Listă de sceptici și organizații sceptice
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Aceasta este o listă de oameni și organizații care promovează sau practică un scepticism științific. În general, ei sprijină știința și se opun pseudoștiinței și șarlatanismului. De obicei, ei sunt sceptici în ceea ce privește parapsihologia, paranormalul sau medicina alternativă.
Listă de sceptici notabili
modificare- James Alcock, psiholog. Autor al mai multor cărți și articole sceptice.
- Isaac Asimov, biochimist, autor. A scris sau a editat peste 500 de cărți de popularizare a științei, non-ficțiune și science-fiction, inclusiv seria Fundației. Membru fondator al CSICOP (acum CSI).[1]
- Robert A. Baker, psiholog, autor. A scris cărți despre fantome, răpiri extraterestre și despre sindromul falsei memorii.[1]
- Banachek, mentalist. Participant la Project Alpha.
- Stephen Barrett, psihiatru. Cofondator al Consiliului Național pentru Combaterea Fraudei în Sănătate, critic al medicinii alternative. Fondator al site-ului Quackwatch.[1]
- Barry Beyerstein, psiholog. Membru fondator al CSICOP (acum CSI).
- Susan Blackmore, parapsiholog. Autor, lector și crainic de radio.
- Derren Brown, mentalist.
- Robert Todd Carroll, philosopher. Author of The Skeptic's Dictionary book and website.
- Milbourne Christopher, magician. Membru fondator al CSICOP (acum CSI).
- Derek Colanduno and Robynn McCarthy, co-hosts of the podcast Skepticality: The Official Podcast of Skeptic Magazine.
- David Colquhoun, pharmacologist and author of the website Improbable Science.
- Richard Dawkins, evolutionary biologist and author known for promoting the gene-centric view (in his book The Selfish Gene), coining of the term meme, and atheist activism.[1]
- Daniel Dennett, philosopher. Author of Darwin's Dangerous Idea: Evolution and the Meanings of Life and Breaking the Spell: Religion as a Natural Phenomenon.
- Ann Druyan, popular science author and current head of the Planetary Society. Widow of the astronomer Carl Sagan.
- Brian Dunning, host of skeptical podcast Skeptoid.
- Kendrick Frazier, Editor of the Skeptical Inquirer.[1]
- Martin Gardner, author, recreational mathematician. Writer of the long-running 'Mathematical Games' column in Scientific American, and a longstanding columnist for the Skeptical Inquirer. Founding member of CSICOP (now CSI).[1]
- Prabir Ghosh, founder and general secretary of the Science and Rationalists' Association of India. An expert in exposing miracle, astrologers and spiritual frauds.
- Ben Goldacre, physician, journalist. Author of the "Bad Science" column in The Guardian (UK newspaper).
- Stephen Jay Gould, paleontologist, evolutionary biologist, historian of science, Harvard University.[1]
- Sven Ove Hansson, philosopher. Founding Chairperson of the Swedish Skeptics (Vetenskap och Folkbildning) and Editor of the organisation's journal Folkvett.
- Douglas Hofstadter, physicist, artificial intelligence researcher. Author of Pulitzer Prize-winning book Gödel, Escher, Bach: The Eternal Golden Braid and Scientific American column "Metamagical Themas".
- Harry Houdini, magician. Critic of Modern Spiritualism who exposed fraudulent psychics and mediums and publicized their methods.[1]
- Ray Hyman, psychologist, critic of parapsychology. Longstanding contributor to the Skeptical Inquirer. Membru fondator al CSICOP (acum CSI)..[1]
- Jamie Hyneman, creator of MythBusters TV show.
- Penn Jillette magician, half of Penn & Teller duo. Creator and host of the television series Bullshit!
- Philip J. Klass, aerospace journalist. Known for his investigations of UFOs. Longstanding contributor to the Skeptical Inquirer. Founding member of CSICOP (now CSI).[1]
- Paul Kurtz, philosopher, author. Membru fondator al CSICOP (acum CSI)., Publisher of the Skeptical Inquirer.[1]
- Pat Linse, illustrator. Cofounder of the Skeptics Society, Copublisher and Art Director of Skeptic magazine. Creator of Junior Skeptic magazine.
- Daniel Loxton, illustrator, writer. Editor of Junior Skeptic magazine (bound into Skeptic magazine).
- Joe Nickell, investigator of the paranormal, author. Columnist for the Skeptical Inquirer.[1]
- Steven Novella, neurologist. Founder of the New England Skeptical Society and host of The Skeptics' Guide to the Universe podcast.
- James Oberg, aerospace journalist. Critic of UFOs and claims of a moon landing hoax.
- Robert L. Park, physicist. Author of Voodoo Science.
- Trey Parker, writer, director. Creator of South Park TV show.
- Philip Plait, astronomer, author. Founder of the Bad Astronomy website.
- Massimo Polidoro, writer, journalist. Student of James Randi, Co-Founder and Executive Director of CICAP, Research Fellow of CSICOP (now CSI).
- Basava Premanand publisher of the Indian Skeptic magazine and chairman of the Indian CSICOP.
- Benjamin Radford, Managing Editor of the Skeptical Inquirer.
- James Randi, magician. Founder of the James Randi Educational Foundation. Notable for offering a million dollar cash reward for verifiable demonstration under laboratory conditions of any paranormal ability or event. Conceived and directed Project Alpha. Founding member of CSICOP (now CSI).[1]
- Emily Rosa, Guinness World Record youngest medical researcher; at age 11, published her study in JAMA on Therapeutic Touch, showing practitioners couldn't feel the "human energy field" when not looking.
- Carl Sagan, astronomer, popular science author, and media personality. Advocate for the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence (SETI) and founder of the Planetary Society (now headed by his widow, popular science writer Ann Druyan). Known for the television series Cosmos and the book The Demon Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark. Founding member of CSICOP (now CSI).[1]
- Adam Savage, creator of MythBusters TV show.
- Eugenie Scott, anthropologist. Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education (NCSE), critic of creationism and intelligent design.
- Robert Sheaffer, author. UFO investigator, columnist for the Skeptical Inquirer.
- Michael Shermer, historian, popular science author, founder of the Skeptics Society. Copublisher and Editor of Skeptic magazine. Also current writer for the Scientific American column "Skeptic".[1]
- Matt Stone, writer, director. Creator of South Park TV show.
- Julia Sweeney, actress, comedian. Author and performer of Letting Go of God.
- Teller, magician, half of Penn & Teller duo. Creator and host of the television series Bullshit!
- Marcello Truzzi, sociologist. First editor of the Skeptical Inquirer. Critic of organized skepticism. Founding member of CSICOP (now CSI).
- Rebecca Watson, founder of Skepchick blog.
- Richard Wiseman, psychologist.
Organizații sceptice
modificare- Australian Skeptics
- Bihar Buddhiwadi Samaj
- Center for Inquiry
- CICAP (Comitato Italiano per il Controllo delle Affermazioni sul Paranormale) (Italia)
- Committee for Skeptical Inquiry (anterior Committee for the Scientific Investigation of Claims of the Paranormal) (CSICOP) (New York)
- Dakshina Kannada Rationalist Association (India)
- Dravidar Kazhagam
- Federation of Indian Rationalist Associations (India)
- Föreningen Vetenskap och Folkbildning (Sweden)
- Freedom From Religion Foundation (U.S.A.)
- Indian Rationalist Association
- Irish Skeptics Society
- James Randi Educational Foundation
- National Capital Area Skeptics
- New England Skeptical Society
- New Zealand Skeptics
- Richard Dawkins Foundation for Reason and Science (RDFRS) (Marea Britanie și Statele Unite)
- Science and Rationalists' Association of India
- Sociedade Brasileira de Céticos e Racionalistas
- Sociedade da Terra Redonda
- Stichting Skepsis
- The Skeptics Society (California)
- Vereniging tegen de Kwakzalverij