Listă de formații black metal
articol-listă în cadrul unui proiect Wikimedia
modificare- Akral Necrossis
- Aaskereia
- Abdijah
- Abathur
- Abbath
- Abigail
- Abigor
- Aborym
- Absu
- Absurd
- Abruptum
- The Abyss
- Abyssos
- Abyssic Hate
- Aeternus
- Agathodaimon
- Aguynguerran
- Ajattara
- Akercocke
- Alastis
- Alcest
- Algol
- Alkonost
- Amok Vedar
- Anaal Nathrakh
- Ancestral Volkhves
- Ancient
- Ancient Rites
- ...And Oceans
- Angantyr
- Anorexia Nervosa
- Antim Grahan
- Antestor
- Apostasy
- Aras
- Arch of Thorns
- Arckanum
- Arcturus
- Archgoat
- Arkhon Infaustus
- Arkona
- Armagedda
- As Stormclouds Gather
- Ash
- Astarte
- Astrofaes
- Averse Sefira
- Axis of Advance
- The Axis of Perdition
- Azagatel
- Naer Mataron
- Naglfar
- Nargaroth
- Nattefrost
- Nebron
- Nokturnal Mortum
- Necroevil
- Necromantia
- Negură Bunget
- Niflheim
- Nokturnal Mortum
- Nortt
- Sabbat
- Sacrilegium
- Sad Legend
- Sarcofago
- Sargeist
- Saltus
- Satyricon
- Samael
- Sceptrum Mortiferum
- Sear Bliss
- Septic Flesh
- Serpenterium
- Setherial
- Shadowsong
- Shakespeare in Hell
- Siebenburgen
- Siculicidium
- Sigh
- Sin Origin
- Skyfire
- Solefald
- Sorrowstorm
- Sorg Innkallelse
- Sólstafir
- Sorhin
- Striborg
- Shab
- Shining
- Sinoda
- Svartkirke
- Svartsyn
- Sworn