Wikipedia:Ziua Brion Vibber

Brian Vibbler (2013)

Ziua Brion Vibber reprezintă o sărbătoare de Wikipedia, celebrată la 1 iunie și instituită de Jimmy Wales în onoarea lui Brion Vibber, dezvoltator primar Wikipediei, într-un mesaj electronic din 1 iunie 2004[1]:

I hereby decree, in my usual authoritarian and bossy manner, that
today (June 1st) shall forever be known as Brion Vibber day.
Wikipedians of the distant future will marvel at his incredible
dedication and hard work, without which the project should have
collapsed a long time ago. Tonight at dinner, every Wikipedian should
say a toast to Brion and his many inventions.
On Brion Vibber day, Wikipedians everywhere greet each other in
Dankon, Brion.

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