Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun regizor

Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun regizor

Laureatul din 2023: Christopher Nolan
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Premiul Oscar pentru cel mai bun regizor (în engleză Academy Award for Directing) este unul dintre premiile Oscar, acordate de „Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences”. Este dat în onoarea unui regizor de film care a expus regizări remarcabile în timp ce lucrează în industria cinematografică.

Prima ceremonie a premiilor Academiei a avut loc în 1929, premiul fiind împărțit în categorii "Dramatic" și "Comedie"; Frank Borzage și Lewis Milestone au câștigat pentru Al șaptelea cer și Two Arabian Nights, respectiv.[1] Cu toate acestea, aceste categorii au fost fuzionate pentru toate ceremoniile ulterioare.[2] Reprezentanții sunt stabiliți prin vot unic transferabil în cadrul filialei AMPAS; câștigătorii sunt selectați printr-un vot de pluralitate din partea tuturor membrilor eligibili ai Academiei.[3][4][5]

Câștigători și nominalizați


Anii 1920

Câștigător Nominalizați
  Frank Borzage
 – Seventh Heaven
Herbert BrenonSorrell and Son
King VidorThe Crowd
  Lewis Milestone
 – Two Arabian Knights
Ted WildeSpeedy
1928/1929   Frank Lloyd
 – The Divine Lady
Lionel BarrymoreMadame X
Harry BeaumontThe Broadway Melody
Irving CummingsIn Old Arizona
Frank Lloyd - Drag și Weary River
Ernst LubitschThe Patriot
1929/1930   Lewis Milestone
 – All Quiet on the Western Front
Clarence BrownAnna Christie și Romance
Robert Z. LeonardThe Divorcée
Ernst LubitschThe Love Parade
King VidorHallelujah

Anii 1930

Câștigător Nominalizați
1930/1931 Norman Taurog
 – Skippy
Clarence BrownA Free Soul
Lewis MilestoneThe Front Page
Wesley RugglesCimarron
Josef von SternbergMorocco
1931/1932   Frank Borzage
 – Bad Girl
King VidorThe Champ
Josef von SternbergShanghai Express
1932/1933   Frank Lloyd
 – Cavalcade
Frank CapraLady for a Day
George CukorLittle Women
1934   Frank Capra
 – It Happened One Night
Victor SchertzingerOne Night of Love
W. S. Van DykeThe Thin Man
1935   John Ford
 – The Informer
Henry HathawayThe Lives of a Bengal Lancer
Frank LloydMutiny on the Bounty
1936   Frank Capra
 – Mr. Deeds Goes to Town
Gregory La CavaMy Man Godfrey
Robert Z. LeonardThe Great Ziegfeld
W. S. Van DykeSan Francisco
William WylerDodsworth
1937 Leo McCarey
 – The Awful Truth
William DieterleThe Life of Emile Zola
Sidney FranklinThe Good Earth
Gregory La CavaStage Door
William A. WellmanA Star Is Born
1938   Frank Capra
 – You Can't Take It with You
Michael CurtizAngels with Dirty Faces
Michael CurtizFour Daughters
Norman TaurogBoys Town
King VidorThe Citadel
1939   Victor Fleming
 – Gone with the Wind
Frank CapraMr. Smith Goes to Washington
John FordStagecoach
Sam WoodGoodbye, Mr. Chips
William WylerWuthering Heights

Anii 1940

Câștigător Nominalizați
1940   John Ford
 – The Grapes of Wrath
George CukorThe Philadelphia Story
Alfred HitchcockRebecca
Sam WoodKitty Foyle
William WylerThe Letter
1941   John Ford
 – How Green Was My Valley
Alexander HallHere Comes Mr. Jordan
Howard HawksSergeant York
Orson WellesCitizen Kane
William WylerThe Little Foxes
1942   William Wyler
 – Mrs. Miniver
Michael CurtizYankee Doodle Dandy
John FarrowWake Island
Mervyn LeRoyRandom Harvest
Sam WoodKings Row
1943   Michael Curtiz
 – Casablanca
Clarence BrownThe Human Comedy
Henry KingThe Song of Bernadette
Ernst LubitschHeaven Can Wait
George StevensThe More the Merrier
1944 Leo McCarey
 – Going My Way
Alfred HitchcockLifeboat
Henry KingWilson
Otto PremingerLaura
Billy WilderDouble Indemnity
1945   Billy Wilder
 – The Lost Weekend
Clarence BrownNational Velvet
Alfred HitchcockSpellbound
Leo McCareyThe Bells of St. Mary's
Jean RenoirThe Southerner
1946   William Wyler
 – The Best Years of Our Lives
Clarence BrownThe Yearling
Frank CapraIt's a Wonderful Life
David LeanBrief Encounter
Robert SiodmakThe Killers
1947   Elia Kazan
 – Gentleman's Agreement
George CukorA Double Life
Edward DmytrykCrossfire
Henry KosterThe Bishop's Wife
David LeanGreat Expectations
1948   John Huston
 – The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Anatole LitvakThe Snake Pit
Jean NegulescoJohnny Belinda
Laurence OlivierHamlet
Fred ZinnemannThe Search
1949   Joseph L. Mankiewicz
 – A Letter to Three Wives
Carol ReedThe Fallen Idol
Robert RossenAll the King's Men
William A. WellmanBattleground
William WylerThe Heiress

Anii 1950

Câștigător Nominalizați
1950   Joseph L. Mankiewicz
 – All About Eve
George CukorBorn Yesterday
John HustonThe Asphalt Jungle
Carol ReedThe Third Man
Billy WilderSunset Boulevard
1951   George Stevens
 – A Place in the Sun
John HustonThe African Queen
Elia KazanA Streetcar Named Desire
Vincente MinnelliAn American in Paris
William WylerDetective Story
1952   John Ford
 – The Quiet Man
Cecil B. DeMilleThe Greatest Show on Earth
John HustonMoulin Rouge
Joseph L. Mankiewicz5 Fingers
Fred ZinnemannHigh Noon
1953   Fred Zinnemann
 – From Here to Eternity
George StevensShane
Charles WaltersLili
Billy WilderStalag 17
William WylerRoman Holiday
1954   Elia Kazan
 – On the Waterfront
Alfred HitchcockRear Window
George SeatonThe Country Girl
William A. WellmanThe High and the Mighty
Billy WilderSabrina
1955 Delbert Mann
 – Marty
Elia KazanEast of Eden
David LeanSummertime
Joshua LoganPicnic
John SturgesBad Day at Black Rock
1956   George Stevens
 – Giant
Michael AndersonAround the World in 80 Days
Walter LangThe King and I
King VidorWar and Peace
William WylerFriendly Persuasion
1957   David Lean
 – The Bridge on the River Kwai
Joshua LoganSayonara
Sidney Lumet12 Angry Men
Mark RobsonPeyton Place
Billy WilderWitness for the Prosecution
1958 Vincente Minnelli
 – Gigi
Richard BrooksCat on a Hot Tin Roof
Stanley KramerThe Defiant Ones
Mark RobsonThe Inn of the Sixth Happiness
Robert WiseI Want to Live!
1959   William Wyler
 – Ben-Hur
Jack ClaytonRoom at the Top
George StevensThe Diary of Anne Frank
Billy WilderSome Like It Hot
Fred ZinnemannThe Nun's Story

Anii 1960

Câștigător Nominalizați
1960   Billy Wilder
 – The Apartment
Jack CardiffSons and Lovers
Jules DassinNever on Sunday
Alfred HitchcockPsycho
Fred ZinnemannThe Sundowners
Robert Wise și Jerome Robbins
 – West Side Story
Federico FelliniLa Dolce Vita
Stanley KramerJudgment at Nuremberg
Robert RossenThe Hustler
J. Lee ThompsonThe Guns of Navarone
1962   David Lean
 – Lawrence of Arabia
Pietro GermiDivorce, Italian Style
Robert MulliganTo Kill a Mockingbird
Arthur PennThe Miracle Worker
Frank PerryDavid and Lisa
1963 Tony Richardson
 – Tom Jones
Federico Fellini
Elia KazanAmerica, America
Otto PremingerThe Cardinal
Martin RittHud
1964   George Cukor
 – My Fair Lady
Michael CacoyannisZorba the Greek
Peter GlenvilleBecket
Stanley KubrickDr. Strangelove
Robert StevensonMary Poppins
1965   Robert Wise
 – The Sound of Music
David LeanDoctor Zhivago
John SchlesingerDarling
Hiroshi TeshigaharaFemeia nisipurilor
William WylerThe Collector
1966   Fred Zinnemann
 – Un om pentru eternitate
Michelangelo AntonioniBlowup
Richard BrooksThe Professionals
Claude LelouchA Man and a Woman
Mike NicholsWho's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?
1967 Mike Nichols
 – The Graduate
Richard BrooksIn Cold Blood
Norman JewisonIn the Heat of the Night
Stanley KramerGuess Who's Coming to Dinner
Arthur PennBonnie and Clyde
1968 Carol Reed
 – Oliver!
Anthony HarveyThe Lion in Winter
Stanley Kubrick2001: A Space Odyssey
Gillo PontecorvoThe Battle of Algiers
Franco ZeffirelliRomeo and Juliet
1969 John Schlesinger
 – Midnight Cowboy
Costa GavrasZ
George Roy HillButch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Arthur PennAlice's Restaurant
Sydney PollackThey Shoot Horses, Don't They?

Anii 1970

Câștigător Nominalizați
1970   Franklin J. Schaffner
 – Patton
Robert AltmanMASH
Federico FelliniSatyricon
Arthur HillerLove Story
Ken RussellWomen in Love
1971   William Friedkin
 – The French Connection
Peter BogdanovichThe Last Picture Show
Norman JewisonFiddler on the Roof
Stanley KubrickA Clockwork Orange
John SchlesingerSunday Bloody Sunday
1972   Bob Fosse
 – Cabaret
John BoormanDeliverance
Francis Ford CoppolaThe Godfather
Joseph L. MankiewiczSleuth
Jan TroellThe Emigrants
1973 George Roy Hill
 – The Sting
Ingmar BergmanCries and Whispers
Bernardo Bertolucci - Last Tango in Paris
William Friedkin - The Exorcist
George LucasAmerican Graffiti
1974   Francis Ford Coppola
 – The Godfather Part II
John CassavetesA Woman Under the Influence
Bob FosseLenny
Roman PolanskiChinatown
François TruffautDay for Night
1975   Miloš Forman
 – One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest
Robert AltmanNashville
Federico FelliniAmarcord
Stanley KubrickBarry Lyndon
Sidney LumetDog Day Afternoon
1976 John G. Avildsen
 – Rocky
Ingmar BergmanFace to Face
Sidney LumetNetwork
Alan J. PakulaAll the President's Men
Lina WertmüllerSeven Beauties
1977   Woody Allen
 – Annie Hall
George LucasStar Wars
Herbert RossThe Turning Point
Steven SpielbergClose Encounters of the Third Kind
Fred ZinnemannJulia
1978 Michael Cimino
 – The Deer Hunter
Woody AllenInteriors
Hal AshbyComing Home
Warren Beatty & Buck HenryHeaven Can Wait
Alan ParkerMidnight Express
1979 Robert Benton
 – Kramer vs. Kramer
Francis Ford CoppolaApocalypse Now
Bob FosseAll That Jazz
Édouard MolinaroLa Cage aux Folles
Peter YatesBreaking Away

Anii 1980

Câștigător Nominalizați
1980   Robert Redford
 – Ordinary People
David LynchThe Elephant Man
Roman PolanskiTess
Richard RushThe Stunt Man
Martin ScorseseRaging Bull
1981   Warren Beatty
 – Reds
Hugh HudsonChariots of Fire
Louis MalleAtlantic City
Mark RydellOn Golden Pond
Steven SpielbergRaiders of the Lost Ark
1982   Richard Attenborough
 – Gandhi
Sidney LumetThe Verdict
Wolfgang PetersenDas Boot
Sydney PollackTootsie
Steven SpielbergE.T. the Extra-Terrestrial
1983   James L. Brooks
 – Terms of Endearment
Bruce BeresfordTender Mercies
Ingmar BergmanFanny and Alexander
Mike NicholsSilkwood
Peter YatesThe Dresser
1984   Miloš Forman
 – Amadeus
Woody AllenBroadway Danny Rose
Robert BentonPlaces in the Heart
Roland JofféThe Killing Fields
David LeanA Passage to India
1985   Sydney Pollack
 – Out of Africa
Héctor BabencoKiss of the Spider Woman
John HustonPrizzi's Honor
Akira KurosawaRan
Peter WeirWitness
1986   Oliver Stone
 – Platoon
Woody AllenHannah and Her Sisters
James IvoryA Room with a View
Roland JofféThe Mission
David LynchBlue Velvet
1987   Bernardo Bertolucci
 – The Last Emperor
John BoormanHope and Glory
Lasse HallströmMy Life as a Dog
Norman JewisonMoonstruck
Adrian LyneFatal Attraction
1988   Barry Levinson
 – Rain Man
Charles CrichtonA Fish Called Wanda
Mike NicholsWorking Girl
Alan ParkerMississippi Burning
Martin ScorseseThe Last Temptation of Christ
1989   Oliver Stone
 – Born on the Fourth of July
Woody AllenCrimes and Misdemeanors
Kenneth BranaghHenry V
Jim SheridanMy Left Foot
Peter WeirDead Poets Society

Anii 1990

Câștigător Nominalizați
1990   Kevin Costner
 – Dances with Wolves
Francis Ford CoppolaThe Godfather Part III
Stephen FrearsThe Grifters
Barbet SchroederReversal of Fortune
Martin ScorseseGoodfellas
1991   Jonathan Demme
 – The Silence of the Lambs
Barry LevinsonBugsy
Ridley ScottThelma & Louise
John SingletonBoyz n the Hood
Oliver StoneJFK
1992   Clint Eastwood
 – Unforgiven
Robert AltmanThe Player
Martin BrestScent of a Woman
James IvoryHowards End
Neil JordanThe Crying Game
1993   Steven Spielberg
 – Schindler's List
Robert AltmanShort Cuts
Jane CampionThe Piano
James IvoryThe Remains of the Day
Jim SheridanIn the Name of the Father
1994   Robert Zemeckis
 – Forrest Gump
Woody AllenBullets Over Broadway
Krzysztof KieślowskiThree Colors: Red
Robert RedfordQuiz Show
Quentin TarantinoPulp Fiction
1995   Mel Gibson
 – Braveheart
Mike FiggisLeaving Las Vegas
Chris NoonanBabe
Michael RadfordIl Postino
Tim RobbinsDead Man Walking
1996 Anthony Minghella
 – The English Patient
Joel CoenFargo
Miloš FormanThe People vs. Larry Flynt
Scott HicksShine
Mike LeighSecrets & Lies
1997   James Cameron
 – Titanic
Peter CattaneoThe Full Monty
Atom EgoyanThe Sweet Hereafter
Curtis HansonL.A. Confidential
Gus Van SantGood Will Hunting
1998   Steven Spielberg
 – Saving Private Ryan
Roberto BenigniLife Is Beautiful
John MaddenShakespeare in Love
Terrence MalickThe Thin Red Line
Peter WeirThe Truman Show
1999   Sam Mendes
 – American Beauty
Lasse HallströmThe Cider House Rules
Spike JonzeBeing John Malkovich
Michael MannThe Insider
M. Night ShyamalanThe Sixth Sense

Anii 2000

Câștigător Nominalizați
2000   Steven Soderbergh
 – Traffic
Stephen DaldryBilly Elliot
Ang LeeCrouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
Ridley ScottGladiator
Steven SoderberghErin Brockovich
2001   Ron Howard
 – A Beautiful Mind
Robert AltmanGosford Park
Peter JacksonThe Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
David LynchMulholland Drive
Ridley ScottBlack Hawk Down
2002   Roman Polanski
 – The Pianist
Pedro AlmodóvarTalk to Her
Stephen DaldryThe Hours
Rob MarshallChicago
Martin ScorseseGangs of New York
2003   Peter Jackson
 – The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King
Sofia CoppolaLost in Translation
Clint EastwoodMystic River
Fernando MeirellesCity of God
Peter WeirMaster and Commander: The Far Side of the World
2004   Clint Eastwood
 – Million Dollar Baby
Taylor HackfordRay
Mike LeighVera Drake
Alexander PayneSideways
Martin ScorseseThe Aviator
2005   Ang Lee
 – Brokeback Mountain
George ClooneyGood Night, and Good Luck.
Paul HaggisCrash
Bennett MillerCapote
Steven SpielbergMunich
2006   Martin Scorsese
 – The Departed
Clint EastwoodLetters from Iwo Jima
Stephen FrearsThe Queen
Alejandro González IñárrituBabel
Paul GreengrassUnited 93
2007   Ethan & Joel Coen
 – No Country for Old Men
Paul Thomas AndersonThere Will Be Blood
Tony GilroyMichael Clayton
Jason ReitmanJuno
Julian SchnabelThe Diving Bell and the Butterfly
2008   Danny Boyle
 – Slumdog Millionaire
Stephen DaldryThe Reader
David FincherThe Curious Case of Benjamin Button
Ron HowardFrost/Nixon
Gus Van SantMilk
2009   Kathryn Bigelow
 – The Hurt Locker
James CameronAvatar
Lee DanielsPrecious: Based on the Novel "Push" by Sapphire
Jason ReitmanUp in the Air
Quentin TarantinoInglourious Basterds

Anii 2010

Câștigător Nominalizați
2010   Tom Hooper
 – The King's Speech
Darren AronofskyBlack Swan
Ethan & Joel CoenTrue Grit
David FincherThe Social Network
David O. RussellThe Fighter
2011   Michel Hazanavicius
 – The Artist
Woody AllenMidnight in Paris
Terrence MalickThe Tree of Life
Alexander PayneThe Descendants
Martin ScorseseHugo
2012   Ang Lee
 – Life of Pi
Michael HanekeAmour
David O. RussellSilver Linings Playbook
Steven SpielbergLincoln
Benh ZeitlinBeasts of the Southern Wild
2013   Alfonso Cuarón
 – Gravity
Steve McQueen12 Years a Slave
Alexander PayneNebraska
David O. RussellAmerican Hustle
Martin ScorseseThe Wolf of Wall Street
2014   Alejandro González Iñárritu
 – Birdman
Wes AndersonThe Grand Budapest Hotel
Richard LinklaterBoyhood
Bennett MillerFoxcatcher
Morten TyldumThe Imitation Game
2015   Alejandro González Iñárritu
 – The Revenant
Lenny AbrahamsonRoom
Tom McCarthySpotlight
Adam McKayThe Big Short
George MillerMad Max: Fury Road
2016   Damien Chazelle
 – La La Land
Mel GibsonHacksaw Ridge
Barry JenkinsMoonlight
Kenneth LonerganManchester by the Sea
Denis VilleneuveArrival
2017   Guillermo del Toro
 – The Shape of Water
Paul Thomas AndersonPhantom Thread
Greta GerwigLady Bird
Christopher NolanDunkirk
Jordan PeeleGet Out
2018   Alfonso Cuarón
 – Roma
Yorgos LanthimosThe Favourite
Spike LeeBlacKkKlansman
Adam McKayVice
Paweł PawlikowskiCold War
2019   Bong Joon-ho
 – Parasite
Sam Mendes1917
Todd PhillipsJoker
Martin ScorseseThe Irishman
Quentin TarantinoOnce Upon a Time in Hollywood

Anii 2020

Câștigător Nominalizați
2020/21   Chloé Zhao
 – Nomadland
Lee Isaac ChungMinari
Emerald FennellPromising Young Woman
David FincherMank
Thomas VinterbergAnother Round
2021   Jane Campion
 – The Power of the Dog
Paul Thomas AndersonLicorice Pizza
Kenneth BranaghBelfast
Ryusuke HamaguchiDrive My Car
Steven SpielbergWest Side Story
2022   Daniel Kwan și Daniel Scheinert
 – Orice, oriunde, oricând
Todd FieldTár
Martin McDonaghSpiritele din Inisherin
Ruben ÖstlundTriunghiul tristeții
Steven SpielbergThe Fabelmans
2023   Christopher Nolan
 – Oppenheimer
Jonathan GlazerZona de interes
Yorgos LanthimosSărmane creaturi
Martin ScorseseCrimele din Osage County. Bani însângerați
Justine TrietAnatomia unei prăbușiri

Nominalizări multiple


Următorii 94 de regizori au primit nominalizări multiple la categoria "Cel mai bun regizor". Lista este sortată după numărul total de premii (cu numărul total de nominalizări scris în paranteză).

  1. ^ Dirks, Tim. „1927–28 Academy Awards Winners”. Rainbow Media. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în . 
  2. ^ Dirks, Tim. „Academy Awards Winners (1927/8 – 1939)”. Rainbow Media. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în . 
  3. ^ „87th Annual Academy Awards of Merit Rules” (PDF). Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. Rule 5.5 & Rule 10. Arhivat din original (PDF) la . Accesat în . 
  4. ^ Pond, Steve (). „Eight things every voter (and fan) should know about Oscar's decidedly unique nomination process”. Los Angeles Times. Arhivat din original la . Accesat în . 
  5. ^ Young, John (). „Oscars: The wacky way the Academy counts votes, and the results of our 'If You Were an Oscar Voter' poll”. Entertainment Weekly. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în . 
  6. ^ Dirks, Tim. „1927–28 Academy Awards Winners”. Rainbow Media. Arhivat din originalul de la . Accesat în .