Format:Infobox geologic timespan
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
Documentație format
Această documentație este adusă de la pagina Format:Infobox geologic timespan/doc.
[istoric] |
Aceasta este pagina de documentație pentru Format:Infobox geologic timespan. Pagina descrie modul de folosire al formatului și conține categoriile de care acesta aparține, precum și orice altceva ce nu face parte din formatul propriu-zis. |
Antet și titlu | |
Cronologie | |
... | |
Etimologie | |
... | |
Informații de utilizare | |
... | |
Definiție | |
... | |
Date atmosferice și climatice | |
... | |
Vezi detaliile mai jos |
Acest format de tip infobox este utilizat pentru a genera o cutie de informații, plasată în dreapta sus a articolelor referitoare la:
a) intervale geologice specifice, acceptate pentru uz general (exemplu, Cambrian),
b) subdiviziuni ale timpului geologic, utilizate regional (spre exemplu, en Arenig),
c) propuneri de nume pentru subdiviziuni ale timpului geologic (spre exemplu, en Chaotian),
d) subdiviziuni ale timpului geologic extraterestru (exemplu, Nectarian).
Parametrii antetului și ai titlului
nume | |
654 – 321 Ma | |
image_map | |
image_outcrop | |
| |
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
Parametrii următori controlează imaginile, info-bara orizontală și textul titlului din partea superioară a formatului acestui infocasetă.
Parametru | Denumire în română |
Funcție |
name | nume | Textul din partea superioară a formatului |
color | culoare | Determină culoarea din spatele titlului utilizând formatul Format:Culoare perioadă (sau en:Template:Period color). Nume valide, pentru fiecare perioadă folosită și afișată, sunt obligatorii pentru ca sistemul să funcționeze. Pentru a studia valorile culorile hexa (sau RGB values, RGB color model), modelul de bază aditiv, vedeți articolul Modelul de culoare RGB. |
manual_color | culoare setată manual | Setează o culoare anume sub titlu folosind valorile schemei aditive RGB. |
accessible | acesibil | Transformă titlul text în alb. Este recomandat a se utiliza atunci când culoarea aleasă inițial nu are contrast suficient pe fondul inițial negru al textului titlului. |
top_bar | bara superioară | Determină varietatea axei timpului a barei aflată sub textul titlului. Revine automat la valoarea implicită orizontală cronologică a Fanerozoicului. Valorile acceptate momentan sunt: - Mercur / mercurial (Mercurial geologic timeline) |
earliest | cel mai devreme | Adds a translucent green bar to the solid green bar of the horizontal timeline, extending to the earliest possible timeframe the time span could be considered as occupying. It is recommended not to use this parameter unless there is ongoing dispute involving the time span's boundaries. See Template:Geological range for more information. |
latest | cel mai recent | Adds a translucent green bar to the solid green bar of the horizontal timeline, extending to the latest possible timeframe the time span could be considered as occupying. It is recommended not to use this parameter unless there is ongoing dispute involving the time span's boundaries. See Template:Geological range for more information. |
top_bar_ref | referință la bara superioară | Inserts a reference into the text above the timeline bar. |
time_start | data începerii erei geologice | The time when the geologic time span starts, in millions of years. |
time_start_prefix | prefixul timpului începerii erei geologice | Used to add a ~ in front of the displayed numerical start time. Should not be used for other purposes. |
time_start_uncertainty | nivelul de incertitudine al timpului începerii erei geologice | The level of uncertainty on the measurement of time span start time. |
time_end | data terminării erei geologice | The time when the geologic time span ends, in millions of years. |
time_end_prefix | Prefixul timpului terminării erei geologice | Used to add a ~ in front of the displayed numerical end time. Should not be used for other purposes. |
time_end_uncertainty | Nivelul de incertitudine al terminării începerii erei geologice | The level of uncertainty on the measurement of time span end time. |
top_bar_prefix | Prefixul barei superioare | Adds text before the "xxx Ma" text above the horizontal timeline. It is recommended not to use this parameter unless absolutely necesary. See Template:Geological range for more information. |
top_bar_ps | Post Scriptum al barei superioare | Adds text after the "xxx Ma" text above the horizontal timeline. It is recommended not to use this parameter unless absolutely necessary. See Template:Geological range for more information. |
image_map | Reconstruction of the Earth as it appeared during the geologic time span. | |
caption_map | Caption for the above image. | |
image_outcrop | imagine rocă decupată | Imaginea unei roci detașate dintr-o fotografie cu roci datând din intervalul geologic menționat. |
caption_outcrop | Explicație pentru imaginea de mai sus | Explicații pentru imaginea de mai sus |
image_art | imagine artistică | Reconstruction of a landscape/ecosystem as it may have appeared during the time span. |
caption_art | explicații pentru imaginea de mai sus | Explicații pentru imaginea de mai sus |
Parametri cronologici
Cronologie | |
{{TIMELINE graphical timeline|embedded=yes|titlecolour=lightgrey|timespan_name=|crono_unit=}} | |
Precedat de | before |
Urmat de | after |
Proposed redefinition(s) | proposed_boundaries1 proposed_boundaries1_ref |
Proposed subdivisions | proposed_subdivision1 proposed_subdivision1_coined |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
The following parameters produce results that display in the "Chronology" section of the infobox. (Note that "proposed_subdivision1" and "proposed_subdivision1_coined" are the first in a series of parameters that goes sequentially in name (proposed_subdivision2 and proposed_subdivision2_coined, etc). They are not listed to avoid redundancy.)
Parameter | Function |
timeline | Places a pre-made vertical timeline in the infobox. |
part_of | Use to list all subdivisions of geologic time that the time span is a part of. (NOTE: Only use when a timeline is currently not available) |
before | Use to list the time span that comes before the time span in question. (NOTE: Only use when a timeline is currently not available) |
after | Use to list the time span that comes after the time span in question. (NOTE: Only use when a timeline is currently not available) |
subdivisions | Use to list all subdivisions of the geologic time span (NOTE: Only use when a timeline is currently not available) |
proposed_boundaries1 | Use to list a possible redefinition of the timespan's borders (see Siderian for and example) |
proposed_boundaries1_ref | Use to list the group/individual who proposed the possible redefinition. |
proposed_subdivision1 | Use to list a proposed subdivision of the time span. |
proposed_subdivision1_coined | Use to list the group/individual who proposed the subdivision. |
proposed_part1 | Use to list a subdivision of time that the time span has been proposed to become part of. (See Siderian for example usage) |
proposed_part1_ref | Use to list the group/individual who proposed the change. |
proposed_subdivision1 | A subdivision that was proposed for the individual time span. |
proposed_subdivision1_coined | The original proposer(s) of the subdivision |
former_subdivisions | Use to list all subdivisions of the geologic time span that are no longer used with the time span. |
formerly_part_of | Use to list all geologic time spans that the article's topic was originally part of. |
partially_contained_in | Use to list all geologic time spans that the article topic's bounds cross (See Example) |
partially_contains | Use to list all geologic time span subdivisions that the article topic's bounds cross |
Parametri etimologici
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
The following parameters produce results that display in the "Etymology" section of the infobox. (Note that "synonym1" and "synonym1_coined" are the first in a series of parameters that goes sequentially in name (synonym2 and synonym2_coined, etc). They are not listed to avoid redundancy.)
Parameter | Function |
chrono_name | Geochronological name for the time span in question. |
strat_name | Chronostratigraphic Name |
name_formality | Whether the name given to the timespan is a placeholder (informal) or is a final name (formal). (mainly used for ICS time spans) |
name_accept_date | Name ratification date. Used mainly for ICS time subdivisons, though it can be used if there is a regional organization that accepted its usage. |
alternate_spellings | Alternate Spellings for the geologic time span. |
synonym1 | A synonym for the time span's accepted name. |
synonym1coined | The original proposer(s) of the synonym |
nicknames | Use to list nicknames for the time span. (Example: the Mesozoic has often been deemed in popular culture as the "Age of Dinosaurs") |
former_names | Formerly used names for the geologic time span. |
proposed_names | Proposed names for the geologic time span. |
Parametri de utilizare a informațiilor
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Time scale(s) used | timescales_used |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
The following parameters produce results that display in the "Usage Information" section of the infobox.
Parameter | Function |
celestial_body | The celestial body to which the time span applies. Some celestial objects will automatically link to their respective articles when entered (upper/lower case ignored). These are: - Mercury |
usage | How the time span in question is used (it applies only regionally, globally, is only a proposed subdivision, etc.) |
timescales_used | What timescales the time span is used in. (i.e North American, ICS) |
used_by | Specific countries/entities that use the time span officially. (NOTE: Only use if a minority of countries/entities use the time span officially! Any officially ratified ICS time interval should NOT use this parameter.) |
formerly_used_by | Use only if the time span was once used in an official capacity by one country/entity, but has fallen out of favor. |
not_used_by | Specific countries/entities that do not use the time span officially. (NOTE: Only use if a minority of countries/entities don't use the time span officially! Unlike the above "used_by" parameter, this can be used with officially ratified ICS time intervals, but only if applicable). |
Parametri de definire
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Unitate stratigrafică | strat_unit |
Intervalul de timp formal | timespan_formality |
Tipul de secțiune | type_section |
Definirea limitei inferioare | lower_boundary_def |
Candidați ai definirii limitei inferioare | lower_def_candidates |
Secțiunile candidaților la limita inferioară GSSP | lower_gssp_candidates |
Limita inferioară (GSSR) | lower_gssp_location lower_gssp_coords |
Acceptat / Recunoscut GSSP | lower_gssp_accept_date |
Definirea limitei superioare | upper_boundary_def |
Candidați ai definirii limitei superioare | upper_def_candidates |
Secțiunile candidaților la limita superioară GSSP | upper_gssp_candidates |
Limita superioară GSSP | upper_gssp_location upper_gssp_coords |
Acceptat / Recunoscut GSSP | upper_gssp_accept_date |
Date atmosferice și climatice |
The following parameters produce results that display in the "Definition" section of the infobox.
Parameter | Function |
chrono_unit | The chronostratigraphic classification of the time span (i.e era, period, epoch, etc.) |
strat_unit | The stratigraphic classification of the time span (i.e erathem, system, series, etc.) |
proposed_by | First proposer of the time span. |
timespan_formality | Whether the timespan as a whole is considered a formal or informal division of time. For name formality, see Etymology. |
type_section | The section of rock originally used to describe the time span in question. See Type locality (geology) for a more detailed explanation. |
lower_boundary_def | The critical event (biological, geological, etc.) that marks the start of the time span. |
lower_gssp_location | The location of the GSSP for the lower boundary of the time span. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
lower_gssp_coords | The coordinates of the gssp of the lower boundary of the time span. Use Template:Coord to fill this value. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
lower_gssp_accept_date | The date the GSSP for the lower boundary of the time span was accepted. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
lower_stratotype_location | The location of the stratotype for the lower boundary of the time span. (NOTE: use this parameter only on non-ICS time span articles.) |
upper_boundary_def | The critical event (biological, geological, etc.) that marks the end of the time span. |
upper_gssp_location | The location of the GSSP for the upper boundary of the time span. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
upper_gssp_coords | The coordinates of the gssp of the upper boundary of the time span. Use Template:Coord to fill this value. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
upper_gssp_accept_date | The date the GSSP for the upper boundary of the time span was accepted. (NOTE: This should be used on ICS time span articles only. Non-ICS time spans should not use this parameter.) |
upper_stratotype_location | The location of the stratotype for the upper boundary of the time span. (NOTE: use this parameter only on non-ICS time span articles.) |
Parametri datelor atmosferice și climatici
Cronologie | |
Etimologie | |
Informații de utilizare | |
Definiție | |
Date atmosferice și climatice | |
Media aritmetică a conținutului de O 2 | c. 42 vol % (210 % din atmosfera modernă) |
Media aritmetică a conținutului de CO 2 | c. 43 ppm (0 times pre-industrial) |
Temperatura medie la suprafață | c. 44 °C (30 °C above modern) |
Nivelul mării față de ziua de azi | sea_level |
The following parameters produce results that display in the "Atmospheric and Climatic Data" section of the infobox.
Parameter | Function |
o2 | Mean atmospheric O 2 content over the time span's duration as a percentage of modern level. |
co2 | Mean atmospheric CO 2 content over the time span's duration in parts per million (ppm). |
temp | Mean surface temperature over time span duration in °C. |
sea_level | Sea level above present day. |
Blank Syntax (ICS Time Span)
{{Infobox geologic timespan | name = | color = | top_bar = | time_start = | time_start_prefix = | time_start_uncertainty = | time_end = | time_end_prefix = | time_end_uncertainty = | image_map = | caption_map = | image_outcrop = | caption_outcrop = | image_art = | caption_art = <!--Chronology--> | timeline = | proposed_boundaries1 = | proposed_boundaries1_ref = | proposed_boundaries2 = | proposed_boundaries2_ref = | proposed_boundaries3 = | proposed_boundaries3_ref = | proposed_subdivision1 = | proposed_subdivision1_coined = | proposed_subdivision2 = | proposed_subdivision2_coined = | proposed_subdivision3 = | proposed_subdivision3_coined = | former_subdivisions = | formerly_part_of = | partially_contained_in = | partially_contains = <!--Etymology--> | chrono_name = | strat_name = | name_formality = | name_accept_date = | alternate_spellings = | synonym1 = | synonym1_coined = | synonym2 = | synonym2_coined = | synonym3 = | synonym3_coined = | nicknames = | former_names = | proposed_names = <!--Usage Information--> | celestial_body = earth | usage = Global ([[International Commission on Stratigraphy|ICS]]) | timescales_used = ICS Time Scale | formerly_used_by = | not_used_by = <!--Definition--> | chrono_unit = | strat_unit = | proposed_by = | type_section = | timespan_formality = | lower_boundary_def = | lower_def_candidates = | lower_gssp_candidates = | lower_gssp_location = | lower_gssp_coords = | lower_gssp_accept_date = | upper_boundary_def = | upper_def_candidates = | upper_gssp_candidates = | upper_gssp_location = | upper_gssp_coords = | upper_gssp_accept_date = <!--Atmospheric and Climatic Data--> | o2 = | co2 = | temp = | sea_level = }}
Blank Syntax (General/Other)
{{Infobox geologic timespan | name = | color = | manual_color = | top_bar = | time_start = | time_start_prefix = | time_start_uncertainty = | time_end = | time_end_prefix = | time_end_uncertainty = | earliest = | latest = | top_bar_ref = | top_bar_prefix = | top_bar_ps = | image_map = | caption_map = | image_outcrop = | caption_outcrop = | image_art = | caption_art = <!--Chronology--> | timeline = | subdivisions = | proposed_subdivision1 = | proposed_subdivision1_coined = | proposed_subdivision2 = | proposed_subdivision2_coined = | proposed_subdivision3 = | proposed_subdivision3_coined = | former_subdivisions = | formerly_part_of = | partially_contained_in = | partially_contains = <!--Etymology--> | chrono_name = | strat_name = | alternate_spellings = | synonym1 = | synonym1_coined = | synonym2 = | synonym2_coined = | synonym3 = | synonym3_coined = | former_names = | proposed_names = <!--Usage Information--> | celestial_body = | usage = | timescales_used = | used_by = | formerly_used_by = | not_used_by = <!--Definition--> | chrono_unit = | strat_unit = | proposed_by = | type_section = | lower_boundary_def = | lower_stratotype_location = | upper_boundary_def = | upper_stratotype_location = <!--Atmospheric and Climatic Data--> | o2 = | co2 = | temp = | sea_level = }}