Utilizator Discuţiile mele Româna Contribuţiile mele

Subject Pronouns

Româna English
eu I
tu you (singular)
el, ea he, she
noi we
voi you (plural)
ei, ele they (m), they (f)


  • dumneavoastră can be used as voi if I wish to address someone formally.
  • The subject pronoun is not normally used before the verb in spoken Romanian.[1]

Basic Verbs


Note: Present tense verbs can be used like this: "I speak", "I am speaking", or "I do speak". Basically, the one conjugation is equal to any of those forms, as well.

a fi (to be)

Româna English
sunt I am
eşti you are (singular)
este he is, she is
suntem we are
sunteţi you are (plural)
sunt they are (m), they are (f)

a avea (to have)

Româna English
am I have
ai you have (singular)
are he has, she has
avem we have
aveţi you have (plural)
au they have (m), they have (f)


  • The negation of a verb is done by preceding it with nu. This can be abbreviated as n- before a word starting with a vowel. (ex. N-aveţi o carte? You all don't have a book?)

a vorbi (to speak)

Româna English
vorbesc I speak
vorbeşti you speak (singular)
vorbeşte he speaks, she speaks
vorbim we speak
vorbiţi you speak (plural)
vorbesc they speak (m), they speak (f)

a merge (to go)

Româna English
merg I go
mergi you go (singular)
merge he goes, she goes
mergem we go
mergeţi you go (plural)
merg they go (m), they go (f)

a şti (to know)

Româna English
ştiu I know
ştii you know (singular)
ştie he knows, she knows
ştim we know
ştiţi you know (plural)
ştiu they know (m), they know (f)


Româna English
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