Utilizator:Alexandru.demian/Cutia cu nisip

Utilizator:Alexandru.demian/Cutia cu nisip/Wagram Utilizator:Alexandru.demian/Cutia cu nisip/Regatul Bavariei Utilizator:Alexandru.demian/Cutia cu nisip/Campania din peninsula iberică (1808-1814)

De folosit pentru ordinea de bătălie detaliată: dispozitivul lui Wellinton pe brigăzi, conform lui Damamme.

  • Prima linie, de la dreapta spre stânga, brigăzile: Chassé (olandezi și belgieni), Adam, Mitchell, William Halkett (trupe din Hanovra), Duplat (King's German Legion, prescurtat KGL). În continuare, foarte aproape de liniile franceze, se găseau brigăzile: Byng, Maitland, Halkett, Kielmannsegge (trupe din Hanovra), Ompteda (KGL); dincolo de șoseaua Bruxelles-Charleroi, brigăzile: Kempt, Pack, von Bijandt (olandezi și belgieni), Best (trupe din Hanovra). În continuarea acestui dispozitiv, aripa stângă, puțin retrasă, între fermele Papelotte și La Haye (a nu se confunda cu ferma La Haye Sainte), era formată din brigăzile: prințului de Saxa-Weimar (trupe din Nassau) și Winke (trupe din Hanovra). Extrema stângă era formată din brigăzile de cavalerie ușoară conduse de Vandeleur (dragoni ușori) și Vivian (husari)[1].
  • Rezervele erau dispuse, de la dreapta la stânga, în felul următor: brigada von Kruse (trupe din Hanovra), Corpul de armată von Brünswick[2], brigăzile anglo-germane conduse de Grant, Dörnberg, Arentschildt și brigăzile de cavalerie Sommerset (Guards Cavalry Brigade sau Horse Guards), Trip și Van Merlen (ultimele două formate din belgieni și olandezi)[1].
  • Și mai în spate se găseau brigăzile britanice conduse de Lambert și Ponsorby (Union Brigade) și, în fine, în spatele fermei Mont Saint-Jean dragonii belgieni și olandezi din brigada lui Ghigny.

Armata Nordului sub comanda lui Napoleon I.

Maior General (Șef de Stat Major): Mareșalul Soult, duce de Dalmația

Aripa Stângă


Aripa Stângă a Armatei Nordului, comandată de Mareșalul Ney, prinț de Moscova

Unitate Commandant Infanterie/Nr. de batalioane Cavalerie/Nr. de escadroane Artilerie/Nr. de baterii Geniu/Nr. de companii Total
Corpul I generalul conte d'Erlon 33 de batalioane/17 000 de oameni 12 de escadroane/1 800 de oameni 6 de baterii/1 100 de oameni 5 companii/350 de oameni 20 950 de oameni/46 de piese
Divizia 1 generalul conte Allix (comandată de generalul de brigadă baron Quiot)
Divizia a 2a Generalul baron Donzelot
Divizia a 3a Generalul baron Marcognet
Divizia a 4-a Generalul conte Durutte
Divizia de cavalerie ușoară atașată Generalul baron Jacquinot
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
II Corps Général Count Honore Reille 25,000 men, 46 guns
5th Division Général de Division Baron Gilbert Desiree Joseph Bachelu
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Husson
1er and 2e Bataillons, 3e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Vautrin
1er and 2e Bataillons, 61e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Bouge
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Campi
72e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Thibault
108e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Higonet
6th Division Prince Jérôme
1st Brigade Maréchal de Camp Baudouin
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 1ére Régiment de Légère Colonel Despans-Cubières
1er, 2e, 3e, and 4e Bataillons, 2e Régiment de Légère Colonel Maigros
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Soye
1ére Régiment de Ligne Colonel Cornebise
2e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Trippe
7th Division Général de Division Baron Jean Baptiste Girard
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Vicomte Louis de Villiers
1er and 2e Bataillons, 11e Régiment de Légère Colonel Vicomte Sebastiani
1er and 2e Bataillons, 82e Régiment de Légère Colonel Matis
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Piat
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 12e Régiment de Légère Colonel Mouttet
1er and 2e Bataillons, 4e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Foullin
9th Division Général de Division Comte Maximilien Foy
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Gauthier
1er and 2e Bataillons, 92e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Tissot
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 93e Régiment de Ligne Chef de Bataillon Massot
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Jamin
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 4e Régiment de Légère Colonel Peyris
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 100e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Braun
2nd Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Hippolyte Piré
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Hubert
1er Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Cheval Colonel de Simonneau
6e Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Cheval Colonel de Faudoas
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Wathiez
5e Régiment de Lanciers Légère Colonel Baron Jacqueminot
6e Régiment de Lanciers Légère Colonel de Galbois
II Corps Artillery Reserve (Artillerie de Réserve) Général de Brigade Baron Jean Baptiste Pelletier
5 foot batteries
1 horse battery

Right Wing


The Right Wing was commanded by Marshal Grouchy.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
III Corps Général de Division Dominique Vandamme 17,000 men 38 guns
8th Division Général de Division Baron Etienne-Nicolas Lefol
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Billiard
1er and 2e Bataillons, 15e Régiment de Légère Colonel Brice
1er, 2e, and 3e Bataillons, 23e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Vernier
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Corsin
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 37e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Cornebise
1er and 2e Bataillons, 64e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Dubalen
10th Division Général de Division Baron Pierre-Joseph Habert
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Gengoult
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 34e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Mouton
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 88e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baillon
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Dupeyroux
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 22e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Fantin des Odoards
1er and 2e Bataillons, 70e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Maury
2e Régiment d'Infanterie Etranger (Swiss) Colonel Staffel 730 Men
11th Division Général de Division Baron Pierre Berthézène
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Dufour
1er and 2e Bataillons, 12e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Beaudinot
1er and 2e Bataillons, 56e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Delahaye
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Lagarde
1er and 2e Bataillons, 33e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Maire
1er and 2e Bataillons, 86e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Pelicier
3rd Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Jean-Simon Domon
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Dommanget
4e Régiment de Chasseurs â Cheval Colonel Baron Desmichels
9e Régiment de Chasseurs â Cheval Colonel Baron du Kermont
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Vinot
12e Régiment de Chasseurs â Cheval Colonel de Grouchy
III Corps Artillerie de Réserve Général de Division Baron Jerome Dougereau
4 foot batteries
1 horse battery
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
IV Corps Général de Division Etienne Gérard 16,000 men, 38 guns
12th Division Général de Division Baron Marc-Nicolas-Louis Pecheux
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Rome
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 30e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Ramand
1er, 2e and 3e Bataillons, 96e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Jean Gougeon
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Schoeffer
3e Bataillon, 6e Régiment de Légère Chef de Bataillon Gemeau
1er 2e and 3e Bataillons, 63e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Laurède
13th Division Général de Division Baron Louis-Joseph Vichery
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron le Capitaine
1er and 2e Bataillons, 59e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Chevalier Laurain
1er and 2e Bataillons, 76e Régiment de Ligne Chef de Bataillon Condamy
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Comte Desprez
1er and 2e Bataillons, 48e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Peraldi
1er and 2e Bataillons, 69e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Hervé
14th Division Général de Division Comte Louis de Bourmont
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Hulot de Mazarny
1er and 2e Bataillons, 9e Régiment de Légère Colonel Baume
1er and 2e Bataillons, 111e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Aron Sausset
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Toussaint
1er and 2e Bataillons, 44e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Paolini
1er and 2e Bataillons, 50e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Lavigne
7th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Antoine Maurin
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Vallin
6e Regiment of Hussards Colonel Prince de Savoy-Carignan
8e Regiment de Chasseurs Colonel Schneit
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Berruyer
6e Regiment de Dragons Colonel Mugnier
16e Regiment de Dragons Chef d'Escadron Fortin
IV Corps Artillerie de Réserve Général de Brigade Baltus de Pouilly
4 foot batteries
1 horse battery



The Reserve came under the direct command of Napoleon Bonaparte.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
VI Corps Général de Division Georges Mouton, Count de Lobau 10,300 men
19th Division Général de Division Baron Francois-Martin-Valentin Simmer
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron de Bellair
1er and 2e Bataillons, 5e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Roussille
1er and 2e Bataillons, 11e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Baron Aubrée
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Thevenet Jamin
1er and 2e Bataillons, 27e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Gaudin
1er and 2e Bataillons, 84e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Chevalier
20th Division Général de Division Baron Jean Baptiste Jeanin
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Bony
1er and 2e Bataillons, 5e Régiment de Légère Colonel Curnier
1er and 2e Bataillons, 10e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Roussel
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Comte de Tromellin
1er and 2e Bataillons, 107e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Druot
21st Division Général de Division Baron Francois-Antoine Teste
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Lafitte
1er and 2e Bataillons, 8e Régiment de Légère Colonel Ricard
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Penne
1er Bataillon, 65e Régiment de Ligne Chef de Bataillon Boumard
1er and 2e Bataillons, 75e Régiment de Ligne Colonel Mathivet
VI Corps Artillerie de Réserve Général de Division Baron Henri-Marie Noury
French Cavalry Corps
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
I Cavalry Corps Général de Division Claude Pierre Pajol 3100 men, 12 guns
4th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Pierre-Benoit Soult
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Houssin de St Laurent
1e Régiment de Hussards Colonel Clary
4e Régiment de Hussards (St Laurent) Colonel Blot
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Ameil
5e Régiment de Hussards Colonel Baron Liégeard
5th Cavalry Division Général de Division Jacques Gervais, baron Subervie
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Comte Louis-Pierre-Alphonse de Colbert
1er Régiment de Légère Lanciers Colonel Jacquinot
2e Régiment de Légère Lanciers Colonel Baron Sourd
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Antoine Francois Eugene Merlin de Douai
11e Régiment de Chasseurs-à-Cheval Colonel Baron Nicolas
Division d'Artillerie (Divisional Artillery) Capitaine Duchemin
2 horse batteries (8) 6lb guns, (4) 5.5 inch howitzers
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
II Cavalry Corps Rémi Joseph Isidore Exelmans 3300 men, 12 guns
9th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Chevalier Jean-Baptiste Strolz
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Burthe
5e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Canevas Saint-Amand
13e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Saviot
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Vincent
15e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Chaillot
20e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Briqueville
10th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Louis Pierre Chastel
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Bonnemains
4e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Baron Bouquerot des Essarts
12e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Bureaux de Pusy
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Berton
14e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Seguier
17te Régiment de Dragons Colonel Labiffe
Artillery Capitaine Bernard
2 horse batteries (Artillerie à Cheval) (8) 6lb guns, (4) 5.5 inch howitzers
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
III Cavalry Corps François Etienne de Kellermann 3700 men, 12 guns
11th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Samuel-Francois L'Heritier
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Picquet
2e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Planzeaux
7e Régiment de Dragons Colonel Léopold
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Guiton
8e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Garavaque
11e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Courtier
12th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Roussel d'Hurbal
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Blanchard
1er Régiment de Carabiniers Colonel Rogé
2e Régiment de Carabiniers Colonel Beugnat
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Donop
2e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Baron Grandjean
3e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Thurot
Artillery Capitaine Lebau
2 horse batteries (8) 6lb guns, (4) 5.5 inch howitzers
Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
IV Cavalry Corps Général de Division Comte Edouard Jean Baptiste Milhaud 3000 men, 12 guns
13th Cavalry Division Général de Division Wathier
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Dubois
1er Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Comte Ordener
4e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Habert
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Travers, Baron de Jever
7e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Richardot
12e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Thurot
14th Cavalry Division Général de Division Baron Jacques Antoine Adrien Delort
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Farine du Creux
5e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Baron Gobert
10e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Baron Lahuberdière
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Vial
6e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Martin
9e Régiment de Cuirassiers Colonel Bigarne
Artillery Capitaine Duchet
2 horse batteries (8) 6lb guns, (4) 5.5 inch howitzers
French Imperial Guard

The Garde Impériale, with a complement of 20,000 men, 96 guns, came under the command of Comte Antoine Drouot.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
Grenadier Division Comte Louis Friant
1er and 2e Bataillons, 1er Régiment de Grenadiers (Old Guard) Général de Brigade Baron Petit 1000 men
1er and 2e Bataillons, 2e Régiment de Grenadiers (Old Guard) Général de Brigade Baron Christiani 1000 men
1er and 2e Bataillons, 3e Régiment de Grenadiers (Middle Guard) Général de Brigade Poret de Morvan 1100 men
1er Bataillonm, 4e Régiment de Grenadiers (Middle Guard) Général de Brigade Harlet 500 men
Chasseur Division Général de Division Morand and (Comte Michel
1er and 2e Bataillons, 1er Régiment de Chasseurs (Old Guard) Général de Brigade Comte Cambronne 1307 Men, 41 Officers
1er and 2e Bataillons, 2e Régiment de Chasseurs (Old Guard) Général de Brigade Baron Pelet-Clozeau 1200 Men, 35 Officers
1er and 2e Bataillons, 3e Régiment de Chasseurs (Middle Guard) Colonel Mallet 1100 Men, 38 Officers
1er and 2e Bataillons, 4e Régiment de Chasseurs (Middle Guard) Général de Brigade Henrion 625 Men
Young Guard Général de Division Duhesme and Barrois
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Chevalier Chatrand
1er and 2e Bataillons, 1er Régiment de Tirailleurs Colonel Trappier de Malcolm 1000 Men
1er and 2e Bataillons, 1er Régiment de Voltigeurs Colonel Secretan 1200 Men
2nd Brigade Maréchal de Camp Guye
1er and 2e Bataillons, 3e Régiment de Tirailleurs Colonel Pailhès 1000 Men
1er and 2e Bataillons, 3e Régiment de Voltigeurs Colonel Hurel 1000 Men
Guard Heavy Cavalry Division Général de Division Comte Guyot
1st Brigade Général de Brigade Jamin, Marquis de Bermuy
Régiment de Vieille Garde Grenadiers à Cheval Jamin
2nd Brigade Général de Brigade Baron Lefort
Régiment de l'Impératrice Dragons Lefort
Guard Light Cavalry Division Général de Division Comte Lefebvre-Desnouëttes
1st Brigade Général de Division Baron Lallemand
Régiment de Vieille Garde Chasseurs à Cheval (French and Mameluke) Baron Lallemant
2nd Brigade Baron de Colbert-Chabanais
Régiment de Chevau-Légère Garde Lanciers (Dutch, French and Polish) Colonel de Colbert
Garde d'Honneur
Gendarmerie d'Elite Capitaine Dyonnet
Guard Artillery Général de Division Desvaux de Sainte-Maurice
6 medium batteries (24) 8lb guns, (12) 6 inch howitzers
4 heavy batteries (16) 12lb guns, (8) 6 inch howitzers
4 horse batteries (16) 6lb guns, (8) 5.5 inch howitzers

Allied Army Order of Battle


Combined British, Dutch and Hanoverian forces under the supreme command of Field Marshal Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
I Corps Prince William of Orange (Prins Willem van Oranje) 1242/27347 officers & men, 56 guns
1st Division Major-General George Cooke 161/4559
1st Brigade Major-General Peregrine Maitland 77/1953
2nd Battalion, 1st Regiment of Foot Guards Lieutenant Colonel Henry Askew 35/958
3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment of Foot Guards Lieutenant Colonel the Honorable William Stewart 39/995
2nd Brigade Major-General Sir John Byng 72/1995
2nd Battalion, Coldstream Regiment of Foot Guards Lieutenant-Colonel James Macdonnell 31/972
2nd Battalion, 3rd Regiment of Foot Guards Lieutenant Colonel Francis Hepburn 38/1023
Artillery Lieutenant-Colonel Steven Adye 9/611
Sandham's Field Brigade Royal Artillery (R.A.) Captain Charles Frederik Sandham 5/390, 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch Howitzer
Kuhlmann's Horse Artillery King's German Legion Captain Heinrich Jacob Khulmann 4/221 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch Howitzer
3rd Division Lieutenant-General Count Sir Karl von AltenK.C.B. 462/7702
5th Brigade Major-General Sir Colin HalkettK.C.B. 150/2174
2nd Battalion, 30th (the Cambridgeshire) Regiment of Foot Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Hamilton 43/590
1st Battalion, 33rd (the 1st Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment of Foot Lieutenant-Colonel William George Keith Elphinstone 41/521
69th (the South Lincolnshire) Regiment of Foot Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Morice 31/565
73rd Regiment of Foot Lieutenant-Colonel William George Harris 31/498
2nd Brigade, King's German Legion Brevet Colonel Baron Christian Freiherr von Ompteda 135/1614
1st Light Infantry Battalion Lieutenant-Colonel Louis von dem Bussche 26/450
2nd Light Infantry Battalion Major Georg Freiherr von Baring 29/357
5th Line Battalion Lieutenant-Colonel Wilhelm von Linsingen 37/339
8th Line Battalion Lieutenant Colonel Johann van Schroeder 41/408
1st Hanoverian Brigade Major-General Friedrich, Graf von Kielmansegge 161/3315
Field Battalion Bremen Lieutenant Colonel Wilhelm von Langrehre 29/533
Field Battalion 1st Duke of York's Major Carl Friedrich von Bulow 29/632
Light Battalion Grubenhagen Lieutenant Colonel Baron Friedrich von Wurmb 26/643
Light Battalion Lüneburg Lieutenant Colonel August von Klencke 30/617
Field Battalion Verden Major Julius von Schkopp 28/559
Field Jaeger Battalion (two companies) Captain de Reden 18/331
Artillery Lieutenant Colonel John Samuel Williamson 11/559
Lloyd's Field Brigade R. A. Major William Lloyd 5/390 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch Howitzer
Cleeve's Field Brigade King's German Legion Captain Andreas Cleeves 6/209 5x9lb guns 1x5.5inch Howitzer
2nd Netherlands Division (2e Divisie) Luitenant-Generaal Hendrik George Baron Graaf de Perponcher Sedlnitsky 296/7910
Artillery Major-General Opstal
1st Brigade (1e Brigade) Generaal-Majoor Willem Frederik Graaf van Bylandt 116/2960
27th Light Battalion (Bataljon Jagers No. 27) Luitenant-Kolonel J. W. Grunebosch 809 off & men 1 & 170 5 & 172
7th Line Battalion (Bataljon Infanterie van linie No. 7) Luitenant-Kolonel F. C. van den Sande 701 off & men 2 & 100 6 & 134
5th National Militia Battalion (Bataljon Nationale Militie No. 5) Luitenant-Kolonel J. J. Westenberg 482 off & men 3 & 172 7 & 132
7th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 7) Luitenant-Kolonel H. Singendonck 672 off & men 1 & 221 7 & 57
8th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 8) Luitenant-Kolonel W. A. de Jongh 566 off & men 0 & 87 7 & 103
Foot Artillery Battery (Batterij artillerie te voet) Kapitein E. J. Stevenart 6/234 6x6 pdr gun, 2x24 pdr how 0 & 14 3 & 41
Train (Trein) Luitenant Frederik Van Gahlen 2/126
Foot Artillery Battery (Batterij artillerie te voet) Kapitein Adriaan van Bijleveld 7/209 6x6 pdr gun, 2x24 pdr how 0 & 13 3 & 42
Train (Trein) Luitenant Gert van der Hoeven 2/109
2nd Brigade (2e Brigade) Generaal-Majoor Prins Bernhard Carl von Sachsen-Weimar 147/4272
2nd Nassau Infantry Regiment (2. Infanterieregiment von Nassau) Majoor Johann Friedrich Sattler 86/2585
...1st Battalion (1e Bataljon) Kapitein Moritz Büsgen 28 off & 880 men 1 & 88 5 & 132
...2nd Battalion (2e Bataljon) Majoor Philipp von Normann 28 off & 850 men 1 & 68 10 & 105
...3rd Battalion (3e Bataljon) Majoor Gottfried Hechmann 28 off & 855 men 0 & 22 10 & 137
28th Regiment, Orange-Nassau (Regiment Oranje-Nassau No. 28) Kolonel 57/1687
...1st Battalion (1e Bataljon) Luitenant-Kolonel Wilhelm Ferdinand von Dressel 28 off & 849 men 0 & 24 2 & 33
...2nd Battalion (2e Bataljon) Majoor Christian Philipp Schleyer 22 men & 666 men 0 & 58 4 & 42
...Company volunteers (Compagnie vrijwillige jagers) ('Oranje-Nassau') Kapitein Emilius Bergmann 5 off & 172 men 1 & 0
3rd Netherlands Division (3e Divisie) Luitenant-Generaal David Hendrik Baron Chassé 307/7176
Artillery Generaal-Majoor Jacques Baron van der Smissen 11/447
1st Brigade (1e Brigade) Kolonel Hendrik Detmers 139/3088
35th Light Battalion (Bataljon jagers No. 35) Luitenant-Kolonel Desire P. J. Arnould 18/605 0 & 8 3 & 60
2nd Line Battalion (Bataljon Infanterie van linie No. 2) Luitenant-Kolonel Johann Speelman 22/471 0 & 55 4 & 34
4th National Militia Battalion (Bataljon Nationale Militie No. 4) Luitenant-Kolonel Ricard Baron van Heeckeren van Molencate 22/519 0 & 44 0 & 26
6th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 6) Luitenant-Kolonel Adolphus van Thielen 24/492 1 & 26 0 & 15
17th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 17) Luitenant-Kolonel N. van Stolz Wieling 25/534 0 & 31 1 & 24
19th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 19) Majoor H. Boelaard 24/467 0 & 51 1 & 25
Horse Artillery Battery (Batterij rijdende artillerie) Kapitein Carel Frederik Krahmer de Bichin 5/210 6x6 pdr gun & 2x24 pdr how 0 & 14 0 & 11
Train (Trein) 1st Luitenant Zeist 2/109
2nd Brigade (2e Brigade) Generaal-Majoor Alexander d'Aubremé 151/3611
36th Light Battalion (Bataljon jagers No. 36) Luitenant-Kolonel Charles Auguste Ernest Goethals 29/633 0 & 44 0 & 10
3rd Line Battalion (Bataljon Infanterie van linie No. 3) Luitenant-Kolonel E. P. l'Honneux 28/629 0 & 57 2 & 23
12th Line Battalion (Bat. Inf. van linie No. 12) Luitenant-Kolonel Daniel O. Bagelaar 18/431 0 & 10 0 & 13
13th Line Battalion (Bat. Inf. van linie No. 13) Luitenant-Kolonel Frederik N. L. Aberson 27/664 0 & 40 0 & 20
3rd National Militia Battalion(Bataljon Nationale Militie No. 3) Luitenant-Kolonel Niels van Malz Wieling 21/592 0 & 7 0 & 26
10th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 10) Luitenant-Kolonel Gebhardt Fanus Brade 27/632 0 & 10 0 & 24
Foot Artillery Battery (Batterij artillerie te voet) Kapitein Johannes Hendrik Lux 5/267 6x6 pdr gun, 2x24 pdr how 0 & 13 0 & 10
Train (Trein) 1st Luitenant Kikkert 2/122

II Corps

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
II Corps Lieutenant General Rowland Hill, 1st Viscount Hill 27,000 men, 40 guns
2nd Division Lieutenant-General (Sir Henry Clinton)
3rd Brigade Major-General Frederick Adam 2,937
52nd (Oxfordshire) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry] Lt-Colonel. Sir John Colborne 1,130 (the biggest battalion at Waterloo) 38 168[3]
71st (Glasgow Highland) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry) Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas Reynell 936
2nd Battalion, 95th Regiment of Foot (Riflemen) Major Norcott 666
3rd Battalion, 95th Regiment of Foot (Riflemen) 205
1st Brigade, King's German Legion Lieutenant-Colonel George Charles Du Plat
1st Line Battalion, KGL
2nd Line Battalion, KGL
3rd Line Battalion, KGL
4th Line Battalion, KGL
3rd Hanoverian Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Halkett
Landwehr Battalion Bremervörde
Landwehr Battalion 2nd Duke of York's (Osnabrück)
Landwehr Battalion 3rd Duke of York's (Quakenbrück)
Landwehr Battalion Salzgitter
Artillery Lieutenant-Colonel Charles Gold
Bolton's Battery R. A.
Sympher's Horse Battery King's German Legion
4th Division Major-General Sir Charles Colville
4th Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Hugh Mitchell
3rd Battalion, 14th (the Buckinghamshire) Regiment of Foot
1st Battalion, 23rd Regiment of Foot (Royal Welch Fuziliers) Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Henry Walton-Ellis
51st (2nd Yorkshire West Riding) Regiment of Foot (Light Infantry)
6th Brigade Major-General George Johnstone)
2nd Battalion, 35th (the Sussex) Regiment of Foot
54th (the West Norfolk) Regiment of Foot
59th (2nd Nottinghamshire) Regiment of Foot
1st Battalion, 91st Regiment of Foot
6th Hanoverian Brigade Major-General Sir James Lyon
Field Battalion Calenberg
Field Battalion Lauenburg
Landwehr Battalion Bentheim
Landwehr Battalion Hoya
Landwehr Battalion Nienburg
Artillery Lieutenant-Colonel James Hawker)
Brome's Battery R. A.
Rettburg's Hanoverian Foot Artillery
1st Netherlands Division (1e Divisie) Luitenant-Generaal J. A. Stedman 6389 off & men
1st Brigade (1e Brigade) Generaal-Majoor Ferdinand d'Hauw
16th Light Battalion (Bataljon Jagers No. 16) Luitenant-Kolonel S. R. V. Hulstein
4th Line Battalion (Bataljon Infanterie van linie No. 4) Luitenant-Kolonel E. de Man
6th Line Battalion (Bat. Inf. van linie No. 4) Luitenant-Kolonel P. A. Twent
9th National Militia Battalion (Bataljon Nationale Militie No. 9) Luitenant-Kolonel J. J. Simons
14th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 14) Luitenant-Kolonel W. Poolman
15th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil. No. 14) Luitenant-Kolonel P. C. Colthoff
2nd Brigade (2e Brigade) Generaal-Majoor Dominique J. de Eerens
18th Light Battalion (Bataljon Jagers No. 18) Luitenant-Kolonel Prins van Aremberg
1st Line Battalion (Bataljon Infanterie van linie No. 1) Luitenant-Kolonel W. Kuijck
1st National Militia Battalion (Bataljon Nationale Militie No. 1) Luitenant-Kolonel F. A. Guicherit
2nd National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil No. 2) Luitenant-Kolonel A. W. Senn van Bazel
18th National Militia Battalion (Bat. Nat. Mil No. 18) Luitenant-Kolonel F. W. van Ommeren
Foot Artillery Battery (Batterij artillerie te voet) Kapitein P. Wijnands 6x6 pdr gun, 2x24 pdr how
Train 1e Luitenant C. Naumann
Indies Brigade (Indische Brigade: troops for the colonies) Luitenant-Generaal Carl Heinrich Wilhelm Anthing 3585 off & men
5th East Indian regiment (Oost-Indisch regiment No. 5) Generaal-Majoor G.M. Busman
...1st Line Battalion (1e Bataljon van linie) Luitenant-Kolonel B. Bischoff
...2nd Line Battalion (2e Bataljon van linie) Luitenant-Kolonel F. Stöcker
10th West Indies Light Battalion (Bataljon West-Indische jagers No. 10) Kolonel H.W. Rancke
11th West Indies Light Battalion (Bataljon West-Indische jagers No. 11) Luitenant-Kolonel F. Knotzer
Light Bataljon (Bataljon Flankeurs) Kolonel 2e klasse W. Schenck 2 flank companies each from 19th and 20th East-Indies Battalion
Foot Artillery Battery (Batterij artillerie te voet) Kapitein Riesz 6x6 pdr gun, 2x24 pdr how

Cavalry Corps

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
Anglo-Allied Army Cavalry Corps Lieutenant General Henry Paget, the Earl of Uxbridge 12,000 men, 30 guns
Household Brigade Major-General Lord Edward Somerset
1st Regiment of Life Guards
2nd Regiment of Life Guards
Royal Horse Guards Blue
1st (or The King's) Dragoon Guards
Union Brigade Major-General Sir William Ponsonby
1st (Royal) Regiment of Dragoons
2nd (Royal North British) Regiment of Dragoons, (Scots Greys)
6th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Dragoons
3rd British Brigade Major-General Sir Wilhelm von Dornberg
1st King's German (Light) Dragoons, King's German Legion Lieutenant-Colonel J. Bulow
2nd King's German (Light) Dragoons, King's German Legion Lieutenant-Colonel C. de Jonquiera
23rd Regiment of (Light) Dragoons Lieutenant-Colonel The Earl of Portarlington
4th British Brigade Major-General Sir John Vandeleur
11th Regiment of (Light) Dragoons Lieutenant-Colonel James Wallace Sleigh
12th (The Prince of Wales's) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons Lieutenant-Colonel The Hon. Frederick Cavendish Ponsonby
16th (or The Queen's) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons Lieutenant-Colonel James Hay
5th British Brigade Major-General Sir Colquhoun Grant
7th (The Queen's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars) Colonel Sir Edward Kernison
15th (The King's) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars) Lieutenant-Colonel Leighton C. Dalrymple
2nd King's German Hussars, King's German Legion Lieutenant-Colonel Linsingen
6th Cavalry Brigade Major-General Sir Richard Hussey Vivian
10th (The Prince of Wales's Own) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars) Lieutenant-Colonel George Quentin
18th (King's Irish) Regiment of (Light) Dragoons (Hussars) Lieutenant-Colonel The Hon. Henry Murray
1st King's German Hussars, King's German Legion Lieutenant-Colonel A Wissell
7th British Brigade Brevet Colonel Sir Friedrich von Arentsschildt
13th Regiment of (Light) Dragoons Lieutenant-Colonel Patrick Doherty
3rd King's German Hussars, King's German Legion
Attached Artillery
Bull's Troop Royal Horse Artillery (R.H.A.)
Webber-Smith's Battery R. H. A.
Gardiner's Battery R. H. A.
Whinyate's Battery R. H. A.
Ramsay's Battery R. H. A.
Mercer's R. H. A.
1st Hanoverian Brigade Colonel Baron von Estorff
Prince Regents Hussars Lieutenant-Colonel Count Kielmansegge
Bremen and Verden Hussars Colonel Bussche
Duke of Cumberland's Hussars
Netherlands Cavalry Division (Divisie Cavalerie) Luitenant-Generaal Jean Alphonse Baron de Collaert
1st Heavy Cavalry Brigade (Brigade Zware Cavalerie)[4] Generaal-Majoor Jonkheer A. D. Trip
1st Carabiniers (Regiment karabiniers No. 1) Luitenant-Kolonel L. P. Coenegracht 446 off & men
2nd Carabiniers (Regiment karabiniers No. 2) Kolonel J. B. de Bruijn 399 off & men 1 & 87 4 & 64
3rd Carabiniers (Regiment karabiniers No. 3) Luitenant-Kolonel C. M. Lechleitner 392 off & men 0 & 32 2 & 29
2nd Light Brigade (2e Brigade Lichte Cavalerie)[4] Generaal-Majoor Charles Étienne Baron de Ghigny
4th Light Dragoons (Regiment lichte dragonders No. 4) Luitenant-Kolonel J. C. Renno 647 off & men 4 & 101 8 & 135
8th Hussars (Regiment huzaren No. 8) Luitenant-Kolonel I. L. Baron Duvivier 439 off & men 1 & 132 7 & 145
3rd Light Brigade (3e Brigade Lichte Cavalerie)[4] Generaal-Majoor J. B. Baron van Merlen
5th Light Dragoons (Regiment lichte dragonders No. 5)[5] Luitenant-Kolonel E. A. J. G. de Mercx 441 off & men 0 & 81 2 & 74
6th Hussars (Regiment huzaren No. 6) Luitenant-Kolonel Jonkheer W. F. Boreel 641 off & men 3 & 141 6 & 64
Attached artillery and train
Horse artillery half battery (halve batterij rijdende artillerie) Kapitein A. Petter 3x6 prd gun & 1x24 pdr how 0 & 9 1 & 10
Horse artillery half battery (halve batterij rijdende artillerie) Kapitein A. R. W. Geij van Pittius 3x6 prd gun & 1x24 pdr how 0 & 8 0 & 9
Train (Trein) 2nd Luitenant Camiese
Cavalry of the Brunswick Corps
2nd Hussars Regiment
Uhlans (1 Squadron)



The reserves, 23,000 men and 56 guns, came under the direct command of Wellington during the Battle of Waterloo.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
5th Division Lieutenant-General Sir Thomas Picton
8th Brigade Major-General Sir James Kempt
1st Battalion, 28th (The North Gloucestershire) Regiment of Foot Colonel Sir Charles P. Belson 557
1st Battalion, 32nd (Cornwall) Regiment of Foot Major John Hicks 662
79th Regiment of Foot (Cameron Highlanders) Lieutenant-Colonel Neil Douglas 703
1st Battalion, 95th Regiment of Foot (Riflemen) Lieutenant-Colonel Andrew Barnard 549
9th Brigade Major-General Sir Dennis Pack
3rd Battalion, 1st Regiment of Foot (Royal Scots) Major Colin Campbell 604
42nd (Royal Highland) Regiment of Foot "Black Watch" Lieutenant-Colonel Sir Robert Macara 526
2nd Battalion, 44th (the East Essex) Regiment of Foot Lieutenant-Colonel John M. Hamerton 455
92nd Regiment of Foot (Gordon Highlanders) Lieutenant-Colonel John Cameron of Fassifern 588
5th Hanoverian Brigade Colonel Ernst von Vincke
Landwehr Battalion Gifhorn
Landwehr Battalion Hameln
Landwehr Battalion Hildesheim
Landwehr Battalion Peine
Artillery Major Heinrich Heise
Roger's Battery R. A.
Braun's Hanoverian Foot Artillery
6th Division Lieutenant-General Sir Galbraith Lowry Cole
10th Brigade Major-General Sir John Lambert
1st Battalion, 4th (the King's Own) Regiment of Foot
1st Battalion, 27th (Inniskilling) Regiment of Foot 698
2nd Battalion, 40th (The 2nd Somersetshire) Regiment of Foot
2nd Battalion, 81st Regiment of Foot
4th Hanoverian Brigade Colonel Charles Best
Landwehr Battalion Lüneberg
Landwehr Battalion Munden
Landwehr Battalion Osterode
Landwehr Battalion Verden
Artillery Major Heinrich Bruckmann
Unett's Battery R. A.
Sinclair's Battery R. A.
British Reserve Artillery Drummond
Ross' Battery R. H. A.
Bean's Battery R. H. A.
Morrison's Battery R. A.
Hutchesson's R. A.
Ibert's R. A.
Brunswick Corps The Duke of Brunswick 5376 men, 16 guns
Brunswick Advance Guard von Rauschenplatt
1st Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Wilhelm Treunch von Butlar
Guard Battalion Major von Pröstler
1st Light Infantry Battalion Major von Holstein
2nd Light Infantry Battalion Major von Brandenstein
3rd Light Infantry Battalion Major Ebeling
2nd Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel von Specht
1st Line Battalion Major Metzner
2nd Line Battalion Major von Strombeck
3rd Line Battalion Major von Normann
Artillery Major Mahn
Heinemann's Horse Battery
Moll's Foot Battery
Hanoverian Reserve Corps Lieutenant-General von der Decken 9000 men
1st Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel von Bennigsen
Landwehr Battalion Brothmer
Landwehr Battalion Mölln
Landwehr Battalion Bremerlohe
2nd Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Beaulieu
Landwehr Battalion Northeim
Landwehr Battalion Ahlefeldt
Landwehr Battalion Springe
3rd Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Bodecken
Landwehr Battalion Otterndorf
Landwehr Battalion Celle
Landwehr Battalion Ratzeburg
Landwehr Battalion Lüchow
4th Brigade Lieutenant-Colonel Wissel
Landwehr Battalion Hannover
Landwehr Battalion Uelzen
Landwehr Battalion Neustadt
Landwehr Battalion Diepholz
Nassau 1st regiment General Kruse 2900 men

Prussian Army Order of Battle


The Prussian Army was led by Field Marshal Gebhard Leberecht von Blücher, Prince of Wahlstadt and his chief of staff August von Gneisenau and remained independent from the allied Anglo-Dutch-German army during the course of the campaign.

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
I Corps Graf von Zieten[6] 32,500 men, 96 guns
1st Brigade von Steinmetz
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 12. (1st Brandenburgisches) Infanterie Regiment Oberstleutnant Obergraven
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 24. (4th Brandenburgisches) Infanterie Regiment Major von Laurens
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 1. (Kleven) Westfalen Landwehr Regiment Oberstleutnant von Kleist
2nd Brigade Pirch II[7]
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 6. (1. West Prussian) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 28. (1. Berg) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. (Minden-Ravensberg) Westfalen Landwehr Regiment
3rd Brigade von Jagow
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 7. (2. West Prussian) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 29. (2. Berg) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 3. Westfalen Landwehr Regiment
4th Brigade von Donnersmarck
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 13 (1. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 19. (7. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 4. (Münster) Westfalen Landwehr Regiment
I Corps Cavalry von Röder
1st Brigade von Tresckow
2. (1. West Prussian) Dragoner Regiment
4. (1. Schlesiche) Husaren Regiment
3. Brandenburgisches Uhlanen Regiment
5. (Brandenburgisches Prinz Wilhelm) Dragoner Regiment
2nd Brigade von Lützow
1. Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
2. Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
6. (LLützow) Uhlanen Regiment
Westfalen Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
I Corps Artillery Lehmann
3 horse batteries
3 12pdr field batteries
5 6pdr field batteries
1 Howitzer battery

II Corps

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
II Corps Pirch I[7] 33,000 men, 85 guns
5th Brigade Tippelskirch
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 2. (1. Pommern) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 25. (Lützow Freikorps) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 5. (Paderborn) Westfalen Landwehr Regiment
6th Brigade von Kraft
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 9. (Kolberg) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 26. (Elbe) Infanterie Regiment Reuss
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 1. Elbe Landwehr Regiment
7th Brigade von Brause
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 14. (2. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 22. (10. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. Elbe Landwehr Regiment
8th Brigade van Bose
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 21. (9. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 23. (11. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 3. Elbe Landwehr Regiment
II Corps Cavalry Wahlen-Jiirgass
1st Brigade von Thumen
1. (Königin) Dragoner Regiment
2. (Schlesien) Uhlanen Regiment
6. (Neumark) Dragoner Regimnent
2nd Brigade von Sohr
3. (Brandenburgisches) Husaren Regiment
5. (Pommern) Husaren Regiment
11. (Berg und Sachsen) Husaren Regiment
3rd Brigade von der Schulenburg
4. (Berlin) Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
5. Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
Elbe Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
II Corps Artillery Rohl
3 horse batteries
2 12pdr batteries
5 6pdr batteries

III Corps

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
III Corps Johann von Thielmann 25,000 men, 48 guns
9th Brigade von Borcke
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 8. (Lieb) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 36. (1. Russisch-Deutsche Legion) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 1. (Berlin) Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
10th Brigade Kampfen
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 27. Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
11th Brigade von Luck
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 3. Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 4. Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
12th Brigade von Stülpnagel
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 31. ((2. Russisch-Deutsche Legion) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 5. Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 6. Kurmark Landwehr Regiment
III Corps Cavalry von Hobe
1st Brigade von der Marwitz
7. Uhlanen Regiment
8. (Russisch-Deutsche Legion) Uhlanen Regiment
9. Husaren Regiment
2nd Brigade von Lottum
5. Uhlanen Regiment
7. Dragoner Regiment
3. Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
6. Kurmark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
III Corps Artillery Mohnhaupt
3 horse batteries
1 12pdr battery
2 6pdr batteries

IV Corps

Unit Commander Complement Killed Wounded
'IV Corps von Bülow 32,000 men, 132 guns
13 Brigade von Hacke
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 10. (1. Schlesien) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 3. Neumark Landwehr Regiment
14th Brigade Ryssel
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 11. (2. Schlesien) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 1. Pommern Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. Pommern Landwehr Regiment
15th Brigade von Losthin
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 18. (6. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 3. Schlesien Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 4. Schlesien Landwehr Regiment
16th Brigade von Hiller
1., 2. and Fusilier Bataillons, 15. (3. Reserve) Infanterie Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 1. Schlesien Landwehr Regiment
1., 2. and 3. Bataillons, 2. Schlesien Landwehr Regiment
IV Corps Cavalry Prince William of Prussia
1st Brigade von Sydow
1. West Prussian Uhlanen Regiment
6. (2. Schlesien) Husaren Regiment
8. Husaren Regiment
2nd Brigade von Schwerin
10. Husaren Regiment
1. Neumark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
2. Neumark Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
1. Pomern Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
2. Pomern Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
3rd Brigade von Watzdorf
1. Schlesien Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
2. Schlesien Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
3. Schlesien Landwehr Kavallerie Regiment
IV Corps Artillery von Bardeleben
3 horse batteries
3 12pdr batteries
5 6pdr batteries

See also



  1. ^ a b J.C. Damamme, o.c., pag.188-189.
  2. ^ Ducele von Brünswick fusese omorât în urmă cu câteva zile la Quatre Bras dar trupele figurau încă sub comanda sa în ordinea de bătaie.
  3. ^ Moorsom, W S, (ed). "Historical Record of the Fifty-Second Regiment (Oxfordshire Light Infantry) from the year 1755 to the year 1858". 2nd edition. London: Richard Bentley, 1860 p267 (facsimile printed by The Naval & Military Press Ltd, East Sussex, England)
  4. ^ a b c The Anglo-Allied Army number them: 1st Heavy 2nd Light, 3rd Light; but the source Wellington's Army in 1815. British-German-Netherland Order of Battle numbers them Heavy, 1st Light, 2nd Light.
  5. ^ The Anglo-Allied Army, but the source Wellington's Army in 1815. British-German-Netherland Order of Battle numbers this the 4th (Dutch) Light Dragoon
  6. ^ Spelling from Waterloo campaign Encyclopædia Britannica Eleventh Edition
  7. ^ a b Georg Dubislav Ludwig von Pirch: 'Pirch I', the use of Roman numerals being used in Prussian service to distinguish officers of the same name, in this case from his brother, seven years his junior, Otto Karl Lorenz 'Pirch II'