Maria Tănase 1 – Folk Romanian Songs, Recordings 1936–1939

album de Maria Tănase

Maria Tănase 1 – Folk Romanian Songs, Recordings 1936–1939 este un album al cântăreței de muzică populară Maria Tănase. Acompaniază orchestrele dirijate de Costică Tandin, Mitică Mâță, Constantin Bugeanu, Ilie Rădulescu și Costică Vraciu.

Detalii ale albumului

  • Genre: Folk, World, & Country
  • Style: Folklore
  • Limbi: Romana / Franceza
  • Casa de discuri: MUSICAL ARK
  • Catalog #:
  • Format: CD, Compilation, Digisleeve
  • Data Lansari: 5 mai 2008
  • Durata albumului: (62:41)

Lista pieselor

  • 01 - Am iubit si am iubesc (I Have Loved and Will Again) [3:02]
  • 02 - Tataise si-o cumnata (Sister in Law) [3:08]
  • 03 - Cand o fi la moartea mea (And, If I Then Die) [3:27]
  • 04 - Am ibovnic la Mizil (My Sweetheart is there, in Mizil) [3:36]
  • 05 - Cand m-am dus la insurat (Once, on the way to a wedding) [3:20]
  • 06 - Cine iubeste si lasa (He who Loves and Leaves) [3:33]
  • 07 - Iarna grea, muierea rea (Hard winter, sad woman) [3:12]
  • 08 - Degeaba ma mai duc acasa (What for am I going home) [3:16]
  • 09 - Foaie verde de pribori (Green leaf of the peony) [3:12]
  • 10 - Nunta tsiganeasca (Gypsy wedding) [3:15]
  • 11 - Ia uite o, sau (Just look) [3:13]
  • 12 - Invartita de pe Tarnave (Round dance of Tirnave) [3:04]
  • 13 - Jandarmul (The Gendarme) [3:33]
  • 14 - Lelita carciumareasa (The Pretty Landlady) [3:33]
  • 15 - Nu vine mandru, nu vine (My Love is not coming) [3:27]
  • 16 - Foaie verde trei rozete (Green leaf, three rose petals) [3:12]
  • 17 - Of, zac (Ah, down I lie) [3:15]
  • 18 - Se sterge mandra pe frunte (The Pretty Girl has worries) [3:03]
  • 19 - Si-ar fi batut Dumnezeu (He who was cursed by God) [3:33]

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