Obeah (uneori ortografiat Obi, Obeya sau Obia)[1][2] este un sistem[3][4][5] spiritual healing and justice-making[6] de practici de vindecare spirituală și de justiție care a apărut printre sclavii din Africa de Vest din Indiile de Vest.[7][8] Obeah este greu de definit, deoarece nu este un singur set unificat de practici; din punct de vedere istoric, cuvântul „Obeah” nu a fost adesea folosit pentru a descrie practicile proprii.[9]

  1. ^ Williams, Joseph John S.J.. Voodoos and Obeahs: Phases of West Indian Witchcraft (1932). Publisher: Lincoln MacVeagh, Dial Press, Inc., New York. Chapter "Origin of Obeah."
  2. ^ Deane, John Bathurst, The Worship of the Serpent (1883), p.163.
  3. ^ Heffernan, Andrew. „Obeah, Christianity, and Jamaica” (în engleză). 
  4. ^ „Obeah (religious cult) – Memidex dictionary/thesaurus”. www.memidex.com. Accesat în . 
  5. ^ „The Igbo People – Origins & History”. www.faculty.ucr.edu. Accesat în . 
  6. ^ https://press.uchicago.edu/ucp/books/book/chicago/E/bo50271449.html J. Brent Crosson, Experiments with Power: Obeah and the Remaking of Religion in Trinidad (Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2020)
  7. ^ Eltis, David; Richardson, David (). Routes to slavery: direction, ethnicity, and mortality in the transatlantic slave trade. Routledge. p. 88. ISBN 0-7146-4820-5. 
  8. ^ Payne-Jackson, Arvilla (). Jamaican Folk Medicine: A Source of Healing. University of the West Indies Press. ISBN 9766401233. 
  9. ^ Maarit Forde and Diana Paton, "Introduction", in Obeah and Other Powers: The Politics of Caribbean Religion and Healing, ed. Diana Paton and Maarit Forde (Durham: Duke University Press, 2012), 10.

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