Country Myneas


Myneas is a country located on the planet Kepler-452b. With a devoted queen, understanding inhabitants and various delicious foods, it has grown in the eyes of onlookers on Earth and is no longer considered an underdeveloped country. With many plants and trees, Myneas has managed to become one of the most beautiful and green, while being envied by neighboring countries.

Queen of Myneas

Queen Sofia Myneliak is a 32-year-old young woman. This is a beautiful, smart, loving woman and she knows how to run her country. The citizens of myneasinas are proud of the country and the queen who rules it.

Language Ghukliak
Food sarmale with chocolate, Marshmallow soup, Mexican chicken fajitas, PAD THAI, TOM KHA GAI Thai
Citizens myneasinas
Area 30,000,000 km²
Population 3 billion inhabitants
Religion They do not have a fixed religion. They believe in their queen and in spirits with whom they can communicate.
Capital Felitea
Situated on Planet Kepler-452b
Flag of Myneas

Fun facts:

1. Did you know that the Queen took the crown after winning a game of golf?

2. Did you know that myneas is the only country that accepts the transport of pet ants from the capital to the citizens' homes?

3. Did you know that the most popular occupation of the inhabitants is the construction of gingerbread houses.

4. The highest mountain in the country is mozzarella and it is invaded by mice.

5. At marriage, the man takes the woman's name. Rules:


1. In Myneas only women can hold high positions.

2. Citizens are paid for attending festivals.

3. Residents who commit serious crimes lose their citizenship and the right to live on the planet, being exiled to Earth.

4. The Queen is obliged to give families a cow each time someone is born.

5. People who destroy the natural habitat of mythical animals are obliged to do community service for life.
