Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animație
Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun scurt metraj de animație | |
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Țara | Statele Unite ale Americii ![]() |
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Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun scurtmetraj de animație este unul dintre premiile acordate de Academia de Arte și Științe, decernat anual începând cu cea de-a cincea ceremonie a Premiului Oscar din anul 1931.
Categoria a fost cunoscută între anii 1932 și 1970 ca „Subiecte scurte, desene”, iar între anii 1971 și 1973 „Subiecte scurte, filme animate”, anul 1974 consemnând titlul actual. În lista de mai jos, desenele animate scrise cu îngroșat au câștigat titlul în anul respectiv, iar celelalte au fost nominalizate. Walt Disney este cel mai de succes animator din categorie, 12 din cele 22 de premii Oscar fiind primite pentru scurt-metraje, incluzând un premiu post-mortem în 1968. Mai mult, desenele sale au câștigat consecutiv primele 10 ediții.
Seria Silly Symphonies, creată de Walt Disney și seria Tom și Jerry, creată de Hanna și Barbera, sunt seriile cu cele mai multe premii, 6.
Timp de cincizeci de ani premiile erau ridicare de producătorii desenelor. În prezent regulile Oscarului spun că „persoana care s-a implicat direct în concept și în animație va primi trofeul. În cazul în care mai multe persoane s-au implicat direct iar munca lor a influențat desenul animat, li se vor acorda și o a doua statuie.[1] Oscarul definește scurtca fiind „nu mai lung de 40 de minute”, cu tot cu generic."[2]
Anii 1930
modificareCa Short Subjects (Cartoons)
- 1932 (5) Flowers and Trees - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1933 (6) Three Little Pigs - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1934 (7) - The Tortoise and the Hare - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1935 (8) Three Orphan Kittens - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1936 (9) The Country Cousin - Walt Disney Productions, United Artists - Walt Disney
- 1937 (10) The Old Mill - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1938 (11) Ferdinand the Bull - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1939 (12) The Ugly Duckling - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
Anii 1940
modificare- 1940 (13) The Milky Way - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby & Rudolph Ising
- 1941 (14) Lend a Paw - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Boogie Woogie Bugle Boy of Company B - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Hiawatha's Rabbit Hunt - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- How War Came – Screen Gems, Columbia - George Winkler
- Noaptea de Ajun - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Rhapsody in Rivets - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- The Rookie Bear - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby & Rudolph Ising
- Rhythm in the Ranks - Paramount - George Pal
- Superman – Fleischer Studios, Paramount - Max Fleischer
- Truant Officer Donald - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1942 (15) Der Fuehrer's Face - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- All Out for 'V' - Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- Blitz Wolf - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Juke Box Jamboree - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Pigs in a Polka - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Tulips Shall Grow - Paramount - George Pal
- 1943 (16) The Yankee Doodle Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- The Dizzy Acrobat - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Five Hundred Hats of Bartholomew Cubbins - Paramount - George Pal
- Greetings Bait - Leon Schlesinger Productions, Warner Bros. - Leon Schlesinger
- Imagination – Screen Gems, Columbia - Dave Fleischer
- Reason and Emotion - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- 1944 (17) Mouse Trouble - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- And to Think I Saw It on Mulberry Street - Paramount - George Pal
- Dog, Cat and Canary – Screen Gems, Columbia - Raymond Katz
- Fish Fry - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- How to Play Football - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- My Boy, Johnny – Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- Swooner Crooner - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- 1945 (18) Quiet Please! - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- Donald's Crime - Walt Disney Productions, RKO Radio - Walt Disney
- Jasper and the Beanstalk - Paramount - George Pal
- Life with Feathers - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- Mighty Mouse in Gypsy Life – Terrytoons, 20th Century Fox - Paul Terry
- The Poet and Peasant - Walter Lantz Productions, Universal - Walter Lantz
- Rippling Romance - Screen Gems, Columbia - Raymond Katz
- 1946 (19) The Cat Concerto - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- 1947 (20) Tweetie Pie - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- 1948 (21) The Little Orphan - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- 1949 (22) For Scent-imental Reasons - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
Anii 1950
modificare- 1950 (23) Gerald McBoing-Boing - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1951 (24) The Two Mouseketeers - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- 1952 (25) Johann Mouse - Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Fred Quimby
- 1953 (26) Toot, Whistle, Plunk and Boom - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- 1954 (27) When Magoo Flew - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1955 (28) Speedy Gonzales - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- 1956 (29) Magoo's Puddle Jumper - United Productions of America, Columbia - Stephen Bosustow
- 1957 (30) Birds Anonymous - Warner Bros. - Edward Selzer
- 1958 (31) Knighty Knight Bugs - Warner Bros. - John W. Burton
- 1959 (32) Moonbi - Storyboard-Harrison - John Hubley și Faith Elliott Hubley
- Mexicali Shmoes - Warner Bros. - John W. Burton
- Noah's Ark - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- The Violini - Pintoff Prods., Kingsley International - Ernest Pintoff
Anii 1960
modificare- 1960 (33) Munro - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - William L. Snyder
- Goliath II - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney
- High Note - Warner Bros. - Chuck Jones
- Mouse and Garden - Warner Bros. - Friz Freleng
- A Place in the Sun (short) - George K. Arthur-Go Pictures (Czechoslovakian) - Frantisek Vystrecil
- 1961 (34) Ersatz (The Substitute) - Zagreb Film, Herts-Lion International Corp.
- 1962 (35) The Hole - Storyboard Inc., Brandon Films - John Hubley și Faith Hubley
- 1963 (36) The Critic - Pintoff-Crossbow Prods., Columbia - Ernest Pintoff
- Automania 2000 - Pathé Contemporary Films - John Halas
- The Game (Igra) - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - Dušan Vukotić
- My Financial Career - National Film Board of Canada, Walter Reade-Sterling-Continental Distributing - Gerald Potterton
- Pianissimo - Cinema 16 - Carmen D'Avino
- 1964 (37) The Pink Phink - Mirisch Films, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, United Artists - David H. DePatie și Friz Freleng
- Christmas Cracker - National Film Board of Canada, Favorite Films of California - Norman McLaren, Jeff Hale, Gerald Potterton și Grant Munro
- How to Avoid Friendship - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - William L. Snyder
- Nudnik No. 2 - Rembrandt Films, Film Representations - William L. Snyder
- 1965 (38) The Dot and the Line - Sib Tower 12 Productions, Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer - Chuck Jones and Les Goldman
- Clay or the Origin of Species - Harvard University, Pathé Contemporary Films - Eliot Noyes, Jr.
- The Thieving Magpie (La Gazza Ladra) - Allied Artists - Emanuele Luzzati
- 1966 (39) A Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass Double Feature - Paramount - John Hubley și Faith Hubley
- The Drag - National Film Board of Canada, Favorite Films - Carlos Marchiori
- The Pink Blueprint - Mirisch Films, DePatie-Freleng Enterprises, United Artists - David H. DePatie și Friz Freleng
- 1967 (40) The Box (short) - Brandon Films - Fred Wolf
- Hypothese Beta - Films Orzeaux, Pathé Contemporary Films - Jean-Charles Meunier
- What on Earth! - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Les Drew și Kaj Pindal
- 1968 (41) Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Walt Disney (posthumous win)
- The House That Jack Built - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Ron Tunis
- The Magic Pear Tree - Bing Crosby Prods. - Jimmy Murakami
- Windy Day - Hubley Studios, Paramount - John Hubley și Faith Hubley
- 1969 (42) It's Tough to Be a Bi - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Ward Kimball
- Of Men and Demons - Hubley Studios, Paramount - John Hubley și Faith Hubley
- Walking - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Ryan Larkin
Anii 1970
modificare- 1970 (43) Is It Always Right to Be Right? - Stephen Bosustow Prods., Schoenfeld Films - Nick Bosustow
- The Further Adventures of Uncle Sam: Part Two - Haboush Company, Goldstone Films - Robert Mitchell și Dale Case
- The Shephe - Cameron Guess and Associates, Brandon Films - Cameron Guess
Numele premiului s-a schimbat în Subiecte scurte, filme animate
- 1971 (44) The Crunch Bi - Maxwell-Petok, Petrovich Prods., Regency Films - Ted Petok
- Evolution - National Film Board of Canada, Columbia - Michael Mills
- The Selfish Giant - Potterton Prods., Pyramid Films - Peter Sander și Gerald Potterton
- 1972 (45) A Christmas Carol - American Broadcasting Company - Richard Williams
- Kama Sutra Rides Again - Lion International Films - Bob Godfrey
- Tup Tup - Zagreb Film, Corona Cinematografica, Manson Distributing - Nedeljko Dragic
- 1973 (46) Frank Film - Frank Mouris Prod. - Frank Mouris
- The Legend of John Henry - Bosustow-Pyramid Films - Nick Bosustow și David Adams
- Pulcinella - Luzzati-Gianini Prod. - Emanuele Luzzati și Guilo Gianini
Numele premiului s-a schimbat în Desene de scurt metraj, filme animate
- 1974 (47) Closed Mondays - Lighthouse Productions - Will Vinton și Bob Gardiner
- The Family That Dwelt Apart - National Film Board of Canada - Yvon Mallette și Robert Verrall
- Hunger - National Film Board of Canada - Peter Foldes și René Jodoin
- Voyage to Next - Hubley Studio - John Hubley și Faith Hubley
- Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too! - Walt Disney Productions, Buena Vista Distribution - Wolfgang Reitherman
- 1975 ([Oscar 1976|48]]) Great - Grantstern, British Lion Films Ltd. - Bob Godfrey
- Kick Me - Swarthe Productions - Robert Swarthe
- Monsieur Pointu - National Film Board of Canada - René Jodoin, Bernard Longpré și André Leduc
- Sisyphus - Hungarofilms - Marcell Jankovics
- 1976 ([Oscar 1977|49]]) Leisure - Film Australia - Suzanne Baker
- Dedalo - Cineteam Realizzazioni - Manfredo Manfredi
- The Street - National Film Board of Canada - Caroline Leaf și Guy Glover
- 1977 (50) The Sand Castle - National Film Board of Canada - Co Hoedeman
- Bead Game - National Film Board of Canada - Ishu Patel
- A Doonesbury Special - Hubley Studio - John Hubley (nominalizare post-mortem), Faith Hubley și Garry Trudeau
- Jimmy the C - Motionpicker Production - James Picker, Robert Grossman și Craig Whitaker
- 1978 (51) Special Delivery - National Film Board of Canada - Eunice Macauley și John Weldon
- Oh My Darling - Nico Crama Productions - Nico Crama
- Rip Van Winkle - Will Vinton/Billy Budd - Will Vinton
- 1979 (52) Every Child - National Film Board of Canada - Derek Lamb
- Dream Doll - Godfrey Films, Zagreb Film, Halas and Batchelor, Film Wright - Bob Godfrey și Zlatko Grgic
- It's so Nice to Have a Wolf Around the House - AR&T Productions, Learning Corporation of America - Paul Fierlinger
Anii 1980
modificare- 1980 (53) The Fly - PannóniaFilm, Budape - Ferenc Rófusz
- All Nothing - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back
- History of the World in Three Minutes Flat - Michael Mills Productions Ltd. - Michael Mills
- 1981 (54) Crac - Société Radio-Canada - Frédéric Back
- The Creation - Will Vinton Productions - Will Vinton
- The Tender Tale of Cinderella Penguin - National Film Board of Canada - Janet Perlman
- 1982 (55) Tango - Film Polski - Zbigniew Rybczyński
- The Great Cognito - Will Vinton Productions - Will Vinton
- The Snowman - Snowman Enterprises Ltd., Channel Four - Dianne Jackson
- 1983 (56) Sundae in New York - Motionpicker Production - Jimmy Picker
- 1984 (57) Charade - Micheal Mills Productions, Sheridan College - Jon Minnis
- Doctor DeSoto - Sporn Animation - Morton Schindel și Michael Sporn
- Paradise - National Film Board of Canada - Ishu Patel
- 1985 (58) Anna & Bella - The Netherlands - Børge Ring
- 1986 (59) A Greek Tragedy - CineTe pvba - Linda Van Tulden și Willem Thijsen
- 1987 (60) The Man Who Planted Trees - Canadian Broadcasting Corporation - Frédéric Back
- George and Rosemary - National Film Board of Canada - Eunice Macaulay - Alison Snowden - David Fine
- Your Face - Bill Plympton
- 1988 (61) Tin Toy - Pixar - John Lasseter și William Reeves
- 1989 (62) Balance - Wolfgang și Christoph Lauenstein
Anii 1990
modificare- 1990 (63) Creature Comforts - Aardman Animations, Channel Four - Nick Park
- 1991 (64) Manipulation - Daniel Greaves
- 1992 (65) Mona Lisa Descending a Staircase - Joan C. Gratz
- 1993 (66) The Wrong Trousers - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
- 1994 (67) Bob's Birthday - Snowden Fine Animation, National Film Board of Canada, Channel Four - Alison Snowden and David Fine
- 1995 (68) A Close Shave - Aardman Animations, BBC - Nick Park
- 1996 (69) Que - Tyron Montgomery și Thomas Stellmach
- 1997 (70) Geri's Game - Pixar - Jan Pinkava
- 1998 (71) Bunny - Blue Sky Studios - Chris Wedge
- The Canterbury Tales - S4C, BBC Wales, HBO -Christopher Grace și Jonathan Myerson
- Jolly Roger - Astley Baker Davies, Silver Bird Productions, Channel Four - Mark Baker
- More - Bad Clams Productions, Swell Productions - Mark Osborne și Steven B. Kalafer
- When Life Departs - Karsten Kiilerich și Stefan Fjeldmark
- 1999 (72) The Old Man and the Sea - Aleksandr Petrov
Anii 2000
modificare- 2000 (73) Father and Daughter - Michaël Dudok De Wit
- Periwig Maker - Ideal Standard Film - Steffen Schäffler și Annette Schäffler
- Rejected - Bitter Films - Don Hertzfeldt
- 2001 (74) For the Birds - Pixar - Ralph Eggleston
- 2002 (75) The ChubbChubbs! - Sony Pictures Animation, Columbia - Jacquie Barnbrook, Eric Armstrong and Jeff Wolverton
- 2003 (76) Harvie Krumpet - Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Adam Elliot
- Boundin' - Pixar - Bud Luckey
- Gone Nutty - Blue Sky Studios - Carlos Saldanha și John C. Donkin
- Nibbles - Chris Hinton
- Destino - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Dominique Monféry and Roy E. Disney
- 2004 (77) Ryan - Chris Landre - National Film Board of Canada
- Birthday Boy - Australian Film Television and Radio School - Sejong Park și Andrew Gregory
- Gopher Broke - Blur Studio - Jeff Fowler și Tim Miller
- Guard Dog - Bill Plympton
- Lorenzo - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Mike Gabriel și Baker Bloodworth
- 2005 (78) The Moon and the Son: An Imagined Conversation - John Canemaker
- Badgered - National Film & Television School - Sharon Colman
- The Mysterious Geographic Explorations of Jasper Morello - 3d Films Pty Ltd., Australian Film Commission, Film Victoria, SBS Independent - Anthony Lucas
- 9 - UCLA Animation Workshop, Thinkart Films - Shane Acker
- One Man Ba - Pixar - Andrew Jimenez și Mark Andrews
- 2006 (79) The Danish Poet - Torill Kove - Mikrofilm AS, National Film Board of Canada
- Lifted - Pixar - Gary Rydstrom
- The Little Matchgirl - Walt Disney Animation Studios - Roger Allers și Don Hahn
- Maestro - Géza M. Tó
- No Time for Nuts - Blue Sky Studios, - Chris Renaud și Michael Thurmeier
- 2009 (82) Logorama - H5, Autour de Minuit Productions - Nicolas Schmerkin
Anii 2010
modificare- 2010 (83) – The Lost Thing - Shaun Tan și Andrew Ruhemann
- Day & Night - Pixar - Teddy Newton
- The Gruffalo - Magic Light Pictures, Studio Soi - Jakob Schuh și Max Lang
- Let's Pollute - Geefwee Boedoe
- Madagascar, a Journey Diary - Bastien Dubois
- 2011 (84) The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr. Morris Lessmore – Moonbot Studios - William Joyce și Brandon Oldenburg
- Dimanche – National Film Board of Canada - Patrick Doyon
- La Luna – Pixar - Enrico Casarosa
- A Morning Stroll – Studio AKA - Grant Orchard și Sue Goffe
- Wild Life – National Film Board of Canada - Wendy Tilby și Amanda Forbis
- 2014 (87) Feast – Walt Disney Animation Studios – Patrick Osborne și Kristina Reed
- The Bigger Picture – National Film and Television School – Daisy Jacobs și Christopher Hees
- The Dam Keeper – Robert Kondo and Dice Tsutsumi
- Me and My Moulton – National Film Board of Canada – Torill Kove
- A Single Life – Joris Oprins
- 2017 (90) Dear Basketball – Glen Keane și Kobe Bryant
- Garden Party – Victor Caire și Gabriel Grapperon
- Lou – Dave Mullins și Dana Murray
- Negative Space – Max Porter și Ru Kuwahata
- Revolting Rhymes – Jakob Schuh și Jan Lachauer
- 2018 (91) Bao – Domee Shi și Becky Neiman-Cobb
- Animal Behaviour – Alison Snowden și David Fine
- Late Afternoon – Louise Bagnall și Nuria González Blanco
- One Small Step – Andrew Chesworth și Bobby Pontillas
- Weekends – Trevor Jimenez
Anii 2020
modificare- 2020/21 (93) : If Anything Happens I Love You – Will McCormack & Michael Govier
- Burrow – Madeline Sharafian & Michael Capbarat
- Genius loci – Adrien Mérigeau & Amaury Ovise
- Opera – Erick Oh
- Yes-People – Gísli Darri Halldórsson & Arnar Gunnarsson
- 2021 (94) : The Windshield Wiper – Alberto Mielgo & Leo Sanchez
- Bestia – Hugo Covarrubias & Tevo Díaz
- Boxballet – Anton Dyakov
- Robin Robin – Dan Ojari & Mikey Please
- Affairs of the Art – Joanna Quinn & Les Mills
- 2022 (95) : The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse – Charlie Mackesy, Matthew Freud
- The Flying Sailor – Wendy Tilby, Amanda Forbis
- Ice Merchants – Joao Gonzalez, Bruno Caetano
- My Year of Dicks – Sara Gunnarsdóttir, Pamela Ribbon
- An Ostrich Told Me the World Is Fake and I Think I Believe It – Lachlan Pendragon
- 2023 (96) : War Is Over! Inspired by the Music of John and Yoko – Dave Mullins & Brad Booker
- Letter to a Pig – Tal Kantor & Amit R. Gicelter
- Ninety-Five Senses – Jerusha Hess & Jared Hess
- Our Uniform – Yegane Moghaddam
- Pachyderme – Stéphanie Clément & Marc Rius
Vezi și
modificare- ^ (2007). Rule 19, Section III, Paragraph 7 80th Academy Award Rules for Distinguished Achievements Arhivat în , la Wayback Machine.. Retrieved 29 martie 2008.
- ^ Rule Nineteen: Short Films Awards. Retrieved 27 martie 2010.
Legături externe
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