Pier Gerlofs Donia
modificareVă mulţumim şi apreciem contribuţia dumneavoastră recentă la articolul Pier Gerlofs Donia, dar noi nu putem accepta materiale supuse drepturilor de autor, fie de pe alte site-uri, fie din publicaţii tipărite. Puteţi încerca să rescrieţi textul cu cuvintele dumneavoastră. Vă invităm să citiţi pagina de bun venit dacă doriţi să aflaţi cum puteţi contribui la enciclopedia noastră.
Dacă totuşi sînteţi titularul drepturilor de autor pentru materialul pe care l-aţi introdus, vă rugăm să urmaţi instrucţiunile pentru autorii care doresc să ofere materiale Wikipediei. Vă mulţumim încă o dată! --Andreidiscuţie 26 mai 2009 14:42 (EEST)
- I am sorry, but I do not speak your Romanian language. I speak English. I wanted the article to be on this wiki, I would like to request a translation from another wikipedia but I do not know how to do that! Could you help me out, here? (discuţie) 26 mai 2009 14:47 (EEST)
- Here is the place to request a translation. As of now, the article is identical to this one, thus it is in violation of the copyright laws. Please do not remove the maintenance tag that states that fact.--Andreidiscuţie 26 mai 2009 14:56 (EEST)
Could you request the translation for me? I cannot do this myself so that would be a problem - I do not know how to write this language. (discuţie) 26 mai 2009 15:05 (EEST)
Translate request
modificareHello, I have sent your request for translation, now you must wait until someone will translate it. Have a nice day. --Redfox (discuţie) 26 mai 2009 18:00 (EEST)
- Thanks! That'll surely help! (discuţie) 27 mai 2009 10:39 (EEST)
If you want that article translated faster, you should speak with the users form Wikipedia:Ambasadă (wikipedia Romanian embassy).--Ionutzmovie (discuţie) 18 noiembrie 2009 15:52 (EET)
- I have tried everything. It does not work. Could you help? (discuţie) 18 noiembrie 2009 16:46 (EET)
- I am involved in other translation projects and this one has a low priority. There's only a handful of us here at ro.wp. Your request was heard, but actually nobody here may have the time and the motivation to do that for you. You should focus on increasing the en.wp article's quality level. Featured or good articles end up translated faster than B- or C-class ones. —Andreidiscuţie 19 noiembrie 2009 11:51 (EET)
The article is said to be C-class, but it actually is a B-class article. And the person has an article on numerous wikis so he is obviously someone important in Dutch-Frisian history. A small page will do, just a small page. You could write 6, 7 ot 8 sentences and include a category and a little image from En.wiki en I would be happy. Is that such a hard thing to do? :) (discuţie) 19 noiembrie 2009 12:18 (EET)
- It has been explained to you already. You can't use automated translation tools because the text they output makes no sense and by no means does it amount to an article. Also, Wikipedia is a volunteering project and you can't expect everyone to do what you ask. When the day comes when someone knowledgeable to the subject will want to write that article in Romanian, they will either translate it or write it from scratch on their own terms, but you can't put a pressure on anyone to do that. —Andreidiscuţie 19 noiembrie 2009 19:18 (EET)
Subtiel ga je niet echt te werk ei.. --Ooswesthoesbes (discuţie) 19 noiembrie 2009 20:57 (EET)
- On the english wikipedia this IP adress is already blocked KlokkoVanDenBerg (discuţie) 19 noiembrie 2009 21:03 (EET)
- Ik kan ook op gaan sommen op welke vijfhonderd wiki's jij geblokkeerd bent. Daar schiet men toch ook niet veel mee op? --Ooswesthoesbes (discuţie) 20 noiembrie 2009 17:04 (EET)
Klokko, wat probeer je nu te bereiken? (discuţie) 20 noiembrie 2009 19:01 (EET)
- I am only warning this wikipedia. KlokkoVanDenBerg (discuţie) 20 noiembrie 2009 19:10 (EET)
Warning them for what? (discuţie) 20 noiembrie 2009 21:24 (EET)
- That you might vandalize (discuţie) 25 noiembrie 2009 13:26 (EET)
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