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Tech News: 2025-06
modificareLatest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Updates for editors
- Editors who use the "Special characters" editing-toolbar menu can now see the 32 special characters you have used most recently, across editing sessions on that wiki. This change should help make it easier to find the characters you use most often. The feature is in both the 2010 wikitext editor and VisualEditor. [1]
- Editors using the 2010 wikitext editor can now create sublists with correct indentation by selecting the line(s) you want to indent and then clicking the toolbar buttons.[2] You can now also insert
tags using a new toolbar button.[3] Thanks to user stjn for these improvements. - Help is needed to ensure the citation generator works properly on each wiki.
- (1) Administrators should update the local versions of the page
to include entries forpreprint
, anddataset
; Here are example diffs to replicate for 'preprint' and for 'standard' and 'dataset'. - (2.1) If the citoid map in the citation template used for these types of references is missing, one will need to be added. (2.2) If the citoid map does exist, the TemplateData will need to be updated to include new field names. Here are example updates for 'preprint' and for 'standard' and 'dataset'. The new fields that may need to be supported are
, andversionNumber
. [4]
- (1) Administrators should update the local versions of the page
- One new wiki has been created: a Wikipedia in Central Kanuri (
) [5] - View all 27 community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, the OCR (optical character recognition) tool used for Wikisource now supports a new language, Church Slavonic. [6]
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
Întrebare de la AngieStan (6 februarie 2025 13:50)
modificareBună ziua, am adăugat pentru prima dată o pagină, Mircea Lerian. Am primit câteva atenționări pe care nu știu cum să le rezolv. De fapt, între timp, am mai corectat câte ceva, dar atenționarea nu dispare. --AngieStan (discuție) 6 februarie 2025 13:50 (EET)
- Am mai făcut eu niște modificări articolului, vă rog să vedeți ce s-a schimbat. Wikizarea se referă la respectarea manualului de stil. Avertismentele nu dispar automat, ele trebuie scoase manual. Când credeți că ați rezolvat o problemă, cereți (printr-un mesaj în pagina de discuții) utilizatorului care a introdus eticheta să o și scoată. Strainu (دسستي) 6 februarie 2025 14:24 (EET)
Dark mode - schimbări recente
modificareSalutare! La Schimbări recente, pe fundalul întunecat, atunci când nu este selectată gruparea rezultatelor după pagină, jurnalul apare cam așa. Acest lucru se cauzează proprietăților de la MediaWiki:Common.css, mai exact cele de la liniile 1122-1127. Soluția este ca .mw-line-even
să aibă background-color: var(--background-color-neutral-subtle, #f0f0f0);
, iar .mw-line-odd
poate fi scoasă complet întrucât este inutilă (culoare albă pe fundal alb...). Mulțumesc. — Valentin JJ. 8 februarie 2025 15:27 (EET)
- Am făcut modificarea, dar în modul luminos e aproape invizibilă diferența... Ce alte variabile mai sunt? Strainu (دسستي) 8 februarie 2025 19:37 (EET)
var(--background-color-neutral, #f0f0f0)
ar fi o altă soluție. — Valentin JJ. 9 februarie 2025 10:37 (EET)- Parr mai bine, mulțumesc! Strainu (دسستي) 10 februarie 2025 09:03 (EET)
Și ăsta trebuie protejat.--Țetcu Mircea Rareș 8 februarie 2025 22:26 (EET)
Wikidata weekly summary #666
modificareweek leading up to 2025-02-10. Missed the previous one? See issue #665
- New requests for permissions/Bot:
- TiagoLubianaBot 5 - Task(s): Add image or reference illustration based on categories for botanical illustrations on Wikimedia Commons. Only add when only 1 or 2 files in category.
- Sapper Bot - Task(s): Daily updates the Sea of Galilee's elevation above sea level based on official government data.
- Closed request for permissions/Bot: MangadexBot - Task(s): add metadata from mangadex to manga with Mangadex manga ID - closed as relevant Property has been deprecated and marked for deletion.
- Upcoming events:
- Data Reuse Days, starting on February 18th. Check out the program and don't forget to register on wiki to receive the access link.
- Whose (Wiki)Data is it anyway? - Ethics & Consent when cataloguing people, places and things. An on-site Library workshop of the Toronto Metropolitan University, February 12, 1200 - 1600 EST (UTC-5).
- Comics Edit-A-Thon for Black History month, hosted by the Center for Research Data and Digital Scholarship of the University of Colorado (onsite only & registration required). February 12, 1300 - 1500 MST (UTC-7).
Press, articles, blog posts, videos
- Blogs
- Making SPARQL more accessible: Daniel Motz's bachelor's thesis on visual query graphs, check out their project in Tool of the Week
- GLAM Rockers: an interview with the creators of GLAMorous Europe - Anne Mühlich and Gerd Müller speak about their project GLAMorous Europe which uses Wikidata to enrich the digital art collection.
- Preserving Community History with Wikibase - Tan Li Qi of MyCommunity, a Singaporean nonprofit dedicated to preserving the stories of everyday people by documenting community narratives, social memories, and local heritage.
- Wikidata Edit-A-Thon for Black Teacher archive by the Harvard Library University. A write-up of the event which saw more than 400 items edited.
- Project Chat - join the discussion
Tool of the week
- Query by Graph - build a SPARQL query using drag'n'drop visual elements. This is an interesting tool that provides another way to approach building SPARQL queries, especially for those that find the Query builder or raw SPARQL unintuitive or complex.
- CivData - "Cividata makes the diverse world of non-profit organizations visible. As a volunteer project, Cividata provides a comprehensive overview of non-profit organizations worldwide, based on data from Wikipedia's sister project Wikidata."
Other Noteworthy Stuff
- Creation of the interim Global Resource Distribution Committee - Call for candidates ends February 25, midnight (AOE).
The interim GDRC is being established to oversee and adjust resource distribution for the Community Fund, aligning with the movement's evolving needs. Currently open to applications from candidates with experience in grantmaking, budgeting and knowledge of Wikimedia's grant types. Further information on the role and how to apply can be found on the GDRC Meta page - Curationist seeks Digital Archivist - Curationist, a free online resource for cultural heritage seeks a part-time archiver who can navigate Wikidata, SPARQL and create metadata and support writers.
- For the upcoming Wikidata and Research conference in July, the list of accepted papers has been posted.
Newest properties and property proposals to review
- Newest properties:
- General datatypes:
- entry height (height of the entrance above ground level for boarding vehicles)
- number of shading units (number of shading units in a graphics processing unit (GPU))
- romantic orientation (pattern of romantic attraction of this person or fictional character — use ONLY IF they have stated it themselves, unambiguously, or it has been widely agreed upon by historians after their death)
- location code (the location code of the location (please use more specific property if available))
- directs readers to (document or class of documents to which this item or class directs readers)
- External identifiers: Franceinfo journalist ID, Hankook Ilbo tag ID, Cinema Belgica person ID, Cinema Belgica venue ID, Ukrainian Association of Football match ID, Rijksmuseum ID, Cinema Belgica film ID, Danbooru tag, Russian Football National League player ID, Database of Canada's Early Women Writers ID, taz ID, Roman Inscriptions of Britain Online ID, Répertoire du patrimoine bâti de Québec ID, Game Jolt username, Kvikmyndavefurinn work ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn person ID, EHIS educational institution ID, WSGF game ID, Kvikmyndavefurinn company ID, Museum Data Service museum ID, HonestGamers game ID, Pappers executive ID, Islamic Philosophy ID, L'Humanité topic ID, Kamus Dewan Edisi Tiga ID, Izvestia topic ID, Presisov večjezični slovar ID, Zvuk release ID, Mille ans de littérature d'oc author ID, ID, HCERES expert ID, Registre national des gels ID, A Dictionary of Geology and Earth Sciences entry ID, DGLAi ID, Finnish Olympic Committee athlete ID, Cinema Belgica company ID, RPG Maker game ID (archived), Chinese Church and Organization Dictionary ID, Letterboxd studio ID, Biblioteca Italiana work ID, A Dictionary of Cultural Anthropology entry ID, A Dictionary of Geography entry ID, A Dictionary of Sociology entry ID, Jeune Afrique person ID, Dictionary of Late Antiquity ID, University of Pécs Almanac ID, TERMCAT term ID
- General datatypes:
- New property proposals to review:
- General datatypes:
- nomenclatural type of (taxon item of which this item is the taxonomic type (name-bearing type), e.g. the family for which this genus is the type, the genus for which this species is the type, the taxon for which this type specimen is the type, ect...)
- DVD region code (DVD release is restricted to region code)
- Archaeological National Register code (identifier of elements of the National archaeological register of Moldova)
- presented works (works of art performed, displayed or presented at a given event)
- identifiant REGAFI ()
- Maximum beam energy (Maximum beam energy of a particle accelerator)
- name starts with (The name that this qualifies, the full contents of which are unknown, is known to start with these characters.)
- духовный сан (formal styles of address used for members of the clergy)
- A2B2 user ID (User ID on
- Source language (headword languge of dictionary)
- DIF historia player ID (Identifier for a sportsperson connected to Djurgårdens IF on (official site))
- number of texture mapping units (number of texture mapping units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of render output units (number of render output units in a graphics processing unit)
- number of ray tracing cores (number of ray tracing cores in a graphics processing unit)
- Bibliography for subject (Wikidata property on this item providing a link to a bibliography about the subject that is a good starting point.)
- likes / dislikes (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- number of goals scored in penalty shootouts (total number of goals scored by a team in a penalty shootout)
- broadcasting days and time (days of the week in which a TV or radio program is broadcasted)
- reverse compound (compound where the parts are reversed)
- cognate-citation (lexeme with with the same etymological origin and where a source supports it.)
- Instrument de recherche (inventaire) ({{Translate this | fr = <!-- | xx = descriptions dans d'autres langues --> }})
- Instrument de recherche (document containing detailed information about a specific collection of papers or records within an archive)
- Ratsinformationssystem (Link to the council information system of the municipality)
- name with acutes (item name with acute accents showing stressed vowels)
- doors open on the… / exit train on the… (side of the train where the doors open at this station or only side where this vehicle has doors)
- items classified (class of items that this classification system classifies (aliases: items categorized {{!}} classifies {{!}} categorizes))
- reason not to be used with instances of (clarification for why P31 (instance of) can not be used with this property)
- dislikes of fictional character (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- AI-generated media prompt (exact prompt that was used to generate an AI-generated media)
- Text-to-image software used for creation (software that was used to create this media or work)
- Lemmy instance URL (the Lemmy instance of/about the subject)
- reason for event cancellation (circumstances leading to the cancellation of the event)
- stylized title (''(no English description proposed yet)'')
- RAM capacity (amount of volatile random-access memory (RAM) modules used by this device)
- VRAM capacity (amount of dual-ported video RAM (VRAM) modules used by this device)
- nombre anterior (Former official name used by an entity, organization, place, or object.)
- earliest start date (earliest start date)
- model number (Identifier for a product model)
- Nation Ranking (primary) and Nation Ranking (secondary) (Nation Ranking (primary))
- has license (licenses the subject have)
- representing sports team (a sports team or club representing this organisation or geographic area)
- External identifiers: Algeria Press Service tag ID (French), Algeria Press Service tag ID (English), Algeria Press Service tag ID (Arabic), Ech-Chaab tag ID, Shamela Algeria person ID, enterprise number (Germany), Ohio University ArchivesSpace Subject ID, Progetto Euploos ID, DataGov dataset, ERR keyword ID, Ohio University ArchivesSpace Agent ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage site ID, Inventory of Natural Heritage tree ID, Spanish-German Dictionary ID, Canadian Writing Research Collaboratory ID, ID, Cinema Belgica censorship ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) ID, SOIUSA code, track ID, page ID, RateMyProfessors ID, PubMed author ID, ID, Bluepages article ID, Archaeological Cadastre (Greece) info ID, Wikishia item ID, Bertsolaritzaren Datu Basea ID, Euronews topic ID (English), Euronews topic ID (French), Euronews topic ID (Spanish), Euronews topic ID (Arabic), Unine thesis id, Enpedia ID, Dizionario Biografico della Calabria Contemporanea ID, Bahamut Animation Crazy Serial Number, Team Norway profile ID (new), NOC of Belarus champion ID (new), JOC profile ID (new), RFI topic ID (French), RFI topic ID (English), RFI topic ID (Spanish), EJU profile ID, ROAR id, CPB profile ID, U.S. Soccer player ID, Celfic FC player ID, Sutian entry ID, wikiHow article ID, Graceful17 ID, IATI Organisation Identifier, Suno artist ID, VAi Archiefhub Agent ID, Soccerbase season ID, PlaymakerStats season ID, football match ID, Eurosport person ID, Newsweek topic ID, New York Post topic ID, RaiPlay Sound IDs, DDLC entry ID, substance ID, Yahoo Knowledge Graph ID, Biographical Dictionary of Republican China (X-Boorman) ID, Modern China Biographical Database ID, Chinese Engineers Relational Database ID, BGSU Historical Collections of the Great Lakes vessel ID, booru tag, game ID, Iowa State University Library Vocabularies ID, MikuWiki article ID, JSR package, Storytel author ID, person ID, Amazon Music track ID, National Trust Heritage Records ID, Toonopedia ID, Oorlogsbronnen-identifier, CPC Zone game ID, Patristic Text Archive, identifiant d'une œuvre au MACM, game ID, Identifiant d'une personne sur le site du musée du diocèse de Lyon, Número de Identificación Tributaria, Hiking Note trail identifier, Hiking Note mountain identifier, Video Game History Foundation Library, Yandex Music track ID, PromoDJ track ID, Jamendo track ID, Know Your Meme slug, CriticDB IDs, Euronews topic ID, RFI topic ID, Algeria Press Service topic ID, Hiking Note chalet identifier, Encyclopedia of Marxism ID, Helden van het Verzet person ID, Records of Early English Drama ID, The New Yorker topic ID, top50, player ID, player ID, LEMAC ID, Rate Your Music music video ID, Rate Your Music release issue ID, Nonbinary Wiki id, football match ID, LEMAV ID, AllGame game ID, Repertorium kleine politieke partijen 1918-1967 (Partij), TechRaptor IDs, Kompass company ID, GPU ID, PCPartPicker hardware ID, Wine AppDB ID developer ID, Memoria Chilena ID, The Soka Gakkai Dictionary of Buddhism ID
- General datatypes:
You can comment on all open property proposals!
Did you know?
- Query examples:
- Newest WikiProjects:
- Events and Role Frames - the goal is to enhance Wikidata’s representation of lexemes by linking lexeme senses to PropBank role sets.
- List of Canadian doctors (WikiProject Medicine)
- Newest database reports: List of most used Properties
- Showcase Items: Newton's parakeet (Q634873) - extinct species of bird
- Showcase Lexemes:kuchapa (L1328922) - Swahili noun that can mean "photographic print", "print", "printer", "act of typing" or an "publishing."
- Search in the UI: We continued the work on adding a search UI that lets you search in Properties, Lexemes and EntitySchemas more easily (phab:T338483)
- Search in the API: We are continuing our work on search in the REST API (phab:T383126)
You can see all open tickets related to Wikidata here. If you want to help, you can also have a look at the tasks needing a volunteer.
Weekly Tasks
- Add labels, in your own language(s), for the new properties listed above.
- Contribute to the showcase Item and Lexeme above.
- Govdirectory weekly focus country: Nigeria
- Summarize your WikiProject's ongoing activities in one or two sentences.
- Help translate or proofread the interface and documentation pages, in your own language!
- Help merge identical items across Wikimedia projects.
- Help write the next summary!
Tech News: 2025-07
modificareLatest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Weekly highlight
- The Product and Technology Advisory Council (PTAC) has published a draft of their recommendations for the Wikimedia Foundation's Product and Technology department. They have recommended focusing on mobile experiences, particularly contributions. They request community feedback at the talk page by 21 February.
Updates for editors
- The "Special pages" portlet link will be moved from the "Toolbox" into the "Navigation" section of the main menu's sidebar by default. This change is because the Toolbox is intended for tools relating to the current page, not tools relating to the site, so the link will be more logically and consistently located. To modify this behavior and update CSS styling, administrators can follow the instructions at T385346. [7]
- As part of this year's work around improving the ways readers discover content on the wikis, the Web team will be running an experiment with a small number of readers that displays some suggestions for related or interesting articles within the search bar. Please check out the project page for more information.
- Template editors who use TemplateStyles can now customize output for users with specific accessibility needs by using accessibility related media queries (
, andforced-colors
). Thanks to user Bawolff for these improvements. [8] - View all 22 community-submitted tasks that were resolved last week. For example, the global blocks log will now be shown directly on the Special:Autentificare centrală page, similarly to global locks, to simplify the workflows for stewards. [9]
Updates for technical contributors
- Wikidata now supports a special language as a "default for all languages" for labels and aliases. This is to avoid excessive duplication of the same information across many languages. If your Wikidata queries use labels, you may need to update them as some existing labels are getting removed. [10]
- The function
was invoked on every Wiki page read and accounts for ~2.5% of a page's total load time. The calculated value will now be cached, reducing load on Wikimedia servers. [11] - As part of the RESTBase deprecation effort, the
endpoint has been blocked as of February 6, 2025, and will be removed soon. This timeline was chosen to align with the deprecation schedules for older Android and iOS versions. The stable alternative is the "morelike
" action API in MediaWiki, and a migration example is available. The MediaWiki Interfaces team can be contacted for any questions. [12]
In depth
- The latest quarterly Language and Internationalization newsletter is available. It includes: Updates about the "Contribute" menu; details on some of the newest language editions of Wikipedia; details on new languages supported by the MediaWiki interface; updates on the Community-defined lists feature; and more.
- The latest Chart Project newsletter is available. It includes updates on the progress towards bringing better visibility into global charts usage and support for categorizing pages in the Data namespace on Commons.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.