ru Русский язык для данного участника является родным.
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.

ro-0 Acest utilizator nu vorbește limba română.
Format:Utilizator Russia
Format:Utilizator Moscova
Format:Utilizator anti-anon
Leonid Dzhepko / Леонид Джепко

Leonid Dzhepko (aka en:User:Leonid Dzhepko in, and aka "en:User:Л.П. Джепко") is an English-Russian legal translator, editor and a certified lawyer. I hold a Candidate of Science degree (PhD equivalent) in lingustics.

  • I believe that anyone should have free access to information, and no information should be lost.
  • I believe that copyright protection should not exceed 30 years after the author's death. 70 years of copyright protection is nonsense; it is unjust enrichment for those who have not created the work! Just think: The clever man who did the job is dead. He died fifty, sixty years ago, but some people (who are not clever enough to create something of their own) are still receiving money for nothing. And there are persons who say that current copyright protection period should be extended from current 70 years to 100 years. Unbelievable!