„“Alergici” la tv...” etc.
modificarePresa nespecializată (profană) este plină de informații neprofesionale, incorecte și vatamatoare, ca absurditatea din titlu. Cine scrie despre „alergii la tv.” demonstrează că n-are habar de ce este o alergie, de unde provine și cum se exprimă. Cand spun că sunt „alergic” la prostii, acestă „alergie” nu are nimic comun cu maladia descrisă în articolul Wp pe temă.
Profesorul suedez Olle Johansson propagă de la toate tribunele teoriile sale de radiații electromagnetice nocive, teorii verosimile, posibile, dar care nu au fost demonstrate stiințific. "health effects of modern, man-made electromagnetic fields as well as the functional impairment electrohypersensitivity. I introduced the clinical term "screen dermatitis" to explain the cutaneous damages that developed in the late 1970's when office workers, first mostly women, began to be placed in front of computer monitors..." (Olle Johansson)
După circa 40 de ani de cercetări pe o populație supra-expusă la radiațiile electromagnetice, Suedia este singura țară din lume care recunoaște existența unei „incomodități” subiective provocate de aceste raze: "In Sweden, electrohypersensitivity (EHS) is an officially fully recognized physical impairment (i.e., it is not regarded as a disease). Survey studies show that somewhere between 230,000 - 290,000 Swedish men and women report a variety of symtoms when being in contact with electromagnetic field (EMF)"
- en Gangi S, Johansson O: A theoretical model based upon mast cells and histamine to explain the recently proclaimed sensitivity to electric and/or magnetic fields in humans, Medical Hypotheses 54: 663-671, 2000
- en Johansson O, Gangi S, Liang Y, Yoshimura K, Jing C, Liu P-Y: Cutaneous mast cells are altered in normal healthy volunteers sitting in front of ordinary TVs/PCs - results from open-field provocation experiments, Journal of Cutaneous Patholology 28: 513-519, 2001
- en Johansson O: Electrohypersensitivity: State-of-the-art of a functional impairment, Electromagnetic Biology and Medicine 25: 245-258, 2006, etc.
OMS a respins teoriile prof. Olle Johansson în totalitate: "SCANDAL: WHO denied Prof. Olle Johansson the democratic right to add a formal reservation I am very sorry to inform you that the WHO, after its "Workshop on EMF Hypersensitivity", 25-27 October 2004, in Prague, completely has denied me - after all being a participant of the workshop - the democratic right to have a formal reservation included in the summary (the latter can be found at http://www.who.int/peh-emf/meetings/hypersensitivity_prague2004/en). The persons behind this decison are Michael Repacholi (WHO), Norbert Leitgeb (Institute of Clinical Engineering and PMG, Medical Devices European Notified Body 0636, Graz, Austria), Emilie van Deventer (WHO) and Sarah Bullock (WHO)", etc., etc., etc. Nimic din tot acest ghiveci nu are vre-o tangență cu alergia. --Alex F. (discuție) 23 mai 2012 11:22 (EEST)