titlu |
365 | Clamperl of Wisdom |
366 | The Relicanth Really Can |
367 | The Evolutionary War |
368 | Training Wrecks |
369 | Gaining Groudon |
370 | The Scuffle of Legends |
371 | It's Still Rocket Roll to Me] |
372 | Solid as a Solrock |
- | Shaking Island Battle! Barboach VS Whiscash!! |
373 | Vanity Affair |
374 | Where's Armaldo? |
375 | A Cacturne for the Worse |
376 | Claydol Big and Tall |
377 | Once in a Mawile |
378 | Beg, Burrow and Steal |
379 | Absol-ute Disaster! |
380 | Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snorunt |
381 | Do I Hear A Ralts? |
382 | The Great Eight Fate! |
383 | Eight Ain't Enough |
384 | Showdown at Linoone |
385 | Who, What, When, Where, Wynaut? |
386 | Date Expectations |
387 | Mean With Envy |
388 | Pacifidlog Jam |
389 | Berry, Berry Interesting |
390 | Less is Morrison |
391 | The Ribbon Cup Caper! |
- | Satoshi and Haruka! Heated Battles in Hoenn!! |
392 | Hi Ho Silver Wind! |
393 | Deceit and Assist |
394 | Rhapsody in Drew |
395 | Island Time |
396 | Like a Meowth to a Flame |
397 | Saved by the Beldum |
398 | From Brags to Riches |
399 | Shocks and Bonds |
400 | A Judgment Brawl |
401 | Choose It or Lose It! |
402 | At the End of the Fray |
403 | The Scheme Team |
404 | The Right Place and the Right Mime |
405 | A Real Cleffa Hanger |
406 | Numero Uno Articuno |
407 | The Symbol Life |
408 | Hooked On Onix |
409 | Rough, Tough Jigglypuff |
410 | On Cloud Arcanine |
411 | Sitting Psyduck |
412 | Hail to the Chef! |
413 | Caterpie's Big Dilemma |
414 | The Saffron Con |
415 | A Hurdle for Squirtle |
416 | Pasta La Vista! |
Sezon 9: Battle Frontier
modificareNr. | Titlu |
417 | Fear Factor Phony |
418 | Sweet Baby James |
419 | A Chip Off the Old Brock |
420 | Wheel of Frontier! |
421 | May’s Egg-cellent Adventure! |
422 | Weekend Warrior |
423 | On Olden Pond |
424 | Tactics Theatrics!! |
425 | Reversing the Charges |
426 | Green Guardian |
427 | From Cradle to Save! |
428 | Time-Warp Heals All Wounds!] |
429 | Queen of the Serpentine! |
430 | Off the Unbeaten Path! |
431 | Harley Rides Again |
432 | Odd Pokémon Out |
433 | Spontaneous Combusken |
434 | Cutting the Ties That Bind |
435 | Ka Boom With a View |
436 | King and Queen for a Day |
437 | Curbing the Crimson Tide |
438 | What I Did For Love |
439 | Three Jynx and a Baby |
440 | Talking a Good Game! |
441 | Second Time's the Charm! |
442 | Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Part. 1
Pokémon Ranger! Deoxys Crisis! Part. 2 |
443 | All that Glitters is Not Golden! |
444 | New Plot - Old Lot! |
445 | Going for Choke! |
446 | The Ole' Berate and Switch |
447 | Grating Spaces |
448 | Battling the Enemy Within |
449 | Slaking Kong |
450 | May, We Harley Drew'd Ya! |
451 | Thinning the Hoard! |
452 | Channeling the Battle Zone |
453 | Aipom & Circumstance |
454 | Strategy Tomorrow - Comedy Tonight! |
455 | Duels of the Jungle! |
456 | Overjoyed! |
457 | The Unbeatable Lightness Of Seeing |
458 | Pinch Healing! |
459 | Gathering The Gang Of Four |
460 | Pace - The Final Frontier! |
461 | Once More with Reeling |
462 | Home Is Where The Start Is |
Pokémon: Diamant și Perlă (Seria 3)
modificareSezon 10: Pokémon: Diamant și Perlă
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
463 | Following a Maiden Voyage! | Călătoria Unei Domnișoare |
464 | Two Degrees of Separation! | 2 Feluri de Despărțire |
465 | When Pokémon Worlds Collide | Când Lumile Pokémon se Ciocnesc |
466 | Dawn of a New Era! | Zorii Unei Epoci Noi |
467 | Gettin' Twiggy with It! | La Drum cu Turtwig |
468 | Different Strokes for Different Blokes! | Lovituri Diferite pentru Indivizi Diferiți |
469 | Like It or Lup It! | Îți Place sau Nu |
470 | Gymbaliar! | Gymbaliar! |
471 | Setting the World on its Buneary! | Buneary are un Cuvânt de Spus |
472 | Not on My Watch Ya Don't! | Nu pe Schimbul Meu |
473 | Mounting a Coordinator Assault! | Atacul unui Coordonator |
474 | Arrival of a Rival! | Sosirea unui Rival |
475 | A Staravia Is Born! | Nașterea unui Pokémon Staravia |
476 | Leave It To Brocko! | Lăsați pe Seama lui Brocko |
477 | Shapes of Things to Come! | Lucruri pe cale să se întâmple |
478 | A Gruff Act to Follow! | Urmează o manifestare dură |
479 | Wild in the Streets! | Nebunie pe Străzi |
480 | O'er the Rampardos We Watched! | Am Reușit să Trecem de Rampardos |
481 | Twice Smitten, Once Shy! | De 2 ori Smucit și o dată Timid |
482 | Mutiny in the Bounty! | Revoltă la Răscumpărare |
483 | Ya See We Want Evolution! | Noi chiar vrem o Evoluție |
484 | Borrowing on Bad Faith! | Împrumut de Voie și de Nevoie |
485 | Faced with Steelix Determination! | Față în Față cu Puterea lui Steelix |
486 | Cooking Up a Sweet Story! | Rețeta unei Povești Dulci |
487 | Oh Do You Know the Poffin Plan! | Știți Cumva care e Planul Poffin |
488 | Getting the Pre-Contest Titters! | Amuzament de dinaintea Concursului |
489 | Settling a Not-So-Old Score! | Reglarea unui Scor mai Vechi |
490 | Drifloon on the Wind! | Pokémonul Drifloon și Vântul Năprasnic |
491 | The Champ Twins! | Gemenii din Tabără |
492 | Some Enchanted Sweetening! | O Mireasmă Vrăjită |
493 | The Grass-Type is Always Greener! | Pokémonul de Iarbă e mereu mai Verde |
494 | An Angry Combeenation! | O Combinație Supărătoare |
495 | All Dressed Up with Somewhere to Go! | Îmbrăcați de Gală |
496 | Buizel Your Way Out of This! | La Vânătoare de Buizel |
497 | An Elite Meet and Greet | O Întâlnire de Elită |
498 | A Secret Sphere of Influence | O Sferă Secretă de Influență |
499 | The Grass Menagerie | Menajeria de Iarbă |
500 | One Big Happiny Family | O Familie Mare și Fericită |
501 | Steamboat Willies | Vapor în Derivă |
502 | Top-Down Training | Antrenament de Elită |
503 | A Stand Up Sit Down | |
504 | The Electrike Company | |
505 | Malice in Wonderland! | |
506 | Mass Hip-po-sis! | |
507 | Ill-Will Hunting | |
508 | A Maze-ing Race! | |
509 | Sandshrew's Locker! | |
- | Satoshi and Hikari! Head for a New Adventure | |
510 | Dawn's Early Night! | |
511 | Tag! We're It...! | |
512 | Glory Blaze | |
513 | Smells Like Team Spirit! |
Sezon 11: Diamond and Pearl: Battle Dimension
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
514 | Tears for Fears | Lacrimi de Supărare |
515 | Once There Were Greenfields | |
516 | Throwing the Track Switch | Un Schimb Neașteptat |
517 | The Keystone Pops | Duhul din Zidul Crăpat |
518 | Bibarel Gnaws Best | Bibarel e cel mai Mare Rozător |
519 | Nosing 'Round the Mountain | Aventuri pe Munte |
520 | Luxray Vision | Viziunea lui Luxray |
521 | Journey to the Unown | Călătorie spre Necunoscut |
522 | Team Shocker | Echipa Șocantă |
523 | Tanks for the Memories | |
524 | Hot Springing a Leak | Un Izvor Termal cu Probleme |
525 | Riding the Winds of Change | Pe Aripile Schimbării |
526 | Sleight of Sand | Magie cu Nisip |
527 | Lost Leader Strategy | Un Șef de Arenă cu Probleme |
528 | Crossing the Battle Line | Pe Terenul Arenei |
529 | A Triple Fighting Chance | |
530 | Enter Galactic | Echipa Galactică la Orizont |
531 | The Bells Are Singing | Clopoțeii Cântători |
532 | Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 1 | |
533 | Pokemon Ranger and the Kidnapped Riolu! Part 2 | |
534 | Crossing Paths | |
535 | Pika and Goliath | |
536 | Our Cup Runneth Over | |
537 | A Full Course Tag Battle | |
538 | Staging A Heroes' Welcome | |
539 | Pruning a Passel of Pals | |
540 | Strategy With a Smile | |
541 | The Thief That Keeps on Thieving | |
542 | Chim-Charred | |
543 | Cream of the Croagunk Crop | |
544 | A Crasher Course in Power | |
545 | Hungry For the Good Life | |
546 | Fighting Fear With Fear | |
547 | Arriving in Style | |
548 | The Psyduck Stops Here | |
549 | Camping it Up | |
550 | Up Close and Personable | |
551 | Ghoul Daze | Fantoma cea Rea |
552 | One Team, Two Team, Red Team, Blue Team | Echipa 1, Echipa 2, Echipa Roșie, Echipa Albastră |
553 | A Lean Mean Team Rocket Machine | O Nouă Mașinărie Meschină de la Echipa Racheta |
554 | Playing The Leveling Field | |
555 | Doc Brock | |
556 | Battling the Generation Gap | Bătălia dintre Generații |
557 | Losing Its Lustrous | O Strălucire Pierdută |
558 | Double Team Turnover | |
559 | If the Scarf Fits, Wear It | |
560 | A Trainer and Child Reunion | O Reuniune între un Antrenor și un Copil |
561 | Aiding the Enemy | Ajutor pentru Adversar |
562 | Barry's Busting Out All Over | Barry și Încrederea sa Nemărginită |
563 | Shield With A Twist | Un Scut Norocos |
564 | Jumping Rocket Ship | În Balonul Echipei Racheta |
565 | Sleepless in Pre-Battle | Insomnia de Dinaintea Luptei |
Sezon 12: Pokémon: Diamant și Perlă : Bătăliile Galactice
modificareNr. | Titlu (engleză) | Titlu (română) |
566 | Get Your Rotom Running! | Goana după Tartină |
567 | A Breed Stampede! | Transformare cu Probleme |
568 | Ancient Family Matters! | Vechi Afaceri de Familie |
569 | Dealing With Defensive Types! | O Luptă de Tip Defensiv |
570 | Leading A Stray! | Pokémonul la Nevoie se Cunoaște |
571 | Steeling Peace of Mind! | Furând Liniștea Minții |
572 | Saving the World from Ruins! | Salvând Lumea de la Ruine |
573 | Cheers on Castaways Isle! | Voie Bună cu Naufragiații |
574 | Hold the Phione! | Ochii pe Phione |
575 | Another One Gabites the Dust! | Încă un Gabite Prăpădit |
576 | Stealing the Coversation! | Furând Vorba din Gură |
577 | The Drifting Snorunt! | Un Snorunt în Derivă |
578 | Noodles: Roamin' Off! | Fiecare cu Tăiețeii Lui |
579 | Pursuing a Lofty Goal! | Pentru o Cauză Nobilă |
580 | Trials and Adulations! | Tot Felul de Încercări |
- | The Mysterious Creatures, Pocket Monsters! | |
581 | The Lonely Snover! | Snover cel Singuratic |
582 | Stopped in the Name of Love! | Oprit în Numele Iubirii |
583 | Old Rivals, New Tricks! | Vechi Rivali, Noi Trucuri |
584 | To Thine Own Pokémon Be True! | O Prietenie Adevărată |
585 | Battling a Cute Drama! | O Bătălie Neobișnuită |
586 | Classroom Training! | Antrenament în Sala de Clasă |
587 | Sliding Into Seventh! | Luptând pentru a 7-a Insignă |
588 | A Pyramiding Rage! | Calmul Învinge Furia |
589 | Pillars of Friendship! | Piloni ai Prieteniei |
590 | Frozen on Their Tracks! | Roșu la Semafor |
591 | Pedal to the Mettle! | Arată ce Poți |
592 | Evolving Strategies! | Strategii Evoluate |
593 | Uncrushing Defeat! | Înviorare după Înfrângere |
594 | Promoting Healthy Tangrowth! | Pentru o Creștere Sănătoasă |
595 | Beating the Bustle and Hustle! | Joacă și Joc, Liniște Deloc |
596 | Gateway to Ruin! | Poarta Către Ruine |
597 | Three Sides to Every Story | 3 Laturi într-un Triunghi |
598 | Strategy Begins at Home! | Curajul se Moștenește |
599 | A Faux Oak Finish! | Adevărul Iese Întotdeauna la Iveală |
600 | Historical Mystery Tour | Misteriosul Tur Istoric |
601 | Challenging a Towering Figure | Bătălie cu un Geniu |
602 | Where No Togepi Has Gone Before! | Călătorind prin Spațiu |
603 | An Egg Scramble! | Un Ou cu Surprize |
604 | Gone With the Windworks! | Pe Aripile Electricității |
605 | A Rivalry to Gible On! | Un Gible la Colecție |
606 | Dressed for Jess Success! | Deghizare cu Noroc |
607 | Bagged Then Tagged! | Munca în Echipă, Cheia Succesului |
608 | Try for the Family Stone! | O Competiție în Familie |
609 | Sticking with Who You Know! | Rămăi Lipit de Prieteni |
610 | Unlocking the Red Chain of Events! | Planuri Galactice Periculoase |
611 | The Needs of the Three! | Cei 3 Pokémoni Legendari |
612 | The Battle Finale of Legend! | Bătălia pentru Legende |
613 | The Treasure Is All Mine! | Comoara Este a Mea |
614 | Mastering Current Events! | Vântul, Cheia Succesului |
615 | Double-Time Battle Training! | Antrenamente cu Imaginație |
616 | A Meteoric Rise to Excellence! | Ascensiune Către Excelență |
617 | Gotta Get a Gible! | Vreau să Prind un Gible |
Sezon 13: Diamond and Pearl: Sinnoh League Victors
modificareNr. | Titlu |
618 | Regaining the Home Advantage! |
619 | Short and to the Punch! |
620 | A Marathon Rivalry! |
621 | Yes, in Dee Dee It's Dawn! |
622 | Playing the Performance Encore! |
623 | Fighting Ire with Fire! |
624 | Piplup, Up and Away! |
625 | Flint Sparks the Fire! |
626 | The Fleeing Tower of Sunyshore! |
627 | Teaching the Student Teacher |
628 | Keeping in Top Forme! |
629 | Pokémon Ranger: Heatran Rescue! |
630 | An Elite Coverup! |
631 | Dawn of a Royal Day! |
632 | With the Easiest of Grace! |
633 | Dealing with a Fierce Double Ditto Drama! |
634 | Last Call, First Round! |
635 | Opposites Interact! |
636 | Coming Full Festival Circle! |
637 | A Grand Fight for Winning! |
638 | For the Love of Meowth! |
639 | The Eighth Wonder of the Sinnoh World! |
640 | Four Roads Diverged in a Pokémon Port! |
641 | Bucking the Treasure Trend! |
642 | An Old Family Blend! |
643 | League Unleashed! |
644 | Casting a Paul on Barry! |
645 | Working on a Right Move!! |
646 | Familiarity Breeds Strategy! |
647 | A Real Rival Rouser! |
648 | Battling a Thaw in Relations! |
649 | The Semi-Final Frontier |
650 | The Brockster Is In! |
651 | Memories Are Made of Bli |
Pokémon: Best Wishes! (Seria 4)
modificareSezon 14: Black & White
modificareNr. | Titlu |
652 | In the Shadow of Zekrom! |
653 | Enter Iris and Axew! |
654 | A Sandile Gusher of Change |
655 | The Battle Club and Tepig's Choice! |
656 | Triple Leaders, Team Threats |
657 | Dreams by the Yard Full |
658 | Snivy Plays Hard to Catch! |
659 | Saving Darmanitan from the Bell! |
660 | The Bloom Is on Axew! |
661 | A Rival Battle for Club Champ! |
662 | A Home for Dwebble |
663 | Here Comes the Trubbish Squad |
664 | Minccino–Neat and Tidy |
665 | A Night in the Nacrene City Museum |
666 | The Battle According to Lenora |
667 | Rematch at the Nacrene Gym |
668 | Scraggy–Hatched to Be Wild |
669 | Sewaddle and Burgh in Pinwheel Forest |
670 | A Connoisseur's Revenge! |
671 | Dancing with the Ducklett Trio! |
672 | The Lost World of Gothitelle! |
673 | A Venipede Stampede |
- | Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma! (Part 1) |
- | Team Rocket vs. Team Plasma! (Part 2) |
674 | Battling for the Love of Bug-Types! |
675 | Emolga the Irresistible! |
676 | Emolga and the New Volt Switch! |
677 | Scare at the Litwick Mansion! |
678 | The Dragon Master's Path! |
679 | Oshawott's Lost Scalchop! |
680 | Cottonee in Love! |
681 | A UFO for Elgyem! |
682 | Ash and Trip's Third Battle! |
683 | Facing Fear with Eyes Wide Open! |
684 | Iris and Excadrill Against the Dragon Buster! |
685 | Gotta Catch a Roggenrola! |
686 | Where Did You Go, Audino? |
687 | Archeops in the Modern World! |
688 | A Fishing Connoisseur in a Fishy Competition! |
689 | Movie Time! Zorua in 'The Legend of the Pokémon Knight'! |
690 | Reunion Battles in Nimbasa! |
691 | Cilan Versus Trip, Ash Versus Georgia!! |
692 | The Club Battle Hearts of Fury: Emolga Versus Sawk! |
693 | The Club Battle Finale: A Heroes Outcome! |
694 | Meowth's Scrafty Tactics! |
695 | Purrloin: Sweet or Sneaky? |
696 | Beheeyem, Duosion, and the Dream Thief! |
697 | The Beartic Mountain Feud! |
698 | Crisis from the Underground Up! |
699 | Battle for the Underground! |
Sezon 15: Black & White: Rival Destinies
modificareNr. | Titlu |
700 | Enter Elesa, Electrifying Gym Leader! |
701 | Dazzling the Nimbasa Gym! |
702 | Lost at the Stamp Rally! |
703 | Ash Versus the Champion! |
704 | A Maractus Musical! |
705 | The Four Seasons of Sawsbuck! |
706 | Scraggy and the Demanding Gothita! |
707 | The Lonely Deino! |
708 | The Mighty Accelguard to the Rescue! |
709 | A Call for Brotherly Love! |
710 | Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 1) |
711 | Stopping the Rage of Legends! (Part 2) |
Sezon special: Chronicles
modificareNr. | Titlu |
1 | The Legend of Thunder Part. 1 |
2 | The Legend of Thunder Part. 2 |
3 | The Legend of Thunder Part. 3 |
4 | Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Delibird's Dilemma
Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Snorlax Snowman |
5 | A Family That Battles Together Stays Together! |
6 | Cerulean Blues |
7 | We're No Angels! |
8 | Showdown At The Oak Corral |
9 | The Blue Badge Of Courage |
10 | Oaknapped! |
11 | A Date With Delcatty |
12 | Celebi And Joy! |
13 | Training Daze |
14 | Journey To The Starting Line! |
15 | Putting The Air Back In Aerodactyl! |
16 | Luvdisc Is A Many Splendored Thing! |
17 | Those Darn Electabuzz! |
18 | The Search For The Legend |
19 | Of Meowth And Pokémon
A Little Skitty |
20 | Trouble In Big Town |
21 | Big Meowth, Little Dreams
Piece'a Pizza Peace Pizzazz |
22 | Pikachu’s Winter Vacation - Christmas Night
Pikachu's Winter Vacation - Ice Games |