Ratificarea Tratatului de la Lisabona

Ratificarea Tratatului de la Lisabona a fost finalizată la data de 13 noiembrie 2009, odată cu depozitarea documentului de ratificare a Republicii Cehe la guvernul Italiei.[1][2] Tratatul a intrat în vigoare în prima zi a primei luni de după această depunere,[3][4] la 1 decembrie 2009.[5]

  1. ^ „Czech PM brings Lisbon treaty to Rome ending ratification process”. Czech Press Agency. . Accesat în . 
  2. ^ „Klaus signs Lisbon treaty after Czech court's verdict”. Czech Press Agency. . Accesat în . 
  3. ^ European Commission. „In Your Country”. Europa web portal. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . 
  4. ^ Article 6, paragraph 1 of the Treaty of Lisbon requires that instruments of ratification issued by all member states be deposited with the Government of Italy in order for the treaty to enter into force. The instrument of ratification is a solemn document of international character, usually signed by the country's head of state, confirming to the other parties of the treaty that the state in question accepts the treaty, as signed by its representatives. Each country issues and deposits the instrument of ratification after its internal ratification process is finalised by all required state bodies, in accordance with each country's internal constitutional requirements. Deposition details Arhivat în , la Archive.is
  5. ^ The Treaty of Lisbon Article 6(2) of the Lisbon Treaty.