The Best American Short Stories 2007

The Best American Short Stories 2007
Informații generale
SerieThe Best American Short Stories
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The Best American Short Stories 2006
The Best American Short Stories 2008

The Best American Short Stories 2007 este un volum din seria The Best American Short Stories. A fost editat de Heidi Pitlor și de Stephen King.[1]

Povestiri inculse

Autor Poveste Editată anterior în
Louis Auchincloss "Pa's Darling" Yale Review
John Barth "Toga Party" Fiction
Ann Beattie "Solid Wood" Boulevard
T. C. Boyle "Balto" Paris Review
Randy DeVita "Riding the Doghouse" West Branch
Joseph Epstein "My Brother Eli" Hudson Review
William Gay "Where Will You Go When Your Skin Cannot Contain You" Tin House
Mary Gordon "Eleanor's Music" Ploughshares
Lauren Groff "L. DeBard and Aliette: A Love Story" The Atlantic Monthly
Beverly Jensen "Wake" New England Review
Roy Kesey "Wait" Kenyon Review
Stellar Kim "Findings & Impressions" Iowa Review
Aryn Kyle "Allegiance" Ploughshares
Bruce McAllister "The Boy in Zaquitos" Fantasy and Science Fiction
Alice Munro "Dimension" The New Yorker
Eileen Pollack "The Bris" Subtropics
Karen Russell "St. Lucy's Home for Girls Raised by Wolves" Granta
Richard Russo "Horseman" The Atlantic Monthly
Jim Shepard "Sans Farine" Harper's Magazine
Kate Walbert "Do Something" Ploughshares

Alte povestiri notabile


Stephen King este cel care a selectat și povestirile din "100 Other Distinguished Stories of 2006." Printre acestea se numără povestirile unor scriitori bine cunoscuți ca "An Open Letter to Doctor X" (publicată inițial în Virginia Quarterly Review) de Francine Prose, "Once in a Lifetime" (The New Yorker) de Jhumpa Lahiri, "Paper Losses" (The New Yorker) de Lorrie Moore, "The Butcher's Music" (West Branch) de Jacob Appel, precum și lucrări ale unor scriitori promițători de ficțiune ca David Kear, Matthew Pitt, Paula Nangle, Alison Clement sau Justin Kramon.

  1. ^ Pitor, Heidi and King, Stephen (editors), The Best American Short Stories 2007 Houghton Mifflin, New York, 2007.

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