2021 în literatură

Prezentare generală asupra evenimentelor din 2021 în literatură

2021 în literatură implică o serie de evenimente:

Ani în literatură

Sec. XIX - Sec. XX - Sec. XXI

Anii 1900
1900 • 1901 • 1902 • 1903 • 1904
1905 • 1906 • 1907 • 1908 • 1909
Anii 1910
1910 • 1911 • 1912 • 1913 • 1914
1915 • 1916 • 1917 • 1918 • 1919
Anii 1920
1920 • 1921 • 1922 • 1923 • 1924
1925 • 1926 • 1927 • 1928 • 1929
Anii 1930
1930 • 1931 • 1932 • 1933 • 1934
1935 • 1936 • 1937 • 1938 • 1939
Anii 1940
1940 • 1941 • 1942 • 1943 • 1944
1945 • 1946 • 1947 • 1948 • 1949
Anii 1950
1950 • 1951 • 1952 • 1953 • 1954
1955 • 1956 • 1957 • 1958 • 1959
Anii 1960
1960 • 1961 • 1962 • 1963 • 1964
1965 • 1966 • 1967 • 1968 • 1969
Anii 1970
1970 • 1971 • 1972 • 1973 • 1974
1975 • 1976 • 1977 • 1978 • 1979
Anii 1980
1980 • 1981 • 1982 • 1983 • 1984
1985 • 1986 • 1987 • 1988 • 1989
Anii 1990
1990 • 1991 • 1992 • 1993 • 1994
1995 • 1996 • 1997 • 1998 • 1999
Anii 2000
2000 • 2001 • 2002 • 2003 • 2004
2005 • 2006 • 2007 • 2008 • 2009
Anii 2010
2010 • 2011 • 2012 • 2013 • 2014
2015 • 2016 • 2017 • 2018 • 2019
Anii 2020
2020 • 2021 • 2022 • 2023 • 2024
2025 • 2026 • 2027 • 2028 • 2029
Anii 2030
2030 • 2031 • 2032 • 2033 • 2034
2035 • 2036 • 2037 • 2038 • 2039
Anii 2040



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Ficțiune (autori străini)

2021 — Cărți noi, de ficțiune, literatură generală – autori străini - sortate după numele de familie al autorului
Autor Titlu Data publicării Referințe
Arudpragasam, AnukAnuk Arudpragasam A Passage North Format:Date table sorting [1]
Fuller, ClaireClaire Fuller Unsettled Ground Format:Date table sorting [2]
Galgut, DamonDamon Galgut The Promise Format:Date table sorting [3]
Groff, LaurenLauren Groff Matrix Format:Date table sorting [4]
Guanzon, JakobJakob Guanzon Abundance Format:Date table sorting [5]
Harris, NathanNathan Harris The Sweetness of Water Format:Date table sorting [6]
Ishiguro, KazuoKazuo Ishiguro Klara and the Sun Format:Date table sorting [7]
Kepnes, CarolineCaroline Kepnes You Love Me Format:Date table sorting [8]
King, StephenStephen King Billy Summers Format:Date table sorting [9]
King, StephenStephen King Later Format:Date table sorting [10]
le Carré, JohnJohn le Carré Silverview Format:Date table sorting 12 [11]
Lockwood, PatriciaPatricia Lockwood No One Is Talking About This Format:Date table sorting [12]
Mohamed, NadifaNadifa Mohamed The Fortune Men Format:Date table sorting [13]
Nelson, Caleb AzumahCaleb Azumah Nelson Open Water Format:Date table sorting [14]
Nguyen, Viet ThanhViet Thanh Nguyen The Committed Format:Date table sorting [15]
North, AnnaAnna North Outlawed Format:Date table sorting [16]
Okorafor, NnediNnedi Okorafor Remote Control Format:Date table sorting [17]
Oyeyemi, HelenHelen Oyeyemi Peaces Format:Date table sorting [18]
Oyler, LaurenLauren Oyler Fake Accounts Format:Date table sorting [19]
Pereira, LindsayLindsay Pereira Gods and Ends Format:Date table sorting [20]
Powers, RichardRichard Powers Bewilderment Format:Date table sorting [21]
Rooney, SallySally Rooney Beautiful World, Where Are You Format:Date table sorting [22]
Mbougar Sarr, MohamedMohamed Mbougar Sarr La plus secrète mémoire des hommes Format:Date table sorting [23]
Shipstead, MaggieMaggie Shipstead Great Circle Format:Date table sorting [24]
Farris Smith, MichaelMichael Farris Smith Nick Format:Date table sorting [25]
Soyinka, WoleWole Soyinka Chronicles from the Land of the Happiest People on Earth Format:Date table sorting [26]
Spufford, FrancisFrancis Spufford Light Perpetual Format:Date table sorting [27]
Strout, ElizabethElizabeth Strout Oh William! Format:Date table sorting [1]
Whitehead, ColsonColson Whitehead Harlem Shuffle Format:Date table sorting [28]

Ficțiune (autori români)




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Vezi și

  1. ^ a b Laurence, Rebecca; Baker, Lindsay (). „The best books of the year 2021”. BBC (în engleză). Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . 
  2. ^ a b „Costa Book Awards 2021 category winners announced”. Costa. Accesat în . 
  3. ^ Galgut, Damon (). The promise (ed. First). Cape Town, South Africa. ISBN 978-1-4152-1058-1. OCLC 1261301351. 
  4. ^ Groff, Lauren (). Matrix. New York. ISBN 978-1-59463-449-9. OCLC 1224045534. 
  5. ^ Guanzon, Jakob (). Abundance : a novel. Minneapolis, Minnesota. ISBN 978-1-64445-046-8. OCLC 1228510918. 
  6. ^ Harris, Nathan (). The sweetness of water. New York. ISBN 978-0-316-46126-9. OCLC 1256670246. 
  7. ^ Ishiguro, Kazuo (). Klara and the sun. Toronto. ISBN 978-0-7352-8125-7. OCLC 1156592519. 
  8. ^ Kepnes, Caroline (). You love me (ed. First). New York. ISBN 978-0-593-13378-1. OCLC 1183400406. 
  9. ^ King, Stephen (). Billy Summers : a novel (ed. First Scribner hardcover). New York. ISBN 978-1-9821-7361-6. OCLC 1233024105. 
  10. ^ King, Stephen (). Later (ed. First Hard Case Crime). London. ISBN 978-1-78909-649-1. OCLC 1237818427. 
  11. ^ Le Carré, John (). Silverview. [New York, New York]. ISBN 978-0-593-49059-4. OCLC 1268939528. 
  12. ^ Lockwood, Patricia (). No one is talking about this. New York. ISBN 978-0-593-18958-0. OCLC 1155693813. 
  13. ^ Mohamed, Nadifa (). The fortune men. London. ISBN 978-0-241-46694-0. OCLC 1199330473. 
  14. ^ ISBN: 9780241448779. Flood, Alison (). „Caleb Azumah Nelson wins Costa first novel award for Open Water”. The Guardian. London. Accesat în . 
  15. ^ Nguyen, Viet Thanh (). The committed (ed. First). New York, NY. ISBN 978-0-8021-5706-5. OCLC 1224586967. 
  16. ^ North, Anna (). Outlawed : a novel. New York. ISBN 978-1-63557-542-2. OCLC 1151062688. 
  17. ^ Okorafor, Nnedi (). Remote control (în engleză) (ed. 1st). New York: A Tom Doherty Associates Book. ISBN 978-1-250-77280-0. OCLC 1191457705. 
  18. ^ Oyeyemi, Helen (). Peaces : a novel. Toronto, Ontario. ISBN 978-0-7352-4127-5. OCLC 1160196790. 
  19. ^ Oyler, Lauren (). Fake accounts : a novel. New York. ISBN 978-1-948226-93-6. OCLC 1226440551. 
  20. ^ Pereira, Lindsay (). Gods and Ends (în English). India: Penguin Random House India. ISBN 9789390914463. 
  21. ^ Powers, Richard (). Bewilderment : a novel (ed. First). New York, NY. ISBN 978-0-393-88115-8. OCLC 1268950933. 
  22. ^ Rooney, Sally (). Beautiful world, where are you. Toronto. ISBN 978-0-7352-8180-6. OCLC 1237762358. 
  23. ^ Sarr, Mohamed Mbougar (). La plus secrète mémoire des hommes : roman. Paris: Philippe Rey. ISBN 978-2-84876-886-1. OCLC 1269504870. 
  24. ^ Shipstead, Maggie (). Great circle (ed. First). New York: Knopf Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-525-65697-5. OCLC 1154075263. 
  25. ^ Smith, Michael F. (). Nick. F. Scott (Francis Scott) Prequel to : Fitzgerald (ed. First). New York, NY: Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 978-0-316-52976-1. OCLC 1228119058. 
  26. ^ Soyinka, Wole (). Chronicles from the land of the happiest people on earth (ed. First American). New York. ISBN 978-0-593-32016-7. OCLC 1238132759. 
  27. ^ Spufford, Francis (). Light perpetual : a novel (ed. First Scribner hardcover). New York, NY. ISBN 978-1-9821-7414-9. OCLC 1250268972. 
  28. ^ Whitehead, Colson (). Harlem shuffle (ed. First). New York: Knopf Doubleday. ISBN 978-0-385-54513-6. OCLC 1198988746. 

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