Utilizator:ErebusOmega/Joe Satriani

Joe Satriani

Satriani în 2004
Date personale
Născut15 iulie 1956
Westbury, New York
Ocupațiecântăreț, compozitor, producător, instructor
Alte numeSatch
Professor Satchafunkilus
Gen muzicalrock instrumental, hard rock, heavy metal
Instrument(e)Chitară, Chitară bass, Clape, Voce, Muzicută, banjo, Harpă
Ani de activitate1978–prezent
Case de discuriSony, Epic, Relativity
Interpretare cuAlice Cooper, Mick Jagger, Deep Purple, Steve Vai, G3, Sammy Hagar, Chickenfoot, Jason Becker
Prezență online

Joseph Satriani (n. 15 iulie 1956, Westbury, New York) este un muzician poli-instrumentist american, cunoscut în principal pentru opera sa ca chitarist de rock instrumental, cu multiple nominalizări la Premiile Grammy. El este de asemenea cunoscut pentru faptul că niciodată nu folosește scrisul cursiv la autografele sale. La începutul carierei sale, Satriani a lucrat ca și instructor de chitară, unii din foștii lui studenți ajungând faimoși datorită competenței lor la acest instrument (Steve Vai, Larry LaLonde, Kirk Hammett, Charlie Hunter, Kevin Cadogan, Alex Skolnick). Satriani has been a driving force in the music credited to other musicians throughout his career, as a founder of the ever-changing touring trio, G3, as well as performing in various positions with other musicians.

În 1988, Satriani a fost recrutat de către Mick Jagger ca Chitarist solo pentru primul său turneu solo.[1] Mai târziu, în 1994, Satriani a fost chitaristul solo a lui Deep Purple.[2] Satriani a lucrat cu o mare varietate de chitariști din diverse genuri muzicale, inclusiv Steve Vai, John Petrucci, Eric Johnson, Larry LaLonde, Yngwie Malmsteen, Brian May, Patrick Rondat, Andy Timmons, Paul Gilbert, Adrian Legg și Robert Fripp prin anualul turneu G3.[3] La ora actuală este chitaristul solo a supergrupului Chickenfoot.

Muzica lui este puternic influențată de către chitariștii iconici ai blues-rock-ului ca Jimi Hendrix, Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Ritchie Blackmore și Jeff Beck,[2][4] cu toate acestea deținând propriul său stil ușor de recunoscut. Din 1988, Satriani a început să folosească propria sa chitară semnătură, Seriile JS de la Ibanez, care sunt foarte bine vândute.[5] El folosește si un amplificator semnătură, Peavey JSX-ul, și pedale semnătură Vox, ca de exemplu pedala de distorsiune "Satchurator", pedala de delay "Time Machine", pedala de wah "Big Bad Wah" și pedala de overdrive "Ice 9" care va fi lansată în iunie 2010.


Satriani cântând în Chile, în anul 2003

Inspirația de a cânta la chitară a venit la vârsta de 14 ani, curând după aflarea veștii că Jimi Hendrix a murit.[6] El a spus că a auzit vestea in timpul unui antrenament de fotbal american, unde și-a confruntat antrenorul și i-a declarat că se lasă de fotbal pentru a deveni chitarist.[7] În 1974, Satriani a studiat muzică cu chitaristul jazz Billy Bauer si cu solitarul pianist de jazz Lennie Tristano. Punând mare accent pe tehnică, Tristano a influențat major stilul lui Satriani de a cânta. Satriani începu să dea meditații la chitară, cel mai notabil student al său de la acea vreme fiind Steve Vai, un nativ din Long Island. În timp ce îl medita pe Vai, el frecventa colegiul Five Towns College pentru a studia muzică.

În 1978 Satriani s-a mutat în Berkeley, California pentru a urma o carieră în muzică, nu după multă vreme de la sosire, reapucându-se a da meditații. Printre studenții lui se numără Vai, Kirk Hammett de la Metallica, David Bryson de la Counting Crows, Kevin Cadogan de la Third Eye Blind, Larry LaLonde de la Primus / Possessed, Alex Skolnick de la Testament, Rick Hunolt (ex-Exodus), Phil Kettner de la Lääz Rockit, Geoff Tyson de la T-Ride și Charlie Hunter.

Anii 1980


Când prietenul și fostul său student Steve Vai ajunge faimos datorită colaborării cu David Lee Roth în 1986, Vai îl laudă pe Satriani în mai multe interviuri cu revistele de specialitate, inclusiv revista Guitar World. În 1987, al doilea album a lui Satriani Surfing with the Alien produce numeroase hit-uri la posturile de radio și devine primul album complet instrumental care să se claseze așa de sus in topuri după mulți ani. În 1988 Satriani ajută la producerea EP-ului The Eyes of Horror pentru trupa de death metal Possessed.

în 1989, Satriani lansează Flying in a Blue Dream. Se spune că albumul a fost inspirat de moartea tatălui său, care a murit în 1989 în timpul înregistrărilor la album. "One Big Rush" a făcut parte din coloana sonoră a filmului regizorului Cameron Crowe, Say Anything... . "The Forgotten Part II" a fost folosită în 1993 într-o reclamă la berea canadiană Labatt Blue, iar "Can't Slow Down" a putut fi auzită într-o urmărire cu mașini dintr-un episod a serialului polițist Nash Bridges.

Anii 1990


În 1992, Satriani lansează The Extremist, albumul său cel mai bine apreciat de critici și cu cel mai mare succes comercial până în prezent. "Summer Song" a ajuns rapid o piesă favorită a posturilor de radio din SUA, lucru la care a ajutat și faptul că melodia era folosită la acea vreme de către Sony într-o campanie de promovare a CD player-ului lor portabil Discman. [1]. "Cryin'", "Friends" și melodia ce poartă același nume ca albumul au fost de asemenea hit-uri locale.

Spre sfârșitul anului 1993, Satriani s-a alăturat formației Deep Purple ca înlocuitor temporar a lui Ritchie Blackmore în timpul turneului din Japonia. Concertele au fost un succes, iar Satriani a fost invitat să devină membru permanent al formației dar a refuzat, el semnând cu puțin timp în urmă un contract cu Sony pentru mai multe albume solo, așa că Steve Morse a ocupat postul liber de chitarist în Deep Purple.[8]

Turneul G3

Satriani în turneul G3 la Milan, în 2004

În 1996, Satriani fondează turneul G3, acesta fiind o serie de concerte la care participă un trio extraordinar compus din trei chitaristi de rock instrumental. În formula inițială au apărut Satriani, Vai, și Eric Johnson. Turneul G3 a continuat periodic de la inaugurarea sa, singurul membru permanent fiind Satriani, ceilalți doi membrii schimbându-se permanent. Alți chitariști care au participat într-o asemenea configurație sunt: Steve Vai, Eric Johnson, Yngwie Malmsteen, John Petrucci, Kenny Wayne Shepherd, Robert Fripp, Andy Timmons, Uli Jon Roth, Michael Schenker, Adrian Legg și Paul Gilbert.

În 1998 Satriani a înregistrat si lansat Crystal Planet, un album care amintea mai mult de opera sa de la sfârșitul anilor '80. Crystal Planet a fost urmat de către Engines of Creation, una din operele sale mai experimentale în care a incercat fuziunea cu muzica electronică. În timpul turneului următor, în decembrie 2000, au fost înregistrate o pereche de concerte la Fillmore Auditorium în San Francisco și vândute ca un album live de două CD-uri sau sub formă de DVD, sub numele de Live in San Francisco.

Satriani, Steve Vai, și John Petrucci, în G3 la Melbourne, în 2006 (fotografie de Mandy Hall)

Anii 2000 și după


Pe parcursul următorilor ani, muzica lui Satriani a evoluat și ea, el înregistrând și lansând Strange Beautiful Music în 2002 și Is There Love in Space? în 2004.

În 2006 Satriani a înregistrat și lansat Super Colossal și Satriani Live!, cel din urmă fiind un alt album live disponibil sub formă de 2 CD-uri sau DVD, acesta fiind înregistrat la data de 3 Mai 2006 la "The Grove" (în Anaheim, California).

Pe data de 7 August, 2007 Epic/Legacy Recordings a relansat Surfing with the Alien pentru a aniversa trecerea a 20 de ani de la prima lansare. Acest set de 2 discuri conținea albumul remasterizat și un DVD cu un concert nemaivăzut până atunci, filmat la festivalul de Jazz din Montreux, în 1988.[9]

Cel mai nou album a lui Satriani, intitulat Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock, a fost lansat pe data de 1 Aprilie, 2008.[10]

Satriani a mai lansat o înregistrare live sub formă de DVD a unui concert din Paris, aceasta fiind intitulată Live In Paris: I Just Wanna Rock, alături de un set de 2 CD-uri, pe data de 2 februarie, 2010.[11]

În Martie 2010 Satriani a participat alături de alți chitariști în turneul Experience Hendrix Tribute Tour, cântând muzică scrisă și inspirată de opera lui Jimi Hendrix.[12][13] În Aprilie, Satriani alături de formația sa Chickenfoot și-au împrumutat vocile într-un episod dintr-un desen animat numit Aqua Teen Hunger Force. În Mai 2010, prin intermediul website-ului său, Satriani a anunțat că urmează să înregistreze un nou album solo, și de asemenea s-a eliberat programa unui viitor turneu în toamnă. El a mai spus că s-au înregistrat demo-uri pentru un al doilea album Chickenfoot.

În Mai 2010, Satriani s-a alăturat grupării Sound Strike, o mișcare condusă de către cântărețul [Zack de la Rocha]] al formației Rage Against the Machine, care protestează la adresa actului guvernamental SB1070 a statului Arizona . [14][15] Ca rezultat, Satriani refuză să concerteze live în Arizona.

Procesul împotriva lui Coldplay (încălcare a drepturilor de autor)


La data de 4 Decembrie, 2008, Satriani a intentat proces formației Coldplay datorită încălcarii drepturilor de autor.

Satriani a susținut că melodia lui Coldplay "Viva la Vida" conține "porțiuni originale și substanțiale" din cântecul său "If I Could Fly" de pe albumul din 2004, Is There Love in Space?. Melodia cu pricina a lui Coldplay a primit doua Premii Grammy pentru categoria "Cântecul anului". [16] Coldplay a negat alegațiile.[17][18][19] Cele doua părți au ajuns până la urmă la un acord iar cazul a fost închis.[20]

Alte opere

Joe Satriani with Stu Hamm in concert, Rijnhal, Arnhem (June 12, 2008)

Satriani is also credited on many other albums, including guitar duties on shock-rocker Alice Cooper's 1991 album Hey Stoopid, Spinal Tap's 1992 album Break Like the Wind, Blue Öyster Cult's 1988 album Imaginos, band members Stu Hamm and Gregg Bissonette's solo albums. Interestingly, he was credited with singing background vocals on the 1986 debut album by Crowded House. In 2003, he played lead guitar on The Yardbirds's CD release Birdland. In 2006 he made appearances on tracks for Deep Purple vocalist Ian Gillan's solo CD/DVD dual disc Gillan's Inn. On Dream Theater's 2007 album, Systematic Chaos, Satriani contributed spoken lyrics to the song "Repentance". Satriani contributed a guitar solo to Jordan Rudess' 2004 solo release Rhythm of Time. He also composed much of the soundtrack for the racing video game NASCAR 06: Total Team Control and contributed to Sega Rally Championship.

He is featured in the Christopher Guest film, For Your Consideration, as the guitarist in the band that played for the late-night show.[21]



It was revealed on May 29, 2008 that Satriani is involved in a new hard rock band called Chickenfoot with former Van Halen members Sammy Hagar and Michael Anthony, and Red Hot Chili Peppers drummer Chad Smith. The band features Hagar on vocals, Satriani on guitar, Anthony on bass and Smith on drums[22]. Their debut album was released on June 5, 2009.[23] The first single and video released from this album is the track "Oh Yeah", which was also played on the Tonight Show With Conan O'Brien on June 5, 2009. Satriani received a writing credit on each of the songs featured on the band's self-titled debut album. [24] When Broken Records magazine asked Joe in volume 1 issue 3, about his new band, he enthusiastically mentioned that "it was great fun" and it gives him a "kick in the music bone" to be playing with such great talent. He said it felt quite natural to step back and play more rhythm guitar than solo guitar.

Tehnică și influențe

Satriani in 2005

Satriani is recognized as a technically advanced rock guitarist, and is generally thought of as a virtuoso[25][26] . He has mastered many performance techniques on the instrument, including legato, two-handed tapping and arpeggio tapping, volume swells, harmonics, and extreme whammy bar effects. One of his trademark compositional traits is the use of pitch axis theory, which he applies with a variety of modes.[necesită citare] During fast passages, Joe favors a legato technique (achieved primarily through hammer-ons and pull-offs) which yields smooth and flowing runs. He is also adept at other speed-related techniques such as rapid alternate picking and sweep picking, but does not often use them.

Satriani has received 14 Grammy nominations[27] and has sold more than 10 million albums worldwide.[28] Many of his fans and friends call him "Satch," short for "Satriani".

An influential guitarist himself,[29] Satriani has many influences, including jazz guitarists Django Reinhardt, Wes Montgomery, Allan Holdsworth and Charlie Christian,[30] and rock guitarists Jimi Hendrix[31], Eric Clapton, Jimmy Page, Jeff Beck and Ritchie Blackmore.[32]



Satriani has endorsed Ibanez's JS Series guitars, and Peavey's JSX amplifier. Both lines were designed specifically as signature products for Satriani. The Ibanez JS100 was based on and replaced the Ibanez 540 Radius model which Satriani first endorsed. However, Satriani uses a variety of gear. Many of his guitars are made by Ibanez, including the JS1000, and JS1200. These guitars typically feature the DiMarzio PAF Pro (which he used up until 1993 in both the neck and bridge positions), the DiMarzio Fred (which he used in the bridge position from 1993 to 2005), and the Mo' Joe and the Paf Joe (which he uses in the bridge and neck positions, respectively, from 2005 to present day). The JS line of guitars is his signature line with the JS1000, JS1200, JS2400, JSBDG, and JS20th using the original edge bridge one of the original double locking tremolo systems made by ibanez. The JS100 and JS20s both use the Edge 3 tremolo bridge another ibanez tremolo system. The JS1600 is a fixed bridge guitar with no tremolo system. The guitar with which he was most often associated during the nineties was a chrome-finished guitar nicknamed "Chrome Boy" (this instrument can be seen on the Live in San Francisco DVD). However, the guitar used for most of the concert was in fact a lookalike nicknamed "Pearly", which featured Seymour Duncan Pearly Gates pickups.

Satriani uses a number of other JS models such as the JS double neck model, JS700 (primary axe on the self-titled CD and seen on the 1995 tour "Joe Satriani", which features a fixed bridge, P-90 pickups, and a matching mahogany body and neck), JS6/JS6000 (natural body) , JS1 (the original JS model), JS2000 (fixed bridge model), a variety of JS100s, JS1000s and JS1200s with custom paint work, and a large amount of prototype JSs. All double locking bridges have been the original Edge tremolo, not the newer models, which point to a more custom guitar than the "off the shelf" models. Joe played a red 7-string JS model, seen in the "G3 Live in Tokyo" DVD from 2005. He also has a prototype 24-fret version of the JS which he has used with Chickenfoot now labeled as the JS-2400.

Satriani and the band

Satriani has used a wide variety of guitar amps over the years, using Marshall Amplification for his main amplifier (notably the limited edition blue coloured 6100 LM model) up until 2001, and his Peavey signature series amps, the Peavey JSX, thereafter. The JSX began life as a prototype Peavey XXX and developed into the Joe Satriani signature Peavey model, now available for purchase in retail stores. Joe Satriani has used other amplifiers over the years in the studio, however. Those include the Peavey 5150 (used to record the song 'Crystal Planet'), Cornford, and the Mesa/Boogie Mark IIC+ (used to record the song 'Flying in a Blue Dream'), amongst others. He has recently switched to the Marshall JVM series.

His effects pedals include the Vox wah, Dunlop Cry Baby wah, RMC Wizard Wah, Digitech Whammy, BK Butler Tube Driver, BOSS DS-1, BOSS CH-1, BOSS CE-2, BOSS DD-2 and a standard BOSS DD-3 (used together to emulate reverb effects), BOSS BF-3, BOSS OC-2, Barber Burn Drive Unit, Fulltone Deja Vibe, Fulltone Ultimate Octave, and Electro-Harmonix POG (Polyphonic Octave Generator), the latter being featured prominently on the title cut to his 2006 Super Colossal.

Satriani has partnered with Planet Waves to create a signature line of guitar picks and guitar straps featuring his sketch art.

Although Satriani endorses the JSX, he has used many amps in the studio when recording, including the Peavey Classic. He used Marshall heads and cabinets, including live, prior to his Peavey endorsement. Most recently Satriani used the JSX head through a Palmer Speaker Simulator. Joe Satriani has also released a Class-A 5-watt tube amp called the "Mini Colossal".

He is currently working with Vox on his own line of signature effects pedals designed to deliver Satriani's trademark tone plus a wide range of new sounds for guitarists of all playing styles and ability levels. The first being a signature distortion pedal titled the "Satchurator", and recently, the "Time Machine" which will be a delay pedal, with more to follow in 2008, including a wah pedal called the "Big Bad Wah".[33] On March 3, 2010 a new pedal was announced on Satriani's website regarding the new Vox overdrive pedal called "Ice 9".[34]

Teme recurente (motive muzicale)

Satriani during a concert at the Rijnhal, Arnhem (June 12, 2008)

Satriani's work frequently makes references to various science fiction stories and ideas. "Surfing with the Alien", "Back to Shalla-Bal" and "The Power Cosmic 2000" refer to the comic book character Silver Surfer, while "Ice 9" refers to the secret government ice weapon in Kurt Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle. "Borg Sex" is a reference to Star Trek, which features a homogeneous cybernetic race known as the Borg. His albums and songs often have other-worldly titles, such as Not of this Earth, Crystal Planet, Is There Love in Space?, and Engines of Creation.

On the album Super Colossal the song titled "Crowd Chant" was originally called "Party on the Enterprise". "Party on the Enterprise" featured sampled sounds from the Starship Enterprise from the Star Trek TV show. But as Satriani explained in a podcast, legal issues regarding the samples could not be resolved and he was unable to get permission to use them.[35] Satriani then removed the sounds from the song and called it "Crowd Chant." This song is now used as goal celebration music for a number of National Hockey League teams including the Minnesota Wild.[36]

"Redshift Riders", another song on the Super Colossal album, is "based on the idea that in the future, when people can travel throughout space, they will theoretically take advantage of the cosmological redshift effect so they can be swung around large planetary objects and get across [the] universe a lot faster than normal," Satriani said in a podcast about the song.[37]

On the album Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock the song "I Just Wanna Rock", is about a giant robot on the run who happens to stumble upon a rock concert.[38]

The song "Raspberry Jam Delta-v" is most likely a reference to the lethal amount of g-force taken from the book Endymion, by Dan Simmons.[39][40]



In 2006, Satriani signed on as an official supporter of Little Kids Rock, a non-profit organization that provides free musical instruments and instruction to children in underserved public schools throughout the U.S.A. Satriani has personally delivered instruments to children in the program through a charity raffle for the organization and, like Steve Vai, sits on its board of directors as an honorary member.

Premii si nominalizări




Satriani has the second most Grammy Award nominations of any artist (15) without winning.[41][42]

Year Album Category
1989 Always With Me, Always With You Best Pop Instrumental Performance
Surfing with the Alien Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1990 The Crush of Love Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1991 Flying in a Blue Dream Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1993 The Extremist Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1994 Speed of Light Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1995 All Alone Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1997 (You're) My World Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1998 Summer Song (Live) Best Rock Instrumental Performance
1999 A Train of Angels Best Rock Instrumental Performance
2001 Until We Say Goodbye Best Rock Instrumental Performance
2002 Always With Me, Always With You (Live) Best Rock Instrumental Performance from Live in San Francisco
2003 Starry Night Best Rock Instrumental Performance
2006 Super Colossal Best Rock Instrumental Performance
2008 Always With Me, Always With You (Live) Best Rock Instrumental Performance from Satriani Live!



Albume solo

Year Album details Peak chart positions Certifications
(sales thresholds)
1986 Not of This Earth
  • Released: TBA 1986
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
1987 Surfing with the Alien
  • Released: TBA 1987
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
29 10 US: Platinum[44]
1989 Flying in a Blue Dream
  • Released: October 1989
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
23 21 US: Gold[44]
1992 The Extremist
  • Released: July 1992
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
22 29 US: Gold[44]
1993 Time Machine 95 US: Gold[44]
1995 Joe Satriani
  • Released: October 1995
  • Label: Sony Music Distribution
  • Format:
1998 Crystal Planet
  • Released: March 3, 1998
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
2000 Engines of Creation
  • Released: March 14, 2000
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
2002 Strange Beautiful Music
  • Released: June 25, 2002
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
2004 Is There Love in Space?
  • Released: April 13, 2004
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
2006 Super Colossal
  • Released: March 14, 2006
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
2008 Professor Satchafunkilus and the Musterion of Rock
  • Released: April 1, 2008
  • Label: Epic/RED
  • Format:
2010 TBA
  • Released: TBA
  • Label: Epic/RED
"—" denotes releases that did not chart.

Extended play-uri

Year Album details Peak chart positions Certifications
(sales thresholds)
1984 The Joe Satriani EP
  • Released:
  • Label:
  • Format:
1988 Dreaming #11
  • Released:
  • Label: Epic
  • Format:
42 US: Gold[44]
2000 Additional Creations
  • Released:
  • Label:
  • Format:
"—" denotes releases that did not chart.


Year Album details
1993 The Beautiful Guitar
  • Released:
  • Label:
  • Format:
2003 The Electric Joe Satriani: An Anthology
  • Released: November 18, 2003
  • Label: Epic/Legacy
  • Format:
2005 One Big Rush
  • Released: November 29, 2005
  • Label: CMG
  • Format:
2008 Joe Satriani Original Album Classics
  • Released: June 16, 2008
  • Label: Sony BMG
  • Format:

Albume live

Year Album details
1993 Time Machine
  • Released:
  • Label:
  • Format:
2001 Live in San Francisco
2006 Satriani Live!
  • Released:
  • Label: Red Ink Records
  • Format:
2010 Live In Paris: I Just Wanna Rock
  • Released:
  • Label:
  • Format:

Cu alți artiști

Year Artist Album
1986 Crowded House Crowded House
Greg Kihn Love And Rock And Roll
1987 Danny Gottleib Aquamarine
1988 Stuart Hamm Radio Free Albemuth
Blue Öyster Cult Imaginos
Possessed The Eyes of Horror (producer)
1991 Alice Cooper Hey Stoopid
1992 Spinal Tap Break Like the Wind
1996 Pat Martino All Sides Now
Greg Kihn King Biscuit Flower Hour
1997 Steve Vai / Eric Johnson G3: Live in Concert
Steve Vai / Alex Lifeson / Joe Perry Merry Axemas Volume 1
2003 Steve Vai / Yngwie Malmsteen G3: Rockin' in the Free World
The Yardbirds Birdland
2004 Jordan Rudess Rhythm of Time
2005 Steve Vai / John Petrucci G3: Live in Tokyo
2006 Ian Gillan Gillan's Inn
Particle Transformations Live for the People
2007 John 5 The Devil Knows My Name
Dream Theater (spoken voice only) Systematic Chaos
Stanley Clarke Guitar Masters, Vol. 1
Jordan Rudess Magna Carta Guitar Greats, Vol. 1
2008 Funtwo Youtube live
2009 Chickenfoot Chickenfoot
2010 Steve Miller Band Bingo!
Tarja Falling Awake


  1. ^ Joe Satriani's G3 rounds up another trio of guitar slingers
  2. ^ a b Shrivastava, Rahul. „Joe Satriani Interview”. BBC. Accesat în . 
  3. ^ John R., Luini. „Joe Satriani Biography”. ForeverJoe. Accesat în . 
  4. ^ http://www.metal-rules.com/interviews/SatrianiInterview.htm Joe Satriani Interview
  5. ^ Harris, Rich. „Ibanez JS Joe Satriani Guitar Specs”. Accesat în . 
  6. ^ Hard N Heavy Video Magazine interview - 1989
  7. ^ Joe Satriani: The Satch Tapes - 1993
  8. ^ Satriani's Offer of a Future with Deep Purple Accessed February 21, 2009
  9. ^ joe satriani - discography > surfing with the alien
  10. ^ NEW MUSIC BLOG: Joe Satriani | musicradar.com
  11. ^ http://www.satriani.com/discography/Live_In_Paris-I_Just_Wanna_Rock/
  12. ^ satriani.com
  13. ^ experiencehendrixtour.com
  14. ^ Rohter, Larry (). „Performers to Stay Away From Arizona in Protest of Law”. The New York Times. 
  15. ^ Condon, Stephanie (). „Musicians Boycott Arizona to Protest Immigration Law”. CBS News. 
  16. ^ http://grammy.com/grammy_awards/51st_show/list.aspx
  17. ^ http://www.coldplay.com/newsdetail.php?id=242, retrieved 10 December 2008.
  18. ^ Guitarist Satriani sues Coldplay
  19. ^ Coldplay Sued By Joe Satriani For Allegedly Plagiarizing 'Viva La Vida' Melody », peoplestar.co.uk, Retrieved on 2008-12-06.
  20. ^ „Coldplay copyright case 'settled'. BBC News. . Accesat în . 
  21. ^ http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0470765/fullcredits, Talk Show Guitarist, Retrieved 28 October 2009
  22. ^ http://allthingsloud.blogspot.com/
  23. ^ Van Halen, Red Hot Chili Peppers Launch New Project | News @ Ultimate-Guitar.Com
  24. ^ Joe Satriani home news
  25. ^ Rock Guitar World: Joe Satriani
  26. ^ CANdYRAT Records
  27. ^ joe satriani - home > news
  28. ^ Joe Satriani Interview
  29. ^ Harmony Central April 21, 2008 Real "Guitar Hero" Joe Satriani turns Teacher at WorkshopLive.com
  30. ^ http://www.steveadelson.com/index.php?sec=reports&sub=interviews&tmp=interview.php&f=%2Fcontent%2Finterviews%2Fsatriani-110102.php
  31. ^ http://www.beat-a-go-go.com/story/2006/5/3/111454/0700
  32. ^ http://www.bbc.co.uk/tyne/music/2004/06/satriani_interview.shtml
  33. ^ joe satriani - gear > 2008-01-18 vox announcement
  34. ^ joe satriani - gear > 2010-03-03 vox announcement
  35. ^ http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/JoeSatriani/podcast/super_colossal/13_crowd_chant_podcast.mp3
  36. ^ http://www.minnesotawild.com
  37. ^ http://www.sonymusic.com/artists/JoeSatriani/podcast/super_colossal/04_redshift_riders_podcast.mp3
  38. ^ http://myplay.com/artists/joe-satriani/bio#review-form
  39. ^ http://www.answers.com/topic/crystal-planet
  40. ^ http://books.google.com/books?id=-GwCfhB-xgAC&pg=PA33&lpg=PA33&dq=raspberry+jam+delta+v+endymion&source=bl&ots=RL3W9IP2Oz&sig=9_YgTl5kuN4GAKIFUPShbLr3Hlg&hl=en&ei=t2r8S5XIGZG-NtXs-N0B&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=3&ved=0CBwQ6AEwAg#v=onepage&q&f=false
  41. ^ Rock On The Net: Grammy Awards: Best Rock Instrumental Performance
  42. ^ Rock On The Net: Grammy Awards: Best Pop Instrumental Performance
  43. ^ http://australian-charts.com/search.asp?search=Joe+Satriani&cat=a
  44. ^ a b c d e http://www.riaa.com/goldandplatinumdata.php?table=SEARCH_RESULTS

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