
Abelsonit din Green River Formation, Uintah County, Utah, US
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Formula chimicăC31H32N4Ni
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Abelsonitul este un mineral descris în 1975. A fost numit după Philip Hauge Abelson, un fizician american.


  • Mason, G. M.; Trudell, L. G.; Branthaver, J. F. (). „Review of the stratigraphic distribution and diagenetic history of abelsonite”. Organic Geochemistry. 14 (6): 585–594. doi:10.1016/0146-6380(89)90038-7.  (necesită abonare)
  • Milton, C.; Dwornik, E. J.; Estep-Barnes, P. A.; Finkelman, R. B.; Pabst, A.; Palmer, S. (). „Abelsonite, nickel porphyrin: A new mineral from the Green River Formation, Utah” (PDF). American Mineralogist. 63 (9–10): 930–937. 
  • Storm, C. B.; Krane, J.; Skjetne, T.; Telnaes, N.; Branthaver, J. F.; Baker, E. W. (). „The structure of abelsonite”. Science. 223 (4640): 1075–1076. doi:10.2307/1693019. JSTOR 1693019.  (necesită abonare)
  • Zhang, B.; Lash, T. D. (septembrie 2003). „Total synthesis of the porphyrin mineral abelsonite and related petroporphyrins with five-membered exocyclic rings”. Tetrahedron Letters. 44 (39): 7253–7256. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2003.08.007. 

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